Food and drink, Recipes
Recipe for sharp eggplants for the winter. Home Blanks
Any housewife will come in handy in a culinary notebook with a recipe for sharp eggplants for the winter, if, of course, her family approves spicy dishes. Periodically, the harvest of blue flowers is so great that it simply refuses to imagine how to process them. At many favorite preparation - caviar. But it is quite capricious in storage (and the sub-base is not found at all, especially among the townspeople). So a new recipe for sharp eggplants for the winter can help out in this situation. Especially when you consider that you can cook them very differently, getting radically different tastes.
Pickled garlic
Probably, this is the simplest recipe for sharp eggplants for the winter. Yes, and it is implemented quickly, without requiring a lot of time. Kilograms of vegetables are cut into small cubes. In a large pot water is poured, in it are dissolved two tablespoons of salt (not iodized and not shallow) and three sugars for each liter of liquid. When it boils, vinegar is added, just under half a cup, and the eggplants are immediately filled. On shallow fire the vegetables languish for about ten minutes. You just have time to crumble the dill and squeeze two garlic heads. Sterile cans are filled a quarter by eggplants and sprinkled with herbs and garlic. The procedure is repeated until the containers are full. Then eggplants sharp with garlic are poured with boiling lean oil (carefully, it splashes) and immediately clogged. No cellar or refrigerator is required for storage.
This acute appetizer from eggplant for the winter includes additional ingredients. With blue they do the same as in the previous recipe. However, after catching from the marinade, they are mixed with a paste made from four sweet peppers, two spicy and five garlic heads; All seasonings are grinded with a meat grinder. Although there are options - the Bulgarian pepper can be cut as very finely, and strips, if you want it to be more clearly felt in the snack. Acute ingredients can be taken in increased quantities, if you like more fiery dishes. Bottled with canola oil; For a guarantee, you can also sterilize them for a quarter of an hour, yet the Bulgarian pepper does not marinate. But the experience is pretty and hot oil, and the billet does not normally explode.
"Teshchin language"
This recipe for sharp eggplants for the winter is also known under the name "Cobra". The difference is only in cutting sinenkih: for "Language" you need plates, for "Snake" - brusochki. Sliced vegetables are sprinkled with salt and left for the care of bitterness for a quarter of an hour, after which they are fried until golden. It is refueling: through a meat grinder or a food processor, three large tomatoes (one can with the skin), half a glass of garlic lobules, a pound of Bulgarian pepper and three pieces - bitter. This fill is enough for three kilos of "languages". The mass is introduced chopped parsley, salt (as you like), half a cup of sugar and one hundred grams of vinegar. The mass is mixed and the filling begins. At the bottom of the vessel is laid a laurel leaf and a few pepper-peas, then eggplants - and dressing. The layers are repeated to the very top, the banks are sterilized for ten minutes, wrapped around and hide under the old blanket to cool.
Korean Eggplant
The kitchen from those parts has long been popular with our people. Especially liked the people carrots and sharp eggplants in Korean. The variations of the latter are the sea, and each author insists that it is his most faithful. Curiosity can be met except for native Koreans. But to cook easily, just using the recipe below. The eggplant is crumbled with a long, thin straw, podsalivayutsya and left alone for an hour. Bulgarian pepper (a kilogram of two kilos of blue) and a large bitter are cut with stripes. Grams of seven hundred carrots rub with a Korean grater or cut with straws. Half a bow is cut into half rings, and 2-3 heads of garlic are minced minutely. All but the blue ones are combined in a deep bowl, sprinkled with vinegar and left for four hours to marinate. Eggplants are fried until smooth tan and mixed with the already established vegetables. At this point, and introduced spices: chopped basil with parsley, seasoning for Korean carrots, coriander. The billet is distributed among the cans and filled with juice, which is released during marinating. Then there is a half-hour sterilization, capping and cooling in an inverted form, you can without wrapping.
What will make Georgians happy
The mountain cuisine is famous for its spicy vegetable snacks. When preparing eggplants in Georgian for the winter are sharp, the process combines various techniques from the already described recipes. Four kilos of blue, rid of bitterness in the way mentioned above, are fried. Sixteen large sweet peppers are cleared of seeds, and four sharp ones are not. Together with 20 cloves of garlic, they are passed through a blender, in a saucepan with this mass poured into a glass of 9 percent vinegar and lean oil. When boiling, lay the eggplant cubes and pour three large spoons of sugar with three small salt. After ten minutes of cooking, the billet is laid out on dry sterile jars and rolled up. Cool it should be upturned and wrapped. And can be stored in the city's pantry.
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