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Nothing is more permanent than temporary: is this so?

Often some quote or famous expression sticks in your head for a long time. People who have achieved success are advised to write down all the thoughts that come to mind, as well as important sayings. This helps to keep the most important in mind, to return to recording at any convenient moment.

Sayings of famous people in everyday life

Everyone is guided in his life by certain canons. Some of them were vaccinated by parents, others came with experience. You can also take as a rule the sayings of famous people. Many people do it. Some even stuff tattoos with their favorite aphorisms, so never forget the wisdom contained in them.

What does the expression "Nothing is more permanent than temporary"

This saying is very popular among many people. What does it really mean? Probably, everyone interprets it for themselves in different ways, but in any case, the interpretations should have similar features.

The essence of the saying is that everything constant is deceptive. Moreover, saying that something is permanent, we only emphasize once again - permanence is impossible in principle.

The old Chinese proverb comes to mind , which says about the life-river: "Everything flows and everything changes." It seems that these words contain deep ancient wisdom. Take at least different teachings, which say that you can not become attached to a person or a thing, because it leads to suffering. Even Antoine de Saint-Exupery in his chic creation "The Little Prince" mentions attachment as a way to tears.

What is the point?

The whole history of mankind is permeated with this truth, which is so difficult for people to accept. Why is it so difficult to get? Despite all the lyricism, the answer lies on the surface, and it is quite trite. A person loves enjoyment, he becomes attached to them and does not want to take away his favorite toy. The funniest thing is that it does not matter what is being talked about - a loved one or an addiction to food. No matter how rough it may sound, it is so. It is very rare to meet people who love their soul mate, but at any time are ready to let go of it. But this is the real feeling.

You need to constantly be aware of the fact that what you love can leave you every second. It is necessary to accustom yourself to this thought in everything, so as not to be afraid to lose. That is why it is so important to find the "sun" in yourself, why it is so important to love loneliness and why a person needs to adjust the perception of life in solitude. Only having grown fond of loneliness, having accepted and having realized it, it is possible to open the life for other person. Only knowing that at parting you will not fight in hysterics, you can really love. Realizing that another person has his own way and each of us is only looking for himself in the vast universe, we can really develop.


Interestingly, but this expression can be found in many cultures and peoples. Only the form changes, that is, the verbal vestments, but the essence remains the same. The expression "There is nothing more permanent than temporary," the meaning of which we are trying to understand, as it turned out, is the wisdom that people somehow comprehended at great distances from each other and under completely different conditions.

Life is a constant change. Putting something in the framework of constancy, we already mean that the framework will be violated, because it is otherwise impossible. Why are the oaths of eternal love so sad? Why are the oaths of eternal friendship so sad? Why is it so sad when someone promises something eternal? Is it because that only becomes clearer - there is nothing permanent and can not be.

The most paradoxical thing is that you can only extend the moment for a moment. Only by releasing a person or situation, you can get them in eternity. They say that everything you want to hold on should be sand. Only having opened the palm, you can hold the sand in your hand. If you squeeze your palm, the sand will slip away from us through your fingers.

There are many analogues of this expression. Perhaps, there really is a sense in the words "Nothing is more permanent than temporary"? Only realizing this simple and obvious thing, you can learn to enjoy the moment "now". It's a pity that the years of someone's life can go on realizing and accepting this obvious truth.


It is remarkably said: "There is nothing more permanent than temporary." The author of this expression is still unknown. Some attribute these words to contemporary artists, but this is hardly fair. An ancient expression is known to mankind long ago. Some sources claim that its author was Jonathan Swift. Confirmed evidence does not exist, therefore it is impossible to assume that this is really so.

There is also an opinion that these words may belong to Albert Jay Knock. He was a teacher, public critic and an American-born anarchist libertarian. Sources say that during the discussion Jay Knock used a well-known expression. "Nothing is more permanent than temporary" - who is the author of these words? Unfortunately, this is a mystery.

Summing up some results, it should be noted that, despite the obscure authorship of the quote, it is still popular. The most beautiful thing is that it is still relevant. It turns out that the words spoken many years ago can still have power today. So it is, or not, it is unlikely to become known once, but the truth of the words "Nothing is more permanent than temporary" we notice daily.

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