
Quince decorative: planting and care

Do you want to grow a charming shrubbery on your site that will delight you in a year with neat shapes, spring with bright colors, and summer with juicy fruits? Then quince decorative is your ideal choice. In another way, it is called Japanese chaenomel. This plant is a low spreading deciduous shrub, prickly and quite attractive. Height - from 0.3 to 1 meter, while it can be adjusted during trimming. With the proper level of skill, this plant will completely come down as a low decorative fence or curb.


Ave decorative - a kind of flowering plants from the family Pink. In the wild, it is widely found in Japan and China. Its leaves are oval, leathery, smooth and shiny, dark green in color, jagged at the edges. The flowers are very large, approximately 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter. When several bushes grow nearby, the spectacle is very effective.

In the middle zone of Russia, flowers appear in late May - early June. Flowering is long, very long. You will have enough time to admire the magnificent garden. Fruits are formed and ripen early enough. The plant itself is frost-hardy, despite its roots, it tolerates the winter well.

Selecting a landing site

In fact, it is not so capricious a plant as it may seem at first glance. Quince decorative grows readily on almost any soil. However, when choosing a place for planting, be sure to pay attention that it is sunny and protected from the cold wind. It is very good, if it is on this place in the winter accumulate a lot of snow. Usually this is the leeward side of the building, securely sheltered by walls from the winter wind.

Categorically not suitable flooded and low areas. Chanomeles perfectly tolerates drought, so if you rarely visit your suburban area, quince decorative will be the ideal option to decorate it and give a finished look to the landscape. But the excess of water is disastrous for plants. If your site is in the lowland, and the soil contains a lot of clay, then you must build embankments, strengthen them, and only then plant the bush.

To the composition of the soil, the bush is not very demanding. However, on alkaline soils, it is affected by chlorosis and may die. The ideal option is weakly acid soils. The plant is small, with a developed root system, which allows you to get from the depth of food and moisture, and therefore, does without additional watering and fertilizing.

Wintering of the bush

Usually, without additional warming, the quince quinoa is fine. The photo shows us that this is a miniature shrub whose branches lie almost to the ground. This is what makes it possible to save them from frosts. However, if the winter is very severe, and there is little snow, then the branches located above the snow cover may suffer. As a result, they will take a long time to recover or grow again. The plant loses its time and lags with the fruit ripening.

To keep the twigs as much as possible, bend them to the ground, pressing them with stones. From above it is possible to fall asleep with hay. Then, even with a small layer of snow cover, the bush perfectly overwinter. Additional work on sheltering should be carried out in those regions where frequent winds blow snow.


Usually in the area where one quince bush appeared, the hedge from this shrubbery will soon grow, as it is very difficult to abandon such beauty. Quince decorative (photo is given in the article) is most often grouped into a long hedge, which acts as a screen. In this case, there is never a feeling of tightness or thickening. Plants know exactly the framework in which they need to grow and develop.

Prepare for the fact that all neighbors will ask you how much this beauty cost. The question is logical, if you take into account the price tags for the seedlings of this plant. However, this is just superfluous. Just ask some of your friends a few fruits with mature bones. Of the seeds, it is not difficult to grow as many plants as you need.

This shrub is incredibly beautiful at any time of the year. In the flowering period, the bush is blazing, strewn with bright flowers. And in the autumn, like a fairy-tale tree, it is covered with yellow fruits, very useful and tasty. They need to be removed before the onset of seasonal frosts. However, we are a bit distracted. Consider how to grow a plant and take care of it.

Growing of plants from seeds

We have already talked about several options that you can use, so that you also have a decorative quince growing on your site. Reproduction occurs by dividing the bush, offspring, cuttings or seeds. If you have ripe fruit of the plant, then you can consume the flesh, and sow the seeds under the winter. Grass must necessarily be covered with manure.

With the onset of spring, the first shoots will appear. During this period, young plants need to be supplemented with infusion diluted in the water mullein in the proportion of 1:15. When shoots give 2-3 leaves, it is recommended that they be discarded.

Spring work

The material for planting can be harvested from autumn. If you have ready saplings, then lay them in the ground, slightly prikopav roots. Lower the seedlings in the basement, and there they will calmly wait for spring. If in the autumn you took out ripe fruits, then plant the bones in warm earth. With good care in a year you will have enough strong seedlings, which can be transferred to the open ground.

So, how to plant quince Japanese decorative. Photos, planting and care on which are shown in sufficient detail, usually show us early spring. It was at this time, until the buds are blossoming, that the seedling should be moved to a permanent place of residence. If you are a little late with a landing, you can move to the autumn. Deepen the seedling when planting should not, then you can correct the level of the earth with mulch. The distance between the rows should be 2.5-3 meters, and in the row you can leave the distance between the plants 1 meter. And if you want to create a hedge effect, then it is recommended to place the planting more tightly.

Watering and top dressing

And here you have on the site appeared quince Japanese decorative. Planting is completed, now it remains to be seen that the shrub grows healthy, developed and fruited. Beforehand, you dug up the earth to a depth of 40-60 cm and applied fertilizer. Around the bush formed a radical circle, which must be well watered. Now you can forget about watering for a few weeks. And if the weather is not too hot, then for a month.

The first top dressing is performed during the active flowering period. If the landing was carried out in mid-April, then about a month. For this, the following mixture can be used: for 10 liters of water, 15 g of double superphosphate, 30 g of urea, 15 g of potassium sulfate. Perfectly perceives quince and bird droppings, but you need to be careful with proportions so as not to burn the roots.

Autumn Trimming

When the summer ends and the ripe fruits are removed from the branches, it's time to take care of the plants to transfer the cold period normally. If you are looking for an unpretentious shrub, then an excellent option will be quince Japanese decorative. Landing and maintenance in the open ground is reduced to the right choice of location, preparation of a landing pit, as well as autumn pruning. However, many complain that, despite all efforts, they can not grow beautiful bushes. Such that they do not stick out in all directions with dry branches, abundantly blossomed and well fruited.

As a rule, the main mistake is the wrong place of planting: the bushes are too shady, they have chosen a raw lowland or the plant suffers from a draft. If everything is done correctly, it means that you neglected the henomelis in the autumn period.

Pruning is performed after the crop is removed, before the first frost. Take a pair of garden scissors, a secateur, and go out into the garden. It is necessary to correct an even line of bushes planted in a row. It is necessary to remove all withered, broken and old branches, which differ well in the dark crust. If there are branches that are strongly spaced on the sides or are too long, knocking out of the general ensemble, then be sure to remove them. Pruning these plants is completely painless, and with the onset of a warm season, they will inevitably recapture all that they have taken away.

Some features

During the summer, the secateur is not required to be picked up. At this time the quince decorative grows and blooms and fruiting. Pruning will make it possible to keep the bushes in order. Closer to the autumn, tillering is retarded, so it is possible to pre-cut all the injured branches. A deeper procedure is performed after all the fruits have been collected. You can not leave them for the winter. Be sure to wear tight gloves, because the bush has spines.

This plant is able to embody the wildest imaginations of the gardener. Single bushes, stunning hedges, and a unique bonsai - Japanese quince is perfect for creating stunning compositions. It takes time, but it's worth it.

Use of fruits

A surprising plant is quince Japanese decorative. Photo (planting and care, useful properties of delicious fruits fully justifies) will please you. The gardener does not spend too much energy to get to the autumn bush, hung with yellow "apples". Fruits are great for jam and compotes, they are added to tea instead of lemon. Good taste has jam and compote, as well as fruit salads.

Chenomeles is a very useful product in dietary nutrition. It does not contain fats, but it contains a lot of copper and ascorbic acid, potassium and pectic substances. It is a wonderful antioxidant, which also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and helps lower blood pressure.

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