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Fears of childbirth

Every pregnant woman has a sense of fear before giving birth. How will the birth take place? What child will be born? Does it hurt to give birth? The emerging fears of childbirth may also be related to changes in the hormonal background. The amount of the hormone estrogen increases, and a new hormone, oxytocin, is produced.

Fear of childbirth affects not the best way on a woman's condition. They are more often tormented by insomnia, they are constantly nervous, they do not please anything in life. Pregnant women are also more impressionable, at this time, can burst into tears or withdraw themselves without reason. They cautiously think about the future, as they say, "afraid of jinxing", so many women do not buy any things to a future child, do not come up with a name for a future baby.

Overcoming fears

During this period, the support and care of loved ones is very important. At this time it is better:

  • More to walk in the fresh air,

  • Eat fruits,

  • Read your favorite book,

  • Communicate with friends and relatives.

In a word, it is necessary to devote this time to yourself. In no case should one gather all pregnant women and tell each other what are the cases of terrible and unsuccessful births and their consequences. You need to set yourself up for positive thoughts, look in the window and be glad of a new wonderful day. After all, each person in the subconscious mind is programming himself to a successful or no outcome in every case. Also, in pregnant women, they often program themselves.

It is worth noting that in just a few minutes no one is able to save a pregnant woman from fears and thereby facilitate the process of procreation. But do not get upset, because there are quite effective ways that will help overcome the feeling of fear and increase the chances of less painful birth. Remember them, they will be useful to you:

  1. Do not listen to anyone. Of course, it is necessary to ask friends about certain aspects of childbirth. But, when you begin to talk in too black tones about childbirth, do not pay too much attention to this, because the female body is individual, and therefore everything can go in a completely different scenario. Remember that a positive attitude will help you give birth much easier.

  2. Visit courses for pregnant women. On such courses you can ask all the questions that you are afraid of. Do not worry, you will receive answers from the lips of experienced and skilled health professionals. In addition, these specialists will teach you many useful exercises that will be useful during childbirth and make them less painful.

  3. Believe in yourself. Fear is a natural feeling for any woman, especially when she is confronted with something hitherto unfamiliar. The same applies to childbirth. Believe me, nature has already invented everything a long time ago. Your body has been preparing for childbirth throughout pregnancy, all you need is to trust it. Gave birth to you, will give birth and after, so do not tune yourself to the negative. Believe in yourself.

  4. Look for a positive. Try to find women who could tell you about births only in a positive way. More often look at the images of happy women with newborns. Finding such images is not difficult - there are a lot of them both on the Internet and in women's magazines. Choose some of the ones you like best, print them out and hang them in the most prominent place in your apartment. Try to look at these images every day for at least a couple of minutes, so that the subconscious mind fixes the happy faces, and after a very short time you will not notice how the fears will start to go away.

  5. Be physically active. At the courses for pregnant women you will be shown whole sets of exercises, aimed at accelerated preparation of the organism for childbirth. In addition, during physical exertion the hormone endorphin is released in the body. This substance is a hormone of happiness. Having it in your blood much sooner will allow you to get rid of fears.

These tips will help in many ways to overcome fears, but still enroll in courses for pregnant women will be quite superfluous.

What will they teach in courses for pregnant women?

They will inform you:

  • About the main stages of childbirth,

  • Will teach you how to breathe properly,

  • Explain how to properly care for the baby,

  • Will tell you the method of breastfeeding, etc.

The choice of a school for preparing for childbirth should be taken no less seriously than to the choice of your doctor. There are free courses directly within the walls of the women's consultation. In total, 3 lessons take place once in the trimester.

On the first lesson you will be told:

  • All about the nutrition of a pregnant woman, what foods are worth eating, and which are not, even share recipes.

The second will teach:

  • How to properly put the baby to the chest, prepare for feeding and some exercises.

On the third tell:

  • About the birth and the necessary things, which must "go" with you to the hospital.

As you can see, in 3 hours you can not learn much, so it's better to find a specialized school for future mothers yourself.

The main task of such courses is to prepare parents for the birth of a child, which is very important for "beginners". School of expectant mothers gives the opportunity to learn in detail:

  • On the features of intrauterine development of the fetus,

  • About nutrition,

  • On how to choose clothes,

  • Will teach special physical culture to facilitate later birth,

  • Will show training films for moral preparation.

Practical lessons will teach your mother:

  • Breathing technique,

  • Postures that can be used directly on the delivery table.

It is very important to cope with a pregnant woman with the following fears:

  • Childbirth,

  • Appearance of the baby and cardinal changes in her life, in which the courses help effectively.

It is very important to study different schools and choose suitable in all respects. You can begin to engage in any period of pregnancy, so boldly join the community of pregnant women.

Still some maternity hospitals, and also even female consultations offer various kinds of gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the pregnant woman does not have contraindications, then you can safely go to any courses. Plus them is the preparation of the physical condition of a woman for childbirth, stretching muscles, communication in a team.

Do not forget that childbirth is a natural process that almost every woman experiences. Positive emotions of a pregnant woman and her good mood will help to pass this period of life less painfully and quickly. It is necessary to remember: how the mother feels, so does the baby feel. Give your baby a basic - this is a positive emotion and a charge of energy, and he will help you to overcome this difficult and exciting process of birth.

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