Health, Preparations
"Artikain": instructions for use and analogues
How should I use and under what conditions can I not prescribe medication Articaine? Instructions for use and contraindications for this drug will be discussed further. Also in this article you will find information about the side effects of this medication, its analogs and therapeutic features.
The form of the medicament, its composition, description and packaging
What is the drug "Articaine"? Instructions for use, reviews report that this is an injectable clear solution, which can be colorless, and can have a slightly yellowish tinge.
The active ingredient of this product is articaine hydrochloride. Also in the composition of the drug solution are such auxiliary components as water d / and sodium chloride.
The drug is sold in cartridges, which are packaged in contour plastic cells and bundles of paper, respectively. You can also buy an injection solution in ampoules made of glass.
Therapeutic features of the drug
What is remarkable about the drug "Articaine"? The instruction for use, the description, asserts that this agent is a thiophene derivative. It exhibits local anesthetic properties and is actively used for anesthesia (infiltration and conduction).
In the slightly alkaline environment of tissues, the active component of this preparation undergoes hydrolysis. In this case, a base is released that exhibits lipophilic properties. Due to this effect, articaine quite easily penetrates through the cellular membranes into the nerve fibers.
Affecting the receptors, the drug in question blocks not only the process of delivery of Na ions to cells, but also prevents the impulse along the nerves.
According to reports of dentists, the action of the drug "Articaine", the instruction for which is described below, is observed almost immediately after its introduction. As for the effectiveness of this drug, it is observed for three hours and decreases only in an acidic environment.
Kinetic features of the injection solution
How does the absorption of the drug "Articaine" occur? Instructions for use asserts that when administered intramuscularly, the peak concentration of this agent in the blood is reached after 25-35 minutes.
When the drug is administered under the mouth mucosa, it exhibits an increased diffusion capacity.
With plasma proteins, this drug binds about 95%. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys for six hours (the half-life of the anesthetic is about 65-80 minutes).
One can not help saying that the agent under consideration is capable of penetrating through the placental (in less quantity than local anesthetics), and also through the blood-brain barrier (in an insignificant amount). With regard to mother's milk, with it, articaine is practically not excreted.
Indications for use
What is the purpose of the drug "Articaine"? Instructions for use indicate that this tool is very often used in dental practice for the purpose of anesthesia (infiltration and wiring).
Prohibitions to use
When is it forbidden to use articaine? Instruction for use states that preparations based on this component are contraindicated when:
- Chronic hypoxia;
- High sensitivity to articaine, as well as to other local anesthetics belonging to the group of amides;
- Any diseases of the central nervous system;
- Megaloblastic B12-deficiency anemia;
- Asthma bronchial;
- Angle-closure glaucoma;
- Paroxysmal tachycardia;
- Heart failure of an acute nature;
- Atrial tachyarrhythmia;
- Severe violations of cardiac conduction (for example, with severe bradycardia, atrioventricular blockade of II-III degree);
- Volume maxillofacial operations, as well as with long-term surgery (longer than 20 minutes);
- Arterial hypotension ;
- In children under four years of age (safety and efficacy have not been studied).
It should also be noted that with special care this drug is prescribed for pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, as well as bleeding in the last trimester.
The drug "Articaine": instructions for use in dentistry
Before the introduction of the drug in question, an aspirating test should always be performed. This is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of intravascular drug administration.
According to experts, during the introduction of the drug in question, the pressure on the syringe piston must be adjusted depending on the sensitivity of the tissues. In this case, administer the drug to the inflamed areas of the oral mucosa is highly discouraged. Take food after the injection procedure is allowed only after the full recovery of sensitivity.
In the process of uncomplicated removal of the tooth, located on the upper jaw (if there is no inflammation), use 1.7 ml of solution (per tooth). If required, the patient is additionally given 1-1.7 ml of the drug.
For anesthesia, when sutures and palatine incisions are made, 0.1 ml of the agent is prescribed to create a palatine depot.
When removing premolars located on the lower jaw (for uncomplicated degree), infiltration anesthesia is performed. In this case, it gives the effect of conductive analgesia.
When turning teeth for the crown (except molars of the lower jaw) and cavity preparation, a vestibular injection is carried out at a dosage of 0.5-1.7 ml per tooth.
With a single administration of the drug, its maximum dosage for adults is 4 mg / kg body weight.
Side effects
How is the patient tolerated the drug Articaine? Instructions for use (side effects of this medication will be presented right now) argue that this drug very rarely causes negative effects. Among them we can distinguish such as:
- Stupor, dizziness, respiratory distress, transient visual disorders, tremor, muscle twitches, blurred vision (temporary);
- Generalized convulsions, paresthesia, lower blood pressure, hypoesthesia, blindness, heart failure, double vision, shock;
- Allergic reactions, nausea, angioedema, vomiting, swelling, hyperemia of the skin, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, conjunctivitis, hives, rhinitis;
- Swelling of the cheeks, upper or lower lips, swelling of the vocal cords with difficulty swallowing.
It should also be noted that sometimes with incorrect injection of local anesthetic, damage to the facial nerve is possible. This can lead to the development of paralysis.
An overdose of the drug
What signs of an overdose occur when the "Articaine" medication is misused? Instructions for use indicate the following symptoms: loss of consciousness, dizziness, lower blood pressure, stupor during injection or motor excitement, bradycardia.
To eliminate such conditions, it is necessary to immediately stop the injection and put the patient on the bed. He also needs to provide free patency of the respiratory tract, monitor cardiac contractions and the state of blood pressure.
Drug interaction of the drug
Local anesthetics can enhance the effect of medications that depress CNS.
In parallel with the described drug, the following interaction is observed:
- With anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding and hemorrhage increases;
- With monoamine oxidase inhibitors, the risk of developing arterial hypotension increases;
- The effect of muscle relaxants is enhanced and lengthened;
- With vasoconstrictor means, the local anesthetic effect of articaine is enhanced and lengthened;
- With narcotic analgesics , respiratory depression is increased and an additive effect develops;
- With cholinesterase inhibitors, the metabolism of articaine decreases.
It should also be noted that the drug in question exhibits antagonism with anti-miasthenic drugs. In addition, when treating the injection site with disinfectant solutions that contain heavy metals, the risk of an adverse reaction in the form of edema and painful sensitivity increases.
Special Information
The agent should not be administered intravenously. It is also forbidden to inject into an inflamed area.
Open cartridge from the solution can not be reused, including for other patients.
In the course of treatment, "Artikain" needs to monitor the functions of the respiratory, cardiac, central nervous and vascular systems.
Reviews, analogues
What can replace the local anesthetic "Articaine"? Its analogues are the following drugs: "Mepivacaine", "Lidocaine", "Bupivacaine", "Ultrakain", "Markain" and others.
Now you know what the medication such as "Artikain" is for. Instructions for use, analogs of this anesthetic are also discussed in this article.
According to reviews of specialists, the drug in question is very often used in dental practice. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor and take into account all the contraindications to the use of this medication, then the drug shows high efficiency and very rarely promotes the development of adverse reactions.
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