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Characteristics of guests Oblomov. Their place in the composition of the novel

The characterization of Oblomov's guests is, undoubtedly, a minor detail of the novel. These visits are described in II - VI chapters. Goncharov's book not only draws the attention of the reader to the self-destructive personality of Oblomov, the classic narrative illuminates the reasons and environment that contributed to the formation of Ilya Ilyich's absolutely passive attitude toward life, resembling a living embodiment of laziness. At the same time, the author uses completely different artistic techniques. For example, Oblomov's dream scene is a consistent demonstration of the evolution of laziness in childhood and adolescence. However, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov would not be a true member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in literature, if on this stage the disclosure of the idea was limited. A brief description of Oblomov's guests serves as evidence.

Guests of Oblomov - active "pacifiers"

Lloyd Oblomova continued to continue, after her young years, her mastery of the personality of the hero of the hero. Already an educated, grown-up person, Ilya Ilyich often faced people who occupy a certain stage in society, a position in the service, a circle of communication, a hobby. All of them are in the apartment of the protagonist, located on the Vyborg side of Petersburg. Just the characteristic of the guests Oblomov and will be the topic of this article. Each of them in his own way tries to attract Oblomov "for the company" to do the same things he does himself. The guests are Alekseev, Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky. However, our hero, though lazy and a person carefree, but educated, with normal logical thinking. Oblomov, communicating with guests, at a certain stage it becomes clear that his laziness and the pose of a thinker reclining on the couch is better, more honest, than the vanity of all these people.


Not a fan of secular society Oblomov. Characteristic of his guests can serve as proof that these acquaintances are very superficial. Let's start with Alexeyev, a man of uncertain appearance and age. He is a person who, at a certain stage, "lost himself." Therefore, everyone calls him differently: then Ivan Vasilievich, then Ivan Ivanovich, then Ivan Mikhailovich. Is he, is not it, to society anyway. Previously, he was in office, enjoyed a certain influence, considered himself a secular lion. They knew him, invited him. But the unexpected happened, and the high post was lost, instead of it came "ordinary service" in ordinary rank, and immediately Alekseev became uninteresting to others. Is not this the scarcity of this man's spiritual world the reason why it happened? Having lost his post, he did not find what further to lean on in life. Alekseev is a skeleton, a pathetic shadow of the former center of attention. Oblomov gives him a destructive assessment: "There is no man!"


Characteristics of guests Oblomov can not but include another characteristic character. 28-year-old health-spirited Wolves - a ladies' man and a dandy, a man deeply secular. In the context of our time, these people are called "party people". His whole life - a series of visits, balls, dinner parties and dinners. On the one hand, he is constantly in motion, on the other, all his actions are meaningless, do not bring any benefit. In addition, Volkov inherent in the meanness of the fineness of the soul, which can not be said about Ilya Ilyich.


Sudbinsky is a man who "understood the point" in the civil service. He occupies a high position, but completely depersonalized, becoming like a clerical paperweight. His future wedding to the daughter of a state councilor is also entirely subordinated to a career. "Unhappy!" Oblomov thinks of him, realizing that never any high thoughts and feelings will break into the thick-skinned soul of this man.


Brunette with Pushkin's sideburns Penkin is a man who chronically lacks "depth." This is definitely a parody image. He dresses with deliberate negligence. By profession Penkin is a writer. He writes easily, however, his "chopping" will never touch anyone's heart. It is characteristic that the writer himself does not adequately assess his creative abilities. He believes that "everything goes as it should". Oblomov thinks about it, "it's better not to do anything at all than to do it somehow!"


It is characteristic that such a small detail, as a characteristic of Oblomov's guests, is complete and artistically impeccable, as noted by Chekhov and Dobrolyubov. All these people, as already mentioned, come to Ilya Ilyich in order to invite him to go together to the May Day in Ekateringof. They are trying to drag him into a really meaningless run and bustle. Oblomov at the same time finds the reason to refuse. Is he right? The situation is controversial. After all, in the end, self-destruction Oblomov takes a higher order than the people who visited him.

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