
Violet: home care

Currently, violets are bred at home and as a garden plant. Initially, there were 20 species of violets registered. And to date, a large number of different varieties have been inferred, which are classified according to certain characteristics: the shape of the leaves, the color, the type and size of the inflorescence. According to the type of inflorescence, violets are divided into terry and fimbriated varieties. Coloring small inflorescences also strikes an incredible variety: flowers are multicolored and monochrome, color can still have intricate patterns or rims that are built on a combination of different shades. There are separate ampel species. They are distinguished by a branchy broad stem and a small number of inflorescences. Violet, which is in natural conditions, grows in a nutritious, friable substrate, prefers moderate light, it does not require much moisture.

Violet: home care

For a long time it was believed that this flower in the home is whimsical and requires special, painstaking care. In fact, care for domestic violets is not more difficult than for any other plants. There are certain rules and peculiarities, the observance of which allows them to multiply and develop normally. What does the violet need? Care at home is their correct watering, the intentional creation of the necessary substrates for the plant, the conditions of temperature and lighting.

Watering violets

Watering - a moderate, roomy violet, care at home for which does not seem an impossible task, does not tolerate overflow. They try to water it depending on the existing humidity, but in no case more than 2 times a week. During the flowering period, watering should be carried out with great care, so that the water does not fall on the inflorescence of the violets themselves. Even during flowering, spraying can not be done, otherwise the risk of disease development is high. Care at home is best done carefully, using the immersion method - with watering from the pallet. The container with the flower is carefully immersed in a nutritious moist substrate (peat, wet sand, expanded clay or ordinary river pebbles). It is important not to forget that there must be an opening in the bottom part of the flower tank.

Primer for violets

Care of the domestic violet should be carried out in such a way that the conditions of its maintenance are as close as possible to the natural habitat. The soil for violets is obtained by combining chernozem or leaf land, sifted river sand and peat in a proportional ratio of 5: 1: 3. When transplanting these flowers, it is recommended to pour a bit of expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the container, so that moisture can not stagnate and does not cause diseases. Still in the substrate add small particles of high-quality charcoal and dry sphagnum moss. The root system of the plant is superficial in nature, so low pots with a diameter of 5 to 9 cm should be used for transplantation. The most common mistake of many florists is the use of small containers with a small diameter, only 3-4 cm. But using such close pots leads to Undesirable inadequate development of the root system itself, frequent transplantation, which prevents the natural development and growth of violets.

How to feed violets

Throughout the year, violets need to be fed - this implies proper grooming. It is recommended to alternate the usual organic fertilizing and mineral fertilizers. In winter, it is enough to carry out fertilizing once, using organic fertilizers. And in the transitional spring period it is necessary to make good mineral fertilizers, fertilizing 3 times. Similarly, violets are fed in the fall. In the summer, the planned application of fertilizers depends on the conditions of the state and the growing of the plant.

Air temperature and lighting

What does the violet want? Care at home requires a well-lit room, but it is strictly forbidden to expose it to direct sun rays. If you put the violet on the windowsill, you need to make sure that the plants do not come into contact with the glass surface. Often, flower growers use such special fluorescent lights to create optimal conditions for the development of plants. Violets are afraid of drafts, but for a good growth they just need an influx of fresh oxygen. Therefore, when winding, violets must be carried to some other room.

You will definitely be subdued by these lovely plants. So do not delay with the acquisition and enjoy unrivaled beauty.

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