
The drug "Endonorm". Reviews

The drug "Endonorm" includes components of plant origin. The composition of the product includes laminaria sugary, white cotton, licorice naked, three-parted. All components that make up the drug "Endonorm" (expert reviews confirm this), are low-toxic. All the plants used in the manufacture of the drug have been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. Due to this, the agent has a minimum of side effects, which are usually present in a sufficiently large number of synthetic drugs.

The drug "Endonorm" (reviews of doctors confirm this) is a very effective natural thyrotropic drug. The biological additive has a fairly wide range of effects. As medical practice shows, the use of the drug helps to eliminate the cause of the pathology of the thyroid gland. The drug "Endonorm" (patients' reviews also confirm this) contribute to the restoration of functional activity and the morphological structure of the gland.

Numerous experiments have confirmed the beneficial effect of the remedy on the patient's body. In the course of clinical practice, the therapeutic efficacy of the agent was proven for various pathologies of the thyroid gland.

"Endonorm" means (the instruction indicates this) has the following contraindications: individual intolerance, lactation, prenatal period. The drug is contraindicated (due to insufficient study of the effect) to children under twelve years of age. Do not prescribe means "Endonorm" (doctors' reviews are unambiguous in this) in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

It should be noted that in modern conditions, among the most common pathologies of the thyroid gland, about 95% are diseases such as euthyroid and endemic goiter (multinodular, nodal, diffuse), hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism, hyperthyroidism), hypothyroidism (hypofunction), hyperplasia, autoimmune thyroiditis.

As doctors note, the drug "Endonorm" has a fairly pronounced therapeutic effect. Thus, for example, women who were prescribed a remedy during the menopause experienced a significant improvement in their well-being. Patients markedly decreased fatigue, irritability, a sense of weakness disappeared, tides flowed, sleep improved. These indicators indicate that the "Endonorm" means favorably affects not only the thyroid gland status, but also the entire endocrine system as a whole.

According to statistics, about seventy percent of women between the ages of forty and sixty-five suffer from various thyroid disorders and other endocrine disruptions related to them. These disorders, in turn, have a very negative effect on the condition of a woman during menopause.

The effect of the "Endonorm" means is manifested due to the complex effect of components on the body. In particular, the biochemical structure of the tan white helps normalize the function of the thyroid gland, reduces the negative impact of hormonal imbalance. The sequence is tripartite, in the dosage that is present in the agent, has a mild soothing effect. Glycyrrhizic acid contained in licorice naked, contributes to the normalization of hormonal balance in the body, is involved in the restoration of the adrenal and ovarian activity. In addition, the components contained in the licorice have a pronounced estrogenic effect, prevent the age-related decrease in the level of estrogen.

The drug is prescribed inside. It is recommended to take it ten minutes before eating, washing down with a small amount of water. Recommended dosage: three times (with menopausal syndrome) or twice a day (patients over 12 years old) per capsule of the drug "Endonorm".

Where to buy the product?

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. Before use, read the instructions.

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