
Marine anemones - flowers for the aquarium. Features and conditions of detention

Marine anemones, flowers-animals, are some of the most unusual underwater predators. They have a bright color, due to which they attract the attention of their future victims - small size fish. After extraction is caught by elegant tentacles, anemones sting it and tighten it into the mouth opening. Anemones of the sea do not pose a mortal danger to humans, but can be seriously burned. These mysterious creatures for a long time were considered incapable of movement, in fact, when danger occurs, they develop a speed of up to 4 cm per second, which allows them to escape successfully from sea urchins. Anemones belong to the simplest animals, it appeared on the planet about 600 million years ago. In the heyday of their population, they were common even in shallow waters, but over time due to the emergence of an increasing number of predators hid under the cover of water. At the moment, these animals live on rocky grounds of southern and northern seas at a depth of 3 to 40 meters, preferring areas with strong currents, often settle on shells of mollusks and form colonies.

Marine anemones can be an excellent decoration for the aquarium. Features of their content depend on the variety of these underwater inhabitants. So, M.Ssenile is the most capricious and will require a lot of hassle. The optimal temperature regime of water for these animals is 10-15 degrees, temporary increases are possible up to 23 degrees. In too warm water, they stop eating and secrete a large amount of mucus, which must be washed off constantly. For the normal life of M.senile, a constant water change is necessary - about 10% per month. Also anemones need quality filters filled with activated carbon. Another prerequisite is the presence of strong water currents. When mechanical irritations from the pores of the body M.senile long white threads with stinging cells are thrown out , which can cause harm to other inhabitants.

In order to decorate the aquarium, anemone flowers of this species should be placed on a steep rocky wall. This solution creates the illusion of horizontally growing fanciful palms with lush swaying crowns. M.senile will certainly become the "pearl" of the underwater garden.

The best food for any anemone is live zooplankton, for example, a sea rotifer, which is easily bred at home. If desired, M. Senile can be accustomed to large meals - pieces of minced fish, small fish or shellfish. It is worth noting that during feeding they need a strong flow of water. Anemones, predator flowers, can also become prey. Many fish, in particular Navodon modestus and Blenniidae, feed on them, biting off pieces from their bodies. Another of their enemies is Eolidia - a pretty nudibranch mollusc that can "drink" an anemone within 24 hours. Reproduction of these anemones can be provoked by creating a temperature jump in the aquarium . Division and budding is extremely rare. Young individuals appear on the walls and bottom of the aquarium, they feed on zooplankton.

Anemones, flowers for the aquarium, also have other interesting species. Anthopleura sp., Which lives in the Sea of Japan near the Kuriles and Kamchatka, lives under a layer of silt or sand, adhering to the bottom. Only an attractive corolla of tentacles remains on the surface, which immediately immobilizes small crustaceans and mollusks that swim too close, and is buried with prey in the sand. Content of Anthopleura sp. In the aquarium does not require significant effort, with their help you can create original "living" flower beds. The water temperature should be maintained at a level of 15-20 degrees. Besides crustaceans, they can be fed with shrimp and small pieces of fish. Cases of reproduction of these ammon in captivity are unknown to date.

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