
Park roses

It is difficult to find a garden, a park or a private plot wherever the park roses grow. These beautiful, long-flowering shrubs in landscape design are indispensable. Park roses - a variety of roses and frost-resistant decorative dog roses, which can hibernate under light shelter or without them.

These shrubs, as a rule, bloom once (most often in early summer). At this time they are covered with a large number of fragrant flowers of the most diverse color. Even after blossoming, many of them do not lose their decorative qualities due to bright fruits and leaves. Since they are undemanding and winter hardy, they are grown even where there are severe winters. They look great against the background of trees and lawn. When planting these roses sever the branches, leaving only 2-3 good buds. In subsequent years, park roses are carefully cut, removing only the old branches. Propagate them with seeds, young growth and bush division.

Varieties of roses park

1. Wrinkled rose (rugose). And she, and her numerous hybrids have large flowers with a delicate aroma. They are white, wine-red, pink and yellow. Their flowering often lasts all summer. Although the largest and most numerous flowers blossom in June. In the fall on her bush large red fruits flaunt.

Repeatability of flowering and good winter hardiness of this species are used by breeders to bring out the most frost-resistant and long-flowering park roses. Rugosa is resistant to powdery mildew. The bushes are straight, thick, densely covered with spines. The leaves have 7-9 dark green wrinkled (corrugated) leaves. Above, they are smooth, and from below they are pubescent. The most popular and valuable varieties of this type of roses:

- Golden King - has semi-double, large, light yellow flowers. The bush - up to 2.5 m., Is resistant to fungal diseases.

- Queen of the North - has a thick-smelling, fragrant wine-red flowers. The bush - up to 2 m., Most abundantly blooms in early summer.

- Georges Ken - flowers large, semi-double, fragrant, lilac shade. The bush - up to 2.5 m., Resistant to fungal diseases, blooms all summer.

- Conrad Ferdinand Meyer - has fragrant, double, silvery-pink flowers. The bush is very decorative, with 1.5-meter shoots. Blooms in June, but the bloom is repeated all summer.

- Parnassina - flowers are terry, large, fragrant, pink. The height of the bush is 1 m. The most abundant bloom is in June.

- Pink Grothendorst - has double, medium-sized, pink flowers. The height of the branchy bush is 1 m. The most abundant flowering is in June.

- Teton Beauty - flowers are cupped, terry, pink or crimson. A strong bush is 1.5 m. The flowering in June is the most abundant.

- Grothendorst - has dense, large inflorescences with double, crimson-red flowers. The bush is strong, up to 1.2 m high, resistant to fungal diseases, but less frost-resistant.

2. Rose stolepestnaya - height of sprawling bushes - 1.25 m; Flowers drooping, dense, with a strong aroma; Bloom once, in June.

3. Rosa Kanina (canine) - bushes - 1.25 m; Flowers melenkie, pink-red, odorless.

4. French rose - a medium-sized shrub with vertically growing and creeping shoots, covered with sickle-shaped thorns and bristles. She is an excellent honeycomb. Leaves are complex, consist of an odd number of small leaves. Flowers are single, pink and red. These park roses bloom in June-July. Prefers sunny areas with loamy soils.

The group of park roses includes some other species of these shrubs that have good winter hardiness and abundant flowering. Care for these shrubs is to improve the soil with compost or peat, good moisturizing, regular pruning and top dressing of roses. Planting park roses is better in autumn (September-October) in prepared light and air-permeable soil. The first pruning is carried out in the spring.

To decorate homestead plots and create beautiful compositions in parks often use and climbing roses. Their varieties are also diverse. They can have curly shoots of 2-5 m. Their flowers are large and small, densely and mildly, collected in paniculate pyramidal inflorescences. They have a variety of colors: cream, red, white, pink. These roses are almost odorless, but have a long and abundant flowering. This group includes such groups of roses: real stems, Cordes roses, klimingi, large-flowered stems, half-stems, ground cover. The most popular varieties: Excelsa, Dorothy Perkins, Claming Orange Triumum, Clayming Gloria Day.

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