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Trout or salmon - which is better? Trout or salmon: how to distinguish
Very often in the supermarket the buyer can not decide the question: "Trout or salmon - which is better?" Initially, it should be noted that in all the red fish in large quantities Omega-3 fatty acids are found, which are rare in the diet, but their value for the organism is priceless. This substance, entering the body in the appropriate amounts, has a positive effect on the level of cholesterol in the blood, which makes the blood vessels more elastic and firm throughout their entire length.
Red fish
In the history there is information that a few centuries ago, red fish, because of its large spread in nature, were eaten only by the lower estates, who do not have a livelihood. But now the situation has radically changed. The salmon population has become ten times smaller, the prices for red fish are growing. Therefore, not everyone has enough money for such a delicacy. But the red fish: salmon, trout - is a wonderful and tasty addition to any festive table.
Salmon is the most expensive fish, while trout and salmon have become very popular and spread in the markets. But the prices are still different: trout is estimated somewhat cheaper, salmon is more expensive. Therefore it is important to be aware of the characteristics of each fish. It is necessary to know the difference between salmon and trout. It is necessary to clearly understand what the money goes to. And do not fall prey to scammers who often give out one fish for another.
In order to fully understand what distinguishes salmon from trout, you need only once to turn to sources that give a detailed description of each species of salmon. Then the problem of choice will be solved once and for all.
Color and size of salmon
Salmon is also a very beautiful fish. It has a gray color with a silvery outflow. At the same time on the body of the fish there are many dark small spots. By weight, females predominate over males. Female individuals grow to fifteen kilograms, while males can have a maximum of ten kilograms of weight. The length of the body of the fish also varies considerably.
The color of the meat of the salmon can vary from bright red to pink. It all depends on what stage the fish caught in the network. Experts advise you to catch salmon before it goes into the river to spawn. It is best to hunt this fish three weeks before this event. During the spawning of caviar, salmon meat not only changes its color, at this time its nutritional value also decreases.
Catching salmon
The process of catching this red fish is quite difficult and different from the usual fishing. The complexity of the process lies in several points. First you need to determine where the cant be located . Then you need to choose the right trolley. If you make a mistake, the fish will not peck.
After solving the preparatory questions, you can start fishing. Even if the fish bite, then pull it is not so simple. Dimensions of salmon are impressive. Sometimes she takes a fisherman for hours. She does not hurry to get to him on the hook. If you ask experienced fishermen: "Trout or salmon, which is better?", The most fanatical of them will certainly choose a salmon. And for that there are reasons.
Composition of salmon meat
It should also be emphasized that the distribution of fat on meat is almost uniform, which is an important fact and determines the great value of this fish species in comparison with others. Moreover, a good landlady must necessarily know that it is greener - trout or salmon, since there are many situations in which this can be of great importance.
Under the influence of heat treatment, the color of the meat does not change much, only the shade becomes slightly lighter.
Usually, preference is given to slightly salted or smoked fish fillets. Delicious salmon of weak salting retains practically all its useful substances. They, acting in the body in an unchanged form, have tremendous health benefits. Salmon meat contains pyridoxine, vitamins A, B 12 , D, nicotinic acid, Omega-3.
The above substances are of great value to the human body. If you eat salmon regularly, then changes for the better can not be overlooked. Improves the general condition, metabolism, the work of the digestive system, the state of the liver. Normally, the pressure comes, the blood vessels become stronger. For the better, the state of the nervous system changes, immunity rises.
Smoked salmon preserves less useful properties. But, thanks to hermetic packaging, the terms of its storage are increasing, which can not but attract buyers. If you subject the red fish to a temperature treatment, it is best to bake it in foil so that it does not lose all its benefits in the same way as when it is cooked in a frying pan.
Color and size of trout
So all the same: trout or salmon? What's better? Both fish are useful. To give a definitive answer to this question, it is worth to learn more about trout.
Unlike other varieties of salmonids, this fish has a small size, which is its characteristic distinctive feature. Its length is not more than thirty centimeters, and the maximum weight - no more than two kilograms. There are instances up to a meter long, but this happens very rarely.
Depending on the habitat (feed, seasonal changes, purity of water), the color of the fish changes. In the region of the dorsal fin, the color of the scales is more green, sometimes turns into black. The belly has a white or grayish color, while the sides are covered with white or red spots. The sex difference is that females are larger than males, but the latter has large sizes in the latter.
Trout fishing
Concerning fishing, we can say that it is more difficult to catch trout than salmon. In addition to the main difficulties, there is another important nuance. Trout is very shy fish. She is afraid of any unnecessary sound. Therefore, often the process of catching it must be started anew. Only the most patient fishermen succeed. Experts say that trout fishing is not just a process, but a whole ritual that requires good skills and skill.
Ingredients of trout meat
One can not ignore the fact that trout refers to dietary products. According to scientific data, it contains only 4.3 grams of fat. In a salmon almost three times more - about 15 grams. But, despite this, dieticians do not advise completely to remove it from their diet. Trout is similar in its chemical composition to salmon. But these kinds of fish can not be completely interchangeable. So, the question of what is fatter - trout or salmon, can be considered closed.
Red fish is sold in stores in different forms. Most often on the shelves you can find fresh, frozen or slightly salted trout. She is not inferior in popularity to salmon. The quality of the trout is good. Moreover, it is advantageously different in that it contains a number of essential amino acids, fatty acids and trace elements.
Depending on the type of trout, the quantitative ratio of nutrients in it varies. The fish contains many trace elements. Fluoride, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, chromium, calcium, copper, iron and molybdenum are part of the meat of trout. Also in this fish are vitamins A, B, D and E.
Choosing Red Fish
Decide for yourself the question "Trout or salmon - which is better?" It's quite simple. You just need to know the right information and be aware of your preferences. True gourmets and admirers of taste say that it is the trout that is the most refined and tender among all the species of red fish. Its pronounced pleasant taste and special structure of meat are due to the low percentage of fat.
When choosing a fish, especially a weak salting, it is not important, it will be salmon or trout, be sure to take into account its color. Meat should not have a very bright color. It can only testify to one thing - the use of artificial colorants by sellers to give the product an attractive look. Natural meat, which does not contain any additives, should show white veins, which indicate a high quality of fish.
Delicious trout - this, of course, raw trout, because in this form it retains not only all its useful properties, but also the taste qualities. However, the consumption of fish in its raw form has never been considered safe. That's why it is advised to bake with lemon or cream sauce, and cook.
Now, knowing exactly what distinguishes salmon from trout, you can safely go shopping. With information, you do not need to be afraid of making the wrong choice.
Trout or salmon? A matter of taste!
The argument that it is more delicious - trout or salmon, can last forever. To taste the meat of these fish is quite difficult to distinguish. Moreover, ordinary people can afford to do this only on holidays. For gourmets, it is not difficult.
What is more delicious, trout or salmon, each person should determine for himself. After all, the tastes of all are completely different. Someone likes a fish fatter, someone tends to diet food, so prefers trout, the percentage of fat in which is very small. And someone is obsessed with saving and that justifies his choice.
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