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Benefit and harm of bananas

There are few people who do not like bananas. These tropical fruits are considered an ideal food for almost everyone: they do not cause any allergic reactions even to the smallest children, and are also recognized as one of the best aphrodisiacs. In addition, they do not need special storage conditions, as nature has endowed these fruits with a kind of natural "packaging". Let's find out what is the benefit and harm of bananas.

To the question: "Are bananas useful?", We answer so - bananas, in most cases, benefit. But, nevertheless, doctors do not recommend to use them immature, because such fruits contain insoluble starch, and the human body can not process it. Therefore, unripe bananas can cause gas formation and fermentation in the intestine. And when maturing, starch almost completely turns into sugar, for this reason mature bananas are not only much sweeter, but also easier to digest.

These exotic fruits are widely used in baby food, especially in those kids who suffer from stomach disorders, since mature bananas have a strong effect. Many people suffering from stomach ulcers claim that bananas contribute to the easing of pain. There were even studies confirming the therapeutic effect of fruit in the stomach ulcer.

Bananas contain natural sugar (sucrose, fructose and glucose), which quickly enters the bloodstream after digestion. Thanks to this, when eating only 2 bananas, the body receives the amount of energy that will be enough for an hour and a half training. Athletes often introduce them into their constant diet to restore their strength in a short time.

Bananas are a rich source of potassium. The three fruits of the fruit contain its daily norm. Potassium is needed for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. That's why doctors advise you to use bananas with a sick arrhythmia and hypertension. It is thanks to the content of potassium, they are a product that lowers the pressure.

And yet, thanks to the presence of potassium in their composition, bananas have the ability to remove from the body an excess liquid. Therefore, they are assistants in the fight against edema. In addition, the fruits almost do not contain salt, which turns them into an ideal means for lowering the pressure.

Bananas also contain a huge amount of iron, and this contributes to the production of hemoglobin in the blood.

The substance ephedrine, contained in bananas, with regular use, improves the activity of the central nervous system, and this affects the mood, attention and overall performance.

Bananas are easy to digest. And the fibers from which the fruit consist, contribute to the fastest recovery of postoperative patients, and also help with postoperative complications. They are useful for burns. Great is the use of bananas for the organism of cancer patients during radiation or chemotherapy.

Scientists have proved that these tropical fruits contain substances that are close in structure to endorphins and serotonin (known as the "hormone of happiness"). They help to feel a rush of pleasure and strength, to improve the mood, and also increase the intellectual activity of a person. A potassium and magnesium, contained in bananas, significantly reduce the likelihood of stress, which is a great value at the time of spring avitaminosis and autumnal depression.

Still bananas well help or assist at mosquito bites: that the itch has passed, it is enough to wipe the internal side of its peel the amazed place.

Useful fruits and with gastritis. In the pulp of banana contains starch and pectin, so they have an enveloping effect. In addition, they are softer than many other fruits, for example, apples.

Those who are trying to stop smoking are also useful bananas, because they have vitamins B12, B1 and B6, potassium and magnesium, soothing the nervous system and are valuable help in getting rid of nicotine addiction.

Bananas contain a lot of fiber, for this reason they are an obligatory component for patients suffering from intestinal problems.

They can also help with heartburn, as they absorb the gastric juice into themselves and are taken out of the stomach. However, it should be understood that bananas for heartburn only relieve the symptom. And if you suffer from it constantly, you should consult a doctor.

When considering the topic of what is the benefit and harm of bananas, we can not fail to mention that people suffering from excess weight and diabetes are not advised to eat bananas, because they contain a lot of fructose and sugar, while glucose is not enough.

The benefits and harms of bananas can not be regarded as absolute values. After all, each product contains both good substances that help with different diseases, and substances that are harmful. And, depending on the specific situation, one substance can have both a positive and a detrimental effect. For example, bananas help hypertensive patients, contributing to lowering blood pressure. But if he is recommended to hypotension, the consequences can become deplorable.

The conditional harmful property of bananas can be attributed to the fact that they are quite caloric, since they contain a lot of starch. Therefore, it is better for those suffering from excess weight to limit their use.

Do not abuse bananas for those who suffer from diabetes and other diseases associated with an increase in blood sugar.

If you have very thick blood, bananas can be harmful in this case, because they stimulate the production of hemoglobin.

It turns out that in the same properties can benefit and harm bananas at the same time. All this is individual. In any case, you can eat a couple of bananas a month for everyone. Be healthy!

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