Food and drinkDessert

Mastic from marshmallow. History of origin and preparation

Marshmallow - this name in translation means marsh mallow or marshmallow. Initially, the root of the althea was turned into a white sticky mass. It was a remedy. And the first sweets in antiquity appeared in Egypt, where the juice of the althea root was boiled with honey, dried, various nuts were added, and then the viscous sweetness was chewed.

Marshmallow has Anglo-American roots. This candy was born at the turn of the 50s of the last century. The ancestor was the firm Kraft.

Today, marshmallow is a product made of gelatin, corn syrup, sugar, flavors and dextrose. Sweets beat up to the state of foam rubber. Unlike marshmallow, in its composition there is no egg white and apple puree. Now many people know that marshmallow mastic is an ideal product for decorating cakes. It perfectly rolls out, perfectly keeps the shape, besides, it is easily dyed.

For preparation of mastic from marshmallow for a basis we shall take corresponding sweets. In addition, we will need: powdered sugar, a couple drops of lemon juice (you can use water), food colors in liquid form (if we need a colored mastic).

Mastic from marshmallow is prepared in the following way. Sour candy with lemon juice or water. We send it to a preheated oven (microwave oven). We take out when candy will grow in volume in 3-4 times. Time to increase the volume will take a little - no more than two minutes. If you want to get colored mastic, it's time to add color. For intense color, 10 drops of dye per 200 g of sweets will be needed. For a light shade - add 3-4 drops.

Mastic made from marshmallow can turn out with a chocolate taste. In the same mass will need to add liquid chocolate. The amount of chocolate depends on your preferences. Be sure to quickly and thoroughly stir to obtain a beautiful uniform color.

To get a real sugar mastic from marshmallow, add sugar powder to our mass. Do not stop, continuing to interfere with a fork. A little sugar powder is poured out on the surface, where we will further masticate the mastic. Pour the mixture into powder and knead it with your hands until a steep mass. Sugar mastic from marshmallow is very sticky consistency. Keep it in powder, it will protect it from drying out. You can decorate cakes with this mastic, covering them whole, or you can mold different kinds of figures.

When rolling the layer on the cake, try to make the powder cover the mastic equally from all sides. Transfer it to the cake with two hands, it is very quickly stretched. If the marshmallow mastic forms wrinkles on the cake, gently spread out with your fingers.

To prepare the correct mastic, you will need a few simple tips:

1. Select the candy according to the color scheme, if you plan to make a multicolored mastic;

2. Powder must be ground very finely, so that the marshmallow mastic does not tear when rolling. Not always the amount of the proposed powdered sugar in the recipe corresponds to the amount of necessary powder in a real situation. Sweets differ in composition. Have in stock more sugar powder. Add it until the mastic does not get the right consistency.

3. Remember, the marshmallow mastic is not applied to a damp surface. It has the property of rapidly melting. Between the upper cake and the mastic must necessarily be an interlayer. It can be both a marzipan layer, and some oil cream, but it must necessarily be cold and frozen.

4. For gluing and gluing fragments and figures from the mastic, use water.

5. Mastic, being in the open air, quickly hardens.

6. To remove excess moisture from the cakes, you can substitute them under the fan. This will help you quickly dry the surface.

7. In the refrigerator, the volume elements of the cake can dampen, absorb excess moisture, so stick them shortly before serving guests.

8. You can store the mastic in the refrigerator by wrapping it in a food film, for 2 weeks, and in the freezer - up to two months.

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