Health, Preparations
Medicinal preparation "Calcium chloride". Instructions
The medicinal preparation "Calcium chloride", the instruction to which acquaints us with this preparation, is crystals without color, smell and taste. This substance is easily soluble in water and very hygroscopic. When you are in the open air, the crystals spread out.
The drug "Calcium chloride", the instruction to which describes the main indications for its use, is prescribed for parathyroid dysfunction and allergic manifestations.
Drug is recommended as a means that can reduce the permeability of the vascular wall and eliminate the phenomena caused by radiation sickness. Prescribe this medicine with an increase in the output of calcium from the body, as well as in the occurrence of exudative and inflammatory pathologies.
Widespread use is found in pneumonia, pleurisy, adnexitis and endometritis. It is recommended to take medication for various skin diseases - itching, eczema and psoriasis. Assign the drug for hepatitis of the parenchymal nature and nephritis. Finds its use of the drug for paralysis, eclampsia and liver damage by toxins. Apply the drug as a product that can stop gastric, intestinal, pulmonary, as well as uterine and nasal bleeding.
Sometimes the drug finds its application and in preparation for surgery. Its active components can increase blood coagulability. Is able to "Calcium chloride" to remove toxins from the body, acting as an antidote for poisoning by various chemical elements. In combination with other medicines and techniques, the drug is used to stimulate labor activity.
The medicinal preparation "Calcium chloride", the instruction to which describes its pharmacological action, has a special impact on the provision of vital functions of the body. He takes part in the transmission of impulses of nerve endings and the work of muscles. Calcium ions are part of the tissue of the skeleton and affect the ability of the blood to clot. Also this chemical element is important for the normal functioning of other systems and organs. Reducing the amount of calcium in the blood leads to the emergence of a number of pathologies and leads to the occurrence of seizures. The drug "Calcium chloride" saturates the body with the missing element. This leads to a decrease in the level of hypocalcemia.
The pharmaceutical preparation "Calcium Chloride", the instruction to which describes the doses and methods of its use, can be appointed by a specialist both for oral administration and intravenously. It is possible to perform electrophoresis procedures, in which the introduction of the drug into the body is carried out under the influence of an electric current. When getting rid of the symptoms of allergic reactions, the medication is prescribed together with antihistamines.
The drug "Calcium Chloride", the instruction for its use, describes the appearance of undesirable effects, possible with its reception, can cause irritation and necrosis of tissues when administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
No medication is prescribed with an increased risk of blood clots, as well as with the late stage of atherosclerosis and an increase in the amount of calcium in the blood.
The use of the drug "Calcium chloride" can cause pain in the epigastric region and heartburn. With the introduction of intravenous - slowing heart rate and feeling hot. The rapid administration of the drug can provoke fibrillation of the cardiac ventricle.
Pharmacological industry produces the drug in the form of powder and solution. The use of a particular form of medication depends on the appointment of a specialist. The solution of the preparation "Calcium chloride" in ampoules is realized in five and ten milliliters each. Powder goes on sale in banks made of glass and having a cork, tightly corked with paraffin.
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