EducationSecondary education and schools

Plan for teaching and educational work in primary school (1st grade). Plan for educational work in grades 1-4 (GEF)

So, the child went to 1st grade. The plan of educational work, which was compiled by the teachers, is extremely important in this period, up to the end of the primary school. It is during this period that children get a general idea of the world around them. And the upbringing acquired in the primary school will affect the student's behavior in the future. Let's try to understand how to properly draw up a plan for teaching and educational work in different areas. It's not so difficult, if you have an idea of what is important for children at such a young age.

We make a description

But there is one feature of our today's process. This is an individual approach. There is no universal option. In order to competently organize educational work, you need a characterization of class 1. For the plan of educational work this moment is extremely important.

Why? Every child is different. And in general for each class needs its own approach. After all, somewhere the children are more active, somewhere more intelligent, and so on. Characterization of the first class for the plan of educational work in this case is a necessity. Perhaps, some points of training can be missed and tell the children something special. Gather information about students, and analyze data. After this, proceed to drawing up the plan. Practice shows that it is often possible to somehow generalize this process for all children in primary school.

The purposes of education

Any plan for educational work in grade 1 (4 inclusive) should have some goals. Without them, the process generally loses all meaning. To be honest, here everything is quite easy and simple. According to all existing standards, in an elementary school the child should be explained what values are, what is good and what is bad, to instill patriotism and love for the Motherland. Do not forget about such sections as the family and the surrounding world. Rules of conduct, etiquette and everything that can be useful in adult life - the foundation of all this should be laid down in primary school. Consider this.

So how correctly to make a plan for educational work (1st class)? GEF does not give any exact definitions, only determines the general standards and subjects that are worth mentioning. Just those that we now know. But the specifics of each teacher must compose himself. This is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let's try to give some examples of plans popular among modern teachers. Maybe you can find something really useful here.

Educational Activity

To begin with, the plan for educational work in grade 1, as well as in primary school as a whole, implies a predominantly learning process. And for this reason we will simply have to compile an algorithm for children's lessons. That is, most of the time you need to give educational activity. This is not such a problem.

Why? The thing is that this process in primary school often takes the form of games. Especially in children who only entered grade 1. This is often just a lesson, drawn up in a game form. And this kind of techniques are used up to grade 4.

Remember that making a plan for the school year without playing activity for young children is stupid. The theory is not as well mastered by students as practice. So the plan for the educational work of the school (1st grade - 4th grade) includes a predominantly gaming version of training. But how to conduct the latter in this format? Let's try to figure this out. Do not be afraid, there is nothing complicated or supernatural in this. The main thing is to find an approach to every child.

The first meeting

Well, now a little specifics. The first lesson in our plan will be devoted to the rules of behavior in school. This moment is important for those who study in primary school. Perhaps, this kind of conversation can not be avoided.

What is required? The plan for the educational work of a class 1 class teacher includes an obligatory conversation with children on the topic of behavior in school. It would seem that there is no game form here. But this is not so. Why? The thing is that for a true and successful organization it is enough to simply hold a dialogue with the children. You collect them in the classroom (September 1-2) and ask what they know about the behavior at school. Further you conduct conversations and discussions on this matter.

In the end, you can generally prepare a special leaf, to which you write down all the rules of conduct with the children. He must be hanged in the classroom. And these rules will have to be respected. This is a very interesting technique that will motivate the discipline of the kids who came to the 1st form. The plan of educational work on the topic of behavior in school can also include the choice of safe, but interesting games for change. That is, the children themselves, even with your help, will determine how to play without harm to themselves and others. And in doing so, observe the rules of conduct.

Teacher's Day

Quite often, the plan for educational work (Grade 1-4, GEF) includes holding various festivals. And the closest of them is Teacher's Day. Children who are in primary school do not yet know what kind of event this is. And so your task will be to educate them on this topic.

Tell us what Teacher's Day is for children. After this, to somehow attach students to the event, draw a drawing competition. Let each child draw a postcard dedicated to the teacher. Post all the work in the class, and then select the best one. Let this self-made exhibition hang before the next holiday. Nothing complicated or special, right?

Understanding and contract

True, in elementary school it is more important to teach children to communicate with each other, to find a common language, and also to agree on something. And this, too, is to devote a separate lesson. Any plan for educational work (grades 1-4) includes this feature. Perhaps, without this, the whole process of schooling will be considered to be only half fulfilled.

What should I do in the classroom? For example, talk with children about why it is important to find a common language with each other. In addition, it is worth explaining that not everything is as it should be. And so, in order not to offend anyone, you need to be able to negotiate.

It would be nice to invite a psychologist to this lesson. Let the professional conduct a test, which will determine how well the children are able to communicate with each other and negotiate with people. In an elementary school this kind of testing will be very popular with children. And the results can be announced not only to students, but also to their parents. In case of any problems, give recommendations on how to correct the situation.

Temperament of man

So, we have an elementary school. The plan for educational work (class 1) includes also the definition of the temperament of the child. This is not only interesting for children, but also important for the entire learning process. For example, for parents and teachers this is extremely important information.

How to conduct this lesson? Collect the children and talk to them about the nature. Let them say what human behavior can be. Explain that, depending on the temperament, one child will act in one way or another in different situations. And ask the students to determine which type of temperament everyone belongs to.

There are several options here - either to collect information by testing (not the best approach), or to play different skits, and then ask the children to show how they would behave under certain circumstances. Specific scenarios come up better independently. It depends on the general characteristics of the class. For example, what the child will do if he sees a kitten on a tree. Or what to do if you notice that you are offending the weak, and so on. In general, there are many options. The main thing is to collect information about the child's behavior, and then to draw a conclusion about his temperament.

New Year

So, 1st class. The plan of educational work in this period quite often includes, as already mentioned, the holding of various kinds of holidays. And the main one is the New Year.

Perhaps this is a favorite topic. In the classes devoted to the New Year, we will have to talk about traditions, the history of the holiday, as well as symbolism. In elementary school, you can tell the children tales and show New Year's cartoons with a teaching bias.

Of course, you can not do without training. Organize several art classes that will be dedicated to the New Year. Let the children tell how they celebrate this event in the family, and then paint it on paper. In any way - felt-tip pens, paints, pencils. As you wish. In addition, teach children to make New Year's crafts. For example, a miracle ball. It will require glue, glitter, a jar, plasticine and water. Let the children from plasticine make some New Year's toy (Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowflake, snowman, and so on), and then you put it in a jar of water and sparkles together. Pre-paste the hand-crafted item to the lid or bottom. Close the jar. Now it remains only to turn (shake) - that's the miracle ball is ready.

Life in society

But this is not all the knowledge that a child who is enrolled in Grade 1 should get. The plan of educational work of a good leader includes such an item as "life in society." That is, in this lesson (or better on several), your task will be to explain to children how to behave properly in public.

To be honest, this is the most difficult issue. After all, you throughout the entire primary school will have to develop rules and norms of communication that need to be explained to children. Quite popular is the organization of scenes. Children in primary school will have to show how to behave properly in a given situation. And it would be good to let them know why it should be done this way, and not otherwise.

In addition, you should teach tolerance and tolerance in such classes. If in the teaching and educational work there is no socialization of the child and teaching his behavior in society, then we can assume that you are a bad leader. After all, the task of the school is not only to give some knowledge to the child. She must also teach him how to behave properly in society.

Family values

Much attention is now being paid in schools to issues of morality and family values. After all, this is just not enough for schoolchildren. Not everyone understands what the family means. And what values should be above all else. Therefore, starting from the primary classes, it is necessary to instil in children love for the family. You need to teach them to cherish their values.

There will be discussions on "Family" and "Family Members". Discuss who can be categorized as relatives. Let each child tell what kind of family he has. Well, if the guys bring to school family photos and tell about the traditions and behavior in their "cell of society." During this it is important to tell the children why the family is so important.

The main thing here is not to bend the stick. Although not all parents are ideal, but they need to be respected, that's how the children should be told. If, on the other hand, it is suggested in the primary school that relatives in any situation should obey unquestioningly, then a disenfranchised creature will then grow up from the child. Try not to allow such extremes. It is better to talk about the fact that the family and relatives of children are simply no one and never will be.


Our plan for educational work (Grade 1) in the fields is coming to an end. Do not forget that, in addition to all of the above, it is necessary to instil in children love for the Motherland and patriotism. Without this, education can not be fully realized.

How to conduct classes on the topic of the Motherland and patriotism? For example, let the children talk about what is special about their city. And you yourself tell them how the country in which you live is important for everyone. Tell us instructive stories, explain why it's important to be a patriot.

To the classes were not very boring, it is worth organizing various kinds of exhibitions of children's works on the topic "Motherland". It is desirable that all schoolchildren took part in it. Let each draw a patriotic picture on this topic. Post all the work in the classroom, and then invite them to look at their parents. This type of technique is very often used in primary school.

Summing up

So we got to know you with an approximate algorithm for teaching children who came to the first grade. The plan of educational work in an elementary school, in principle, is always the same. Only ways to implement it differ. It's no secret that educational work at school is an important process that should develop all children and instil in them some useful rules.

Often, teaching and educational work with students is carried out constantly. And does not stand out. The exception is primary school. After all, new members of the institution need special treatment. In grades 1-4, children absorb all the material as it is fed to them. And so it is important to correctly draw up a training plan, and also distribute the load. In principle, if you experience any difficulties in forming a plan, ask your colleagues for advice. Surely they have examples of their work. Take them and modify it a little, perfect it. But never use already prepared plans for teaching and educational work. Especially in elementary school! The plan of educational work in the 1st form to write independently is not such a big problem, especially if you are a talented teacher.

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