Homeliness, Do it yourself
Automatic: repair by one's own hands (practical recommendations)
It is quite expensive to repair, and even more so to replace in auto service stations. Self repair for many car enthusiasts has been the solution to this problem. The article will help you to understand the main points, and it also contains answers to the most common questions that arise during the implementation of this type of work.
Is it worth it to repair yourself?
Currently, new cars are insured. But the insurance will be covered only when the car is in good order, and when repairs and maintenance are carried out in certain organizations with which the insurance company cooperates. If parts of the car were changed on their own, then all guarantees are lost.
Automatic transmission is a complex mechanism, when working with which you need to take into account a lot of nuances. Otherwise, an independent attempt to repair will lead to an even greater aggravation of the problem, and the cost of repairing the automatic transmission will increase significantly. However, a competent approach to this issue and taking into account all possible consequences, perseverance and desire will help to make an independent repair of automation.
For this work, you will need special tools, room and assistants.
Maintenance of automatic transmission during operation
You can not allow a vehicle to be towed over great distances, besides, if the ATF fluid (or oil, as everyone calls it out of habit) is not flooded.
We must not forget to check the fluid level every fifteen thousand kilometers and at least once a year. In this case, it is important not to overdo it and do not over-fill the oil, as this will negatively affect the car's performance, as well as the lack of ATF. If, however, there is an excess of it, it is necessary to drain the excess through a special plug or to pump through a technical hole.
Where to begin?
It is necessary to adjust the idling speed of the car and all its pedals. Next, check the fluid in the gearbox. It should not have a repulsive smell and unnatural color. Such signs mean that the automatic transmission has serious damage. The presence of bubbles means that there are too many liquids, because of what it foams. If the liquid is milk color, then it means its leakage, to eliminate which it is necessary to find a cable connecting the throttle valve with the box.
The problem with pneumatic drive
Carefully inspect all the pipes and hoses, as well as connect the vacuum line. Any cracks or dents on them can interfere with the flow of air.
A vacuum corrector can also cause a broken box. A characteristic feature of this problem is the blue smoke from the exhaust pipe.
Fluid Testing
To identify the problem with the fluid pressure, it is necessary to attach a manometer to the connections of the crankcase system. This is done after warming up the car.
The problem can be in the filter. With a small blockage, drain the liquid and place the filter in a solvent.
What is the sequence of repair and diagnosis of automatic transmission?
The process of repairing the automatic transmission is as follows:
- diagnostics;
- Dismantling;
- Disassembly;
- Complete with spare parts;
- assembly;
- Installation;
- Repeated diagnostics.
The device of all automatic transmissions is the same. However, the transmission control distinguishes between hydraulic and electronic. And so repair in these different cases has differences.
Symptoms of a malfunction
Transmission problems are important to detect at an early stage. In this case, complex repairs can be avoided. There are many signs of such breakdowns. Often when you switch gears, you can hear strange sounds - a crunch or clicks, a characteristic smell. If the switching is slower or some transmission does not turn on at all, then this is a serious problem.
Under the car should always be clean. The red spots found under the car indicate an oil leak. Check its level is necessary regularly. Ideal is a reddish, translucent oil without the slightest smell and turbidity. Otherwise, it must be replaced.
Causes of malfunctions
Transmission failure often occurs due to operational errors.
Insufficient oil level or overheating can lead to malfunction, as the gears wear out, and the car can jerk when shifting gears. Because of this in the end, any parts of the automatic transmission can break.
It should be borne in mind that sharp braking and acceleration lead to rapid wear of parts. Traffic jams and skidding also contribute to this process. The box overheats, and its general condition worsens.
In case of a malfunction, the box goes into the emergency mode - to the third speed, and does not switch from it. Before repairing it is necessary to understand the cause of the malfunction of the automatic transmission. Self-repair of gearboxes will lead to nothing, if there are problems with electronics.
Diagnostics of automatic transmission
Its main goal is to obtain information and interpret. It is best to entrust specialists to diagnose automatic transmission. Repairs with their own hands then take much less time. Diagnosis can be done mechanically and computer.
For this purpose:
- Checking the oil;
- Engine inspection;
- Definition of error codes of work of the BU;
- Testing automatic transmission without movement and in motion;
- Pressure test.
Diagnosis of electronic control system
If there is a problem in this part, then it is probably not necessary to remove and disassemble the automatic transmission. Diagnosis in this case is made by the control unit, which controls the sensors of the automatic transmission, its transmission ratio and the resistance of the output targets.
Different sensors send signals to the transmission computer. The latter, in turn, stores all the codes of problems that arise, which are deciphered by a special scanner.
Diagnosis of mechanical and hydraulic parts
It is here that the main problems of automatic transmission occur, which can have different character. Among them:
- Transformer faults;
- Problems with the mechanical part of the hydraulic plate;
- Problems with other mechanics.
Dismantle the gearbox
For dismantling, you will need a lift or pit for inspection, a special jack and keys. It weighs a lot of AKPP, so it will be useful to help strong guys to move the box to the right place. It is located at the bottom of the car, so for dismantling it is necessary to partially disassemble the car, that is, to remove its individual parts from above, from the side and from below. And in this case, you can not do without special devices.
Further it is necessary:
- Disconnect cables and pipes;
- Unscrew the bolts;
- Move the automatic transmission;
- To estimate a malfunction and, at last, to pass to repair.
It is not necessary to drain the oil before removing the gearbox. But in this case, you need to substitute a special container for it, so that the liquid does not pour to the surface.
Dismantling should be done carefully, without sudden movements.
When working it is advisable to have a manual on repairing the automatic transmission. Then the whole action will be easier. Similar details, as well as the order of disassembly and assembly of the gearbox, will not be confused. First, the automatic transmission is inspected in its entirety, all its attachments and blocks. For repair it is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions.
- Do disassembly, washing and drying of parts, as well as checking their condition.
- Replace gaskets and gaskets without fail. Then - those parts that are worn.
- Remove the pads and the pallet, clean them from dirt.
- Remove the wiring of the ring from the plug.
- Remove and rinse the hydraulic unit.
- Check the gears, clutches and planetary bearings for wear, and replace them if necessary. In this case, all the gums that are inside must be changed necessarily.
- Open the oil pump and check the parts.
- Remove all springs and valves. Rinse and, if necessary, change.
- Collect everything back, nothing confusing.
- Put the oil pump in place.
All the parts are assembled in the reverse order, but do not confuse or forget anything.
Features of repair of hydraulic unit
There are features that must be known to those who decided to repair the hydraulic unit of the automatic transmission system or its other parts. Often, problems can be associated with a filter. And it can not be replaced without disassembling the entire hydraulic unit. Disassembly and repair of the hydraulic unit of the automatic transmission will be required in the event of failure of the spring of the accumulator. When deconstructing and then collecting the hydraulic unit, you should be careful not to confuse the gaskets, because they are very similar to each other.
Repair of the torque converter
Repair of the automatic torque converter is necessary if the following characteristics are present:
- When this or that transmission is turned on, noise is heard, gradually disappearing;
- At a speed of sixty to ninety miles per hour, vibration is felt due to a malfunction of the locking mechanism;
- The car does not accelerate well.
If the Malfunction of the automatic transmission is connected to the hydrotransformer, a simple disassembly is indispensable here. It is necessary to cut the device and then to inspect the internal parts. If necessary, repair the torque converter and replacement of its parts. After this, the device must be welded again, check the tightness, the strength of the fastening. After installing the torque converter on the automatic transmission, be sure to perform the balancing.
Assembling the automatic transmission
Gather the gearbox after its repair - it's troublesome and responsible. It is impossible to hurry. The following recommendations will help to assemble the gearbox.
- When installing the automatic transmission, it is necessary to check the membrane for the end runout and, if necessary, replace it.
- The radiator is washed until the gasoline is completely cleared, after which the oil is poured into the DGT and put on the primary shaft. Then the engine is docked with the automatic transmission.
- After that, tighten the bolts, fill in the oil and, finally, start the car, as it is necessary to check the automatic transmission at the working speed.
Following these recommendations and following the order of actions and accuracy, you can assemble the automatic box correctly.
Many motorists think that it is impossible to repair the ATPP at home. Repairs themselves, however, is a very real task. But before that you need to understand what will happen in the implementation of work. Then all kinds of trouble will be bypassed by the motorist, who decided to repair the automatic transmission. Replacement of it and repair, of course, are made and in car-care center. It saves time, but not money. Everyone decides for himself, to what method he will resort. The cost of repair automatic transmission though bites, but for someone it will be easier to give your car to a car service than to mess around yourself. In any case, this article will help car enthusiasts understand how the automatic transmission repairs and what details must be changed at the same time.
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