
Cabbage is small: as they say, useful properties, the best recipes and cooking features

Surely you saw this miracle in supermarkets. Dense small heads in size with a walnut are an exact copy of the cabbage we habitually own. In the world of cruciferous is the leader in the content of vitamins and trace elements. In addition, it is very fond of children, because this cabbage is small. What is the name of this unique vegetable? This Brussels sprouts, which refers to a variety of leaf.

Short description

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable crop, a two-year cross-pollinated plant that is unlike other species. White-and-white, colored and other varieties produce a fruit body throughout the year. Here you have to wait longer. In the first year of life a cylindrical thick stem 60 cm high is formed, on the thin petioles of which long leaves with a weak waxy coating are formed. In the sinuses of these leaves there are small heads, round and dense. On one plant, up to 40 or more of these fruits can be tied. So it's not such a misfortune that the cabbage is small. What is the name of this amazing plant, we already know, it remains to talk about useful properties and application.

However, we are not finished. In the second year of life, highly branched flower shoots develop. Fading, they give seeds. Flowers are collected in a medium-sized brush. The fruit is a pod, the seeds are small, they retain excellent germination. In the wild, cabbage is small. As her closest relative is called, even experienced botanists will not be able to answer today. This is the result of long and persistent works of breeders, who gave such a remarkable result.

origin of name

Long ago, in the 18th century, an unknown plant was discovered not far from Brussels. It is difficult to say why it interested the researcher, but it was this find that gave birth to a new species. It was still not at all like the modern, small cabbage. As she called, at that time no one knew yet. However, in honor of the people of Brussels, she received her name, which she continues to wear today. This is an interesting fact, because researchers and breeders did not begin to perpetuate their names in the name of a new plant.

New in your kitchen

All members of the cruciferous family are healthy. They are sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. But cabbage has a special taste characteristics. As they say, we already said today, this is the famous Brussels, which is used for cooking first and second courses, and sometimes for decorating a festive table.

Small heads have a pleasant taste and dietary qualities. The content of vitamin C in it is about three times higher than in white cabbage. But the main advantage of her is that neat, tiny and dense balls are eaten with pleasure by children, without even thinking about the fact that this is the same nasty cabbage.

Source of useful substances

Despite the fact that we have this plant is not too common in the suburban areas, many liked this cabbage. Little kochanchiki (as we call this or that hybrid, we'll talk a little later) contain a fantastic amount of vitamins and minerals, carotene and chemicals of plant origin. Beta-carotene and vitamin C are the most powerful antioxidants that protect our body from the effects of free radicals. The unique composition provides prevention of a variety of diseases, including the digestive tract, with which not everything is safe for most people.

What else is useful for cabbage "little kochanchiki"? What is the name of the stunning vegetable, we already know, but that it is still to be understood that it is capable of providing prevention of a huge number of pulmonary diseases. Active substances plus vitamin C contribute to strengthening immunity, which means that ARVI and ARI will not be as scary as before, even at the height of the season.

From nature itself

What gives our body a small cabbage? What is the name of the diet, in which it is recommended to eat daily? Let's deal with these noteworthy facts. In the spring and autumn, many of us recall the vitamin complexes that are important for maintaining immunity. What do we do then? That's right, go to the pharmacy. And completely in vain, because such a product as Brussels sprouts, contains almost all known vitamins, minerals and amino acids. And it is these natural compounds that do not cause an overdose, are easily digested and go only for good, unlike chemical, chemist's.

Strengthening of the heart muscle

Since it is called a small green cabbage of Brussels, it is not difficult to guess where its ancestors grew. From Brussels, it quickly spread throughout Europe, and all thanks to the fact that the useful properties of this vegetable were overshadowed by all that is known on that day. And today it is difficult to find a product equal to this cabbage.

Why do the little kochanchiki consider the best helpers for the heart? Because the potassium and magnesium included in the cabbage, iron and phosphorus, as well as calcium together with a high-quality protein, affect the work of the heart in the best way and improve the condition of the vessels. Therefore, people over 40 must necessarily include it in their diet at least several times a week.

For children and diet food

есть люди, которые при всем желании не могут употреблять большинство из них в пищу. Garden leafy vegetables are extremely useful for our body, but there are people who, with all the desire, can not eat most of them for food. This is especially true of winter varieties of white cabbage, which are famous for their high fiber content. With all its undoubted benefits, not every stomach and intestine can adequately perceive such loads.

And here on the rescue comes the cabbage is small, round. What is the most useful vegetable in the world? Of course, each of them must be present in our diet, but Brussels sprouts are beyond competition. Its special value lies in the fact that along with the high content of potassium and vitamin C, it has very little fiber. Therefore, bloating and other problems do not threaten you. It is an indispensable product for dietary nutrition. Doctors recommend to include it as often as possible in their diet to patients suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

The Benefits of Immunity

This is another reason to get acquainted with this cruciferous vegetable, and more specifically, than just to find out what is called a small cabbage. Useful properties can be described for a very long time. And put an end to this list, you are unlikely to succeed. Brussels sprouts are very useful in the recovery period after the disease. It positively affects the condition of the entire body, increases immunity, positively affects the functioning of the pancreas.

There is great news for vegetarians, as well as for adherents of a healthy lifestyle and just wanting to lose weight. Broth, cooked on the basis of this vegetable, in its nutritional properties is not inferior to chicken. It is very useful to consume cabbage juice in fresh form. For this, it is usually mixed with carrot juice. It is very useful for diabetes and impaired pancreatic function.

How to cook

Even if you come home extremely late and are not a fan of home cooking, in this product, you definitely will not be disappointed. The easiest way in the world is preparing Brussels sprouts. Useful properties and recipes in this article will be an example for you, how to quickly and easily turn a boring dinner into a real treat.

So, the simplest option is to boil it for several minutes on high heat without closing the lid. So you save all the useful stuff. And if you want to hit households, then try baking it with eggs and cream. To do this, the kochanchiki is brought to half-ready in salted water, then fried in butter, then poured with eggs and cream and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Delicious soup

The first dishes with this vegetable are the absolute favorite. It's simple, fast, tasty and nutritious. Preparation does not take more than 30 minutes of time. On a small pot you need 300 g of potatoes and 100 g of carrots, onions and 200 grams of Brussels sprouts, greens and sour cream.

The potato is sent first to the pot. It must be pre-cut into strips and washed. Carrots and onions are lightly passaged in a frying pan, after which they are added to the boiling broth. The last toss cabbage. Now add salt and spices, allow to pour for 5 minutes and turn off. Do not try to make kochanchiki. Cabbage should be quite hard and crunchy.

Snack salad

It perfectly fits any dinner, meat or fish dish, and will also become a self-sufficient dish. Of course, you will need a small cabbage. The useful properties of this vegetable are supplemented by a high protein content, so that it can become an alternative to animal products.

So, you need 500 g of green kochanchikov. They need to be cut in half and boiled in salted water for about 10 minutes. Separately, you need to boil 200 g of potatoes, cut and add to the total mass. Additional ingredients can be onions and salt, pepper and butter.

Snack from fresh vegetables

The most useful is the use of raw vegetables, this is a well-known truth. Therefore, the less you heat cabbage, the more vitamins and minerals your body will get. Try to make a simple salad of raw cabbage and carrots, as well as green peas. To do this, thinly chop vegetables, mix them together, add salt and butter. An excellent snack is ready, it can be served to any dish, it will perfectly look on the festive table. Daily supplementing your diet with such a dish, you will soon notice that the gastrointestinal tract began to work much better.

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