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Operative treatment of hemorrhoids: methods, reviews

Hemorrhoids are a terrible disease, and in many respects because it affects not only the physical, but also the mental health of a person. Usually patients try to do without an operation, since it scares even more. They resort to a variety of methods, including folk remedies, which leads to the overflow of the form into the chronic and the impossibility of cure. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids these days is one of the progressive and effective methods, so do not be afraid of it.

To cut or not?

Operative treatment of hemorrhoids is not conducted at random or by eye. For this, there must be evidence, and only if they are present, the doctor concludes that the option, acceptability, effectiveness of such an option is possible. Usually this way the disease is treated if it has developed to the third or fourth stage. Be sure to take into account the age of the patient.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in an operative way is often effective if middle-aged people turn to the doctor. But for young people, it is recommended to resort to minimally invasive therapy whenever possible, and only if it shows ineffectiveness, they prescribe an operation.

Is it useful?

On operative treatment of a hemorrhoids responses in most cases are positive. Patients note that the disease goes away completely, but there are no side effects from such therapy. On the other hand, it is very important to choose the right clinic and a qualified doctor.

An additional complication is that hemorrhoids are not a problem that you will discuss with your friends or friends, so it's very difficult to collect reviews among familiar people. The Internet comes to the rescue. Also use the recommendations of those therapists who can be trusted. But as for the situation as a whole, it should be noted that operative treatment of hemorrhoids is useful, since it brings back the quality of life.

Nuances of operation

Before starting treatment, doctors must carefully examine the patient. It is necessary to inform physicians about allergies, intolerance to certain medications, pathologies and health problems. In some cases, such information may be a definitive contraindication to the operation, so the patient must be careful.

If a hemorrhoids is found in an elderly person, it is recommended not to rush with the operation, but first to try various soft methods of treatment:

  • Normalization of nutrition;
  • Hygienic measures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies.

If you can get rid of constipation and eliminate bleeding, it is believed that the disease has moved to a stage that does not require surgical intervention.

Indications for surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

The following situations stand out, under which the operation becomes the best option:

  • pain syndrome;
  • Bleeding that causes anemia risk;
  • Dropping of nodes;
  • Chances of pinching, thrombosis.

But in the case if the anus, the rectum has become inflamed, surgical treatment of hemorrhoids becomes impossible. First, the inflammatory process is eliminated, then the edema is removed and only then decide whether it is possible to operate the patient.

Preparation period

First, it is necessary to have a comprehensive examination of the doctor, to take all the necessary tests. Also at the preparatory stage:

  • Determine whether there are contraindications;
  • Identify the diseases that accompany hemorrhoids;
  • Eliminate swelling and inflammation;
  • On the day before the operation, measures are taken to clean the intestines.

The latter usually consists of enema and laxative medication.

Remember: neglecting these points can cause complications in surgical intervention, which will negate all the advantages of such treatment. With the successful completion of the preparatory period, the doctor decides which of the methods known to science is optimal in a particular case. Statistics show that in the past few years, the most frequent surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is the Hal Rar method.

And when absolutely impossible?

In a number of cases, operative treatment of internal hemorrhoids, external is strictly prohibited. It should be remembered that the intervention is carried out under general anesthesia, which imposes additional restrictions.


  • Severe pathology;
  • Heart diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • Intestinal pathology;
  • Problems with immunity.

It is not recommended to conduct operative treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This is not a categorical contraindication, but a conditional one, so in a particular case, the choice is left for the doctor. It is important to consider that with external hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman, removal of nodes leads to relapses. Practice shows that the disease often goes by itself during childbirth.

How do we operate?

Different methods of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids have been developed. Statistics show that about half of all patients use the operation. Novelties of surgery are such technologies that allow you to remove hemorrhoids quickly, painlessly, without complications. Allocate:

  • Minimally invasive therapy;
  • Classical operative intervention;
  • Laser treatment.

Minimally invasive techniques

Such methods of operative treatment of hemorrhoids do not assume the use of a scalpel. During the operation, the surgeon pierces the tissue and through the holes produces manipulation.

If external hemorrhoids were diagnosed, surgical treatment with a minimally invasive method is considered one of the best options. There are almost no contraindications, and a significantly shorter rehabilitation period.


Technology is useful in the first, second and third stages of hemorrhoids. It helps to reliably stop the bleeding. Doctors introduce special preparations into the nodes, which leads to the transformation of the vessels into connective tissues. This quickly stops bleeding and leads to a decrease in the size of the nodes.

Infrared coagulation

The methodology consists in applying a photocoagulator. The doctor uses the anoscope, places the photocoagulator tip near the hemorrhoidal node. Through the light pipe there is a flow of heat, the principle of influence of which on the human body is similar to a laser. Such therapy will not allow to remove the node completely, but it stops bleeding.

Latex Ligation

With this method on the outer knots wear special rings of latex. The surgeon uses a ligator. Instruments are of two types - vacuum, mechanical. The entire part of the hemorrhoid cone, located in the ring, disappears with it. This place will be marked by a peculiar build-up of connective tissue. Today, up to 90% of all patients resort to this technology. From the moment of putting on the ring until the day of dropping the bumps it takes about two weeks.


The procedure is also considered minimally invasive and consists in the effect of low temperatures on the hemorrhoids node. Apply liquid nitrogen. When tissues thaw, there is a natural dying out. In this case, a small wound is formed, which can be healed with the help of preparations, ointments. The whole operation takes no more than four minutes.

Classical Surgery

It is not uncommon for situations when surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is possible only when the patient is in hospital. At the same time, the operations are prepared very carefully, and the intervention is possible only with general anesthesia. There are several common methods:

  • Radio wave surgery;
  • Desarterization;
  • Classical intervention;
  • Hemorrhoidectomy.

Key Benefits:

  • Rehabilitation lasts no more than five days;
  • Absence of open wounds;
  • Low probability of relapse;
  • A small chance of infection, bleeding.

Laser Therapy

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids with a laser is widespread, since it is not associated with unpleasant sensations in the process of removing nodes. There is no pain, not even simple discomfort. You can completely abandon the painkiller. Once the nodes are removed, you can walk. In the process of laser exposure, the chance of injury in the area of the anus is minimized.

You can resort to laser therapy at the very beginning of the disease, you can use it if the pathology develops. In the course of surgical intervention, the laser beam is cut off from the affected area and the tissues are soldered. The latter leads to complete relief of bleeding.

Laser: advantages

Increasingly, doctors are offering patients to use laser therapy. Not everyone agrees, since the townsfolk do not know about the key advantages of this method.

So, the positive features:

  • Painless removal. When carrying out manipulations, a person feels the wave rolling in the waves. At a low pain threshold, local anesthesia is allowed;
  • Outpatient surgery, requiring no more than a quarter of an hour;
  • Do not need to specifically prepare for removal;
  • You can go home at once, as soon as the operation was completed, and the next day return to the usual way of life;
  • Minimizing the probability of bleeding, infection;
  • Possibility to remove nodes if fistulas, cracks, acute inflammations are diagnosed.

However, it should be understood that in any barrel of honey there may be a fly in the ointment. Thus, the removal of hemorrhoids by a laser has a number of disadvantages. For example, if neoplasms develop very large, it is simply impossible to remove them with a ray. In this case, the use of the laser causes complications. The second unpleasant moment is a high price tag for medical services.

Longo's method

This technique has become known only recently. It is used if it is necessary to remove internal hemorrhoids. Key features:

  • Short duration of medical intervention;
  • Absence of wounds;
  • Rapid return to normal life.

However, there are some negative points. In particular, the Longo method is not applicable when removing external cones. In addition, such an operation will be frankly expensive.

But the recovery period after this removal is not required at all. Doctors recommend after the operation for some time to adhere to the diet, as well as regularly handle wounds. If there are pain, then you should wait a couple of weeks, during this time they must pass. If this does not happen, you need to contact the surgeon again.

Postoperative complications

One of the most unpleasant situations is a relapse after surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. It would seem that they forever got rid of this harmful disease, which causes shame and insecurity, and then it returns. The appearance of a new node and the need to go to the doctor again and depress something. Perhaps, this is the most difficult of possible complications in the treatment of pathology.

In addition to relapse, other negative reactions of the body after the operation are possible. For example, patients complain of severe pain. This is due to the fact that in the anus area the innervation of tissues is exceptionally rich. To eliminate discomfort, you should take painkillers. But to choose the medicine is horrible, which can not be. It is first necessary to consult a doctor and follow the prescribed treatment program.

Another serious problem is psychological. Many patients at some point experience very severe pain associated with hemorrhoids. This can happen during surgery or, for example, when you visit the toilet. In the future, this leads to a person trying to delay the urge to empty the bowels, bladder. This makes the situation worse. As a rule, complex treatment: visit a psychotherapist, take laxatives prescribed by a doctor.

Observe the post-operative period of urine retention. Usually this is typical only for the first day after the medical intervention. If the symptom persists longer than one day, you need to visit a doctor. Doctors conduct catheterization.

It also happens that after a successful operation, bleeding opens. The reasons for this are different. For example, unsuccessfully burned a blood vessel or injured the intestinal mucosa. In the event that the bleeding is fixed, special sponges are prescribed, the damaged vessel is sewn.

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