HealthDiseases and Conditions

Signs of genyantritis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. It is from the name of this sinus (in medicine - gaymorov) and the name of the disease itself, so often occurring at the present time, occurs. These sinuses are small cavities that are connected to the nasal cavity.

When bacteria or viruses penetrate directly into the maxillary sinus either with blood or through the nasal cavity, they cause inflammation. It can be concluded that the main cause of its occurrence is infection.

As a rule, the symptoms of sinusitis and its symptoms are quite diverse. They depend on one form or another of the disease. Although there are general symptoms. These include the constant pawning of the nose, which causes loss of smell and a change in voice. In this case, the runny nose lasts for more than four weeks.

In addition, there is headache, malaise, fever, often - chills and worsening overall health. There is also pain and tension in the sinuses, which leads to difficulty in nasal breathing. From the nose there are discharge mucous or purulent-mucous (usually green or yellow).

Basically, the area of pain localization is the forehead, the temple or the entire half of the face. Also the nature of the pain may well be vague and blurred. Less common is swelling on the eyelid or cheek. Over time, the voice becomes nasal.

In an acute form of the disease, the symptoms of sinusitis do not differ from the general ones, but they also add a complete lack of appetite. In the case when there is inflammation of the sinuses on both sides, the sense of smell is significantly reduced. In addition, the mouth feels dry, and in the ears there are unpleasant sensations.

When pressing on the cheeks directly in the area of the sinuses, there is a sharp pain. Although they are already aching, even without the use of physical influence. When the head is tilted forward, the pain can be felt more sharply. This form of ailment basically lasts no more than two weeks. And if you do not take any measures for treatment, then the sinusitis easily enough passes into a chronic form.

Signs of sinusitis, which has passed into the chronic form of the disease, are characterized by abundant discharge from the nose, which do not pass at all. There are headaches of a different nature. Sometimes the sense of smell can be lost completely, and in some cases, hearing.

At the same time, uncomfortable symptoms recede from time to time, and the condition improves somewhat. Although after a while the aggravation occurs again, and the condition only becomes worse. If the chronic form lasts a lot of time, then often in the cheek area, the skin on the face can swell somewhat. This indicates that the genyantritis complicates the tissue (nearby).

Sinusitis, the signs of which are different, a very dangerous disease. His classic symptom is a headache, the occurrence of which is associated with the accumulation of pus in the inflamed sinus. Her character is pressing. When lifting the eyelids or when pressing on the area under the eyes, it only increases. And relief comes in the supine position, since then pus comes out of the affected sinus.

Determine the sinusitis can the doctor after the inspection. For this, an expander is inserted into the nose, and the specialist visually inspects each of the nostrils. Although the exact diagnosis can only be said after X-rays. In the picture, if the genyantritis is still there, it will look like a white, opaque area between the upper jaw and the eyes.

Symptoms of sinusitis can also be determined by yourself. It is required to get up and lean forward slowly enough. At a genyantritis the pain in the area of a forehead of pulling character is felt, and also in the field of maxillary sinuses. It happens that the roots of the upper teeth are very close to the maxillary sinuses. In this case, the patient is concerned about the constant sensation of pain in the entire upper jaw.

When there is sinusitis (symptoms), treatment should be carried out immediately, because already the first manifestations of this ailment should be alerted and made to contact a specialist. He will already prescribe one of the following treatment methods. It can be as a usual washing of a nose, and medicamental, and sometimes and surgical treatment.

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