
How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse

To grow beautiful cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need certain knowledge and skills. After all, the cucumber vegetable is whimsical and tender, for which it is important to create all necessary conditions for favorable growth and fruiting. And important in this is not only the timely application of fertilizers, fertilizing, regular and regular watering, but also the correct formation of the plant initially.

For gardeners it's no secret that the cucumber culture is "mustached", and, therefore, it needs to be taken into account, and moreover, it is simply necessary to use it for their own purposes.

Although the practice of cutting off the mustache of cucumbers grown in greenhouses is most common, this is due to the fact that they cling to neighboring plants and interfere with each other and grow and bear fruit.

How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse

Why form a bush of cucumber? This is a necessary operation not for all varieties. The formation of the shrub is determined by the morphological and biological characteristics of the variety. First of all you need to find out the number of male and female flowers.

In the bulk of the need to form late-maturing varieties, because they are formed more male flowers. How to distinguish male flowers from women? Very simply, they differ with the naked eye: the female flowers have an ovary inside the flower, which after pollination goes into growth.

It is necessary to begin the formation of a bush before the flowering begins. So, when there are at least 6-7 leaves on the sprout, the top of the main shoot should be pinched approximately half a centimeter. And with proper care, cucumbers in your greenhouse are allowed new side shoots, which will have much more ovaries than on the main stem.

How to tie a cucumber in a greenhouse

One way to garter is to form a bush from three to four plant stems. The whiskers are used to garter the lateral branches. This is done as follows, the main stem is attached to the trellis by the thread, and when the first ovary is formed on the lateral stem, it needs to be tightened to the main otter at an angle of 60 degrees. Then the mustache from the main stem is wound on a pulled up shoot. With the growth of plants, this procedure is repeated, and of course with time, the whiskers are many and already from the removal of the mustache can not be refrained.

This kind of bush formation is possible with frequent planting - no more than half a meter. And the mustache, even when dry, holds the bush perfectly.

However, the most common way to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse is to remove the mustache and side shoots at a distance of half a meter from the ground. First, the main stem is tied up, and then everything else is removed. This site is called the "blinding" zone. The prickle is made above the indicated zone, at a distance of 1 meter from the ground, the first side shoot is made with a pinch and only one ovary is retained. After half a meter, another pinch is made over the second sheet and 2 ovaries are left. And so cucumbers are formed in the greenhouse to the top with addition. One leaf must have one ovary.

Pinschip is performed only with young shoots, if time is lost, and the length of the plant is more than 20 cm, it is too late and this, of course, will not affect the crop for the better. So do not miss the moment. And be careful.

When the main stem of the cucumber reaches the wire to which it is tied, it is also pricked, leaving 3 -4 leaves above the wire itself and wrapping around it, tying the stem in two places.

After the appearance of the upper leaves of the lateral shoots from the sinuses, they are lowered to the bottom and a pinch is made at a level of 1.5 m above the ground.

If you do everything right and pay attention to the formation of the bush in a timely manner, then you will get all the chances for a magnificent harvest from May to October. All the best.

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