Food and drink, Main course
Black walnut. Healing plant from North America
Black walnut is one of the closest relatives of our walnut. His homeland is North America. In our country, it is not very common. Because of the close relationship, these nuts have approximately the same chemical, the difference is only in quantity and concentration. Therefore, we can say that the black walnut is, to some extent, an analog of the Greek. But since in the black walnut the concentration of polygene and polygene substances is much larger, it is used in medicine and folk healing.
Which active ingredients contain a black nut? Description and the list is those - juglon, flavonoids, alkaloids, juveniles, essential oils. Due to the high content of bitter glycosides and organic acids has antiparasitic and antiseptic effect. Before you start using a black nut, reviews of which are so full of Internet resources, you need to know what diseases it is shown. This is, first of all, chronic and acute protozoal invasions, helminthic invasions, candidiasis, and it is also used in the passage of complex programs for the improvement and purification of the body.
More often black walnut is used in non-traditional medicine. Here its range of applications is much broader. It is used for peptic ulcer, with chronic gastritis, dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia, eczema, acne, psoriasis, diabetes, cystitis, pyelonephritis, the formation of ovarian cysts, headaches and migraines, arthritis, allergies and even for the prevention of influenza. This is not the full range of its application. But the most important quality of black walnut is that its use is recommended for the prevention and treatment of tumors of benign and even malignant nature (fibroids of the uterus, mastopathy, leukemia, prostate adenoma).
It is important to take a black nut correctly. The application description depends on the severity of the disease and the indications for treatment. It is often used as a dietary supplements (biologically active additives) - 1 teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day. Term of application - 1 month. Then the course is interrupted and repeated after 1-3 months. For children, the dose will be up to 0.5 h. A spoon also 3 times a day.
Before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor, there are contraindications: hepatitis or cirrhosis, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, alcoholism. Also, do not use tincture if you are driving a vehicle. For patients with cancer tumors undergoing chemotherapy, the tincture is not only not contraindicated, but even desirable, since it is an excellent antioxidant and can weaken the side effects of this procedure.
It is important to remember the precautions when taking a black nut. Reviews about them can be read below:
- You can not use a tincture of black walnut for children under two years;
- Can not be taken by pregnant and lactating women ";
- When an overdose appears nausea, vomiting, which requires a call to the doctor;
- Before the beginning of the full course, make sure that you are not allergic to the black nut. This can be done as follows: for 2-3 days take a tincture of 0.5 teaspoon. If during these days you do not have any adverse reactions, rashes, you can start the full course of treatment;
- With the increased use of tincture, it can suppress the beneficial microflora of the stomach, so in the intervals between the courses, in order to avoid dysbacteriosis, it is worth taking products containing bifidobacteria;
- Tincture of a black nut is contraindicated in people with an increased level of prothrombin.
It is absolutely necessary to store the tincture in a cold and dark place. If you have uncertainty about taking this medication for medicinal purposes, it is best to consult a therapist.
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