
Dracaena perishes, how to save? Houseplants

A huge number of existing types of dracaena allows the florist to choose a culture to their liking and based on the possibilities of content. Despite the overseas origin, the dracaena, being considered unpretentious, does not require special cares, but absolutely not to follow the development of the plant is impossible. The lack of competent care, wrong location in the room and some other nuances often lead to the fact that Dracena dies. How can we save what can be done to improve this exotic culture? This will be discussed in the article.

Features of the plant

A native of the tropical regions of Asia and Africa, Dracaena surprisingly quickly adapted to growing at home. Representatives of this genus are plants with an even thickened lignified stalk and bundles of dark green narrow and dense leaves assembled into a sort of sockets at the top. Gorgeous juicy greens perfectly decorate any interior - from the office cabinet to the bedroom and living room. Flowering in conditions of room keeping is extremely rare. And this is not bad, since the small light flowers of the dracaena have a very heavy smell, which is not to everyone's liking. It should be noted that the specimens settled in our houses are the most unpretentious species, such as fringed, Godsef and Canarian dracaena. Diseases visit them infrequently, as these species are the most enduring, able to grow in shaded areas and withstand very moderate temperatures in the winter. But even these adapted cultures will require attention and care.

We create comfortable conditions

The dracene plant is photophilous, but it reacts heavily to direct sunlight, and placed on the windowsill on the south side, stops growing and withers. The most suitable for comfortable development will be a well-lit place by the west or east window. If necessary, you can use shading. In winter, with a lack of light, the plant is placed closer to the window. Dracaena's home is poorly tolerated by lack of light, and its long-standing deficit weakens the culture, making it vulnerable to various diseases and provoking a delay in growth. Dracaens are thermophilic and excellently develop in summer at a temperature of 20-25 ° C and in winter at 16-18 ° C.

Air humidity

When buying dracaena it is necessary to check with the seller what moisture level is appropriate for the selected specimen. The fact is that representatives of this kind have very different preferences.
Most species need high humidity, but some, like the Drazen Godef and Canary, need a dry atmosphere.

Moisture-loving crops are sprayed several times a day with warm, settled water. To maintain the necessary humidity will allow the location of the container with dracaena in a pallet filled with wet claydite or sphagnum. Another condition that should be observed is not to place a plant such as dracaena next to radiators. The leaves dry and fall off, because in such an environment the culture is difficult to survive.


In different periods of life the dracaena is watered with varying intensity: during vegetation it is generous, but allowing the upper layer of the soil to dry out. Watering for different types of dracaena are individual, it should be remembered that excess moisture is as harmful as a defect.

Often dracene dries from the wrong watering regime. Broad-leaved specimens require more moisture, since they evaporate it more actively from the leaf surface. In winter, in a calm period, watering is significantly reduced, allowing anyone to dry the earth. At this time, excess moisture can cause rot of the root system, and if you keep the summer intensity of irrigation, the dracene dies. How to save culture?

You can replace irrigation by spraying and keeping the plant in a moist pallet, avoiding stagnant phenomena in it. By the awakening of the flower in the spring, waterings are renewed.


The lack of nutrients is not the best way to affect the health of the plant. Dracaena needs to be fed almost all the year round, only the periodicity of their feeding changes. In the summer they feed 1 time a week, in winter - once a month.

Organic humates and complex mineral fertilizers, produced for indoor plants, are well suited. The concentration of solutions should be in accordance with the attached instructions, since it is impossible to overfeed the flower.

Dracaena: illnesses caused by improper care

Surplus and stagnant moisture cause rotting of the roots, which is expressed in a sharp slowdown in growth and, if the process is not stopped, in the subsequent ruin of the dracaena. To correct the situation, it is necessary to transplant the plant, changing the soil and removing the damaged roots, and then correcting the intensity of irrigation.

To rot and lead abundant sprinkles in the winter, causing the accumulation of water at the base of the trunk and in the axils of the leaves. It is important not to allow these conditions, since with such lesions even transplant will not save.

Insufficient irrigation, cold drafts or dryness of the surrounding atmosphere lead to the fact that the edges and tips of the leaves dry up and become brown. In neglected cases, dry brown spots may appear on the leaves. It is necessary to adjust the frequency of watering and place the pot in a place where the plant is not exposed to drafts.

Yellowing and falling of the lower leaves is a normal process of the vital activity of culture. The plant grows old, it can be rejuvenated, cutting off and rooting the top.

Influence of environmental factors

Critical reduction of air temperature (below 10 ° C) can provoke twisting, yellowing and softening of leaves. It will help increase the temperature in the room, because dracaena - still a native of the tropics.

The direct rays of the sun and the excess of light are not the best conditions for such a plant as Drazen. The leaves dry or dry whitish spots appear on them. If the lesions in the initial stage, then correct the position of the place of the flower or its qualitative shading.

Dracaena is dying. How to save?

As a rule, the implementation of recommendations on the competent content of this exotic culture removes the maximum number of problems, and the plant feels well. But, unfortunately, the dracaena has many enemies, causing various diseases or just unhealthy conditions that require the intervention of the florist.

Do not bypass the dracenus side with aphids, thrips, scutes suddenly appearing on the leaves and very reluctant to leave their homes.

Often uninvited guests are the scabbards - small organisms attached to the surface of leaves and sucking out cellular juice from them, causing their gradual withering away. Shields are insects covered with a dense brown shell. That's why they are difficult to bring home means. It is necessary to use insecticides ("Inta-Vir", "Actellik"), which penetrate through the protection of an insect. Before the treatment with a cotton disc moistened with soap or vodka, wipe the leaves, removing from them brown plaques.

The appearance of thrips is promoted by a combination of high temperature and dryness with air stagnation. The thrips attack the lower part of the leaf and, multiplying rapidly, fill its surface with numerous colonies. On the upper side of the sheet, light pinpoint lesions appear. To combat these insects, the plant is sprayed (sometimes several times) with "Fitoverm", "Decis" or "Aktelykom."

The aphids attack the young leaves of the dracaena and the tips of the shoots. These parts of the plant lose color, twist, turn yellow and fall off. If you do not take any action, the dracaena dies with time. How to save a plant? Familiar insecticides will come to the rescue again - Inta-Vir and Actelik. All these insects can not immediately surrender, so you have to carry out health procedures repeatedly.

Infectious Diseases

Dracaena is a strong plant, and infections are infrequent. But if the leaves began to become covered with oblong black-brown spots, then the culture picked up alternaria or heterosporosis, in which the spotting is less pronounced. At the first suspicion of infection, the plants are isolated. Such diseases are easily treated with any fungicides, for example, "Fundazol".

But there is a very dangerous disease, which is not easy to cure, is bacterioses. Rotting stains and oil streaks on the leaves are sure signs of a problem. Experienced professionals, knowing how difficult it is to overcome this misfortune, are advised to get rid of the infected flower.

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