Health, Quit Smoking
How to quit smoking and not get better?
Smoking is a bad habit, everyone knows about it and no one is stopped by the horrors of possible lung cancer, no yellow teeth, no shortness of breath, no gray complexion - nothing! You get used to it so quickly that you think that you have lived all your life.
And then something happens, and we begin to think that it would be nice to give up - or the relatives are strongly advised, or we get something sick, or we plan to have a baby. Yes, you never know what - the main thing is that this moment is coming. Then we start asking friends, reading on the web - how is it - to quit smoking forever?
And everywhere it is said that this is an Act , with a capital letter, that it requires willpower and can be thrown out, but it is very, very difficult. How to quit smoking and not get well is another topic for reasoning, because nobody wants to be fat, albeit non-smoker. And then we create a problem for ourselves - we are already morally ready for failure - after all, we are not alone - "millions of people can not," "it's really difficult," and so on.
And also this myth - if you quit smoking - you will surely grow fat. In part, of course, it is not a myth - after all, when we throw something, the earlier we occupied ourselves, something else must come to this place. And often this is another - food. But it does not matter what exactly we throw - to smoke, drink or play tennis - we eat our free time. Therefore, the answer to the question "how to quit smoking and not recover" is very simple - do not eat more than you ate during smoking.
There is also an opinion that nicotine suppresses the feeling of hunger. Accordingly, quitting smoking, we will be more willing to eat. We must understand this and again - do not eat more than when smoking.
And even if this harmful habit is abandoned, the taste buds begin to work in full force, and the food - ordinary, habitual food, acquires a new taste, which we like much more than the one we drowned with tobacco. So we start eating more - it's delicious!
And the notorious habit of holding something in the hands or in the mouth - before it was a cigarette, after giving up smoking it was replaced with sweets, chocolate or something else. To replace it is necessary, if you want, only candy,
For these reasons, many gain weight with a rejection of cigarettes - about 3-4 kilograms for 2-3 months. How to quit smoking and not recover from excessive eating - just do not eat much. And eat right.
Preferably in small portions, not in front of the TV, but at the table in the kitchen or in the dining room. And, of course, you can not sit on a rigid diet - so you launch a pendulum, the result of which movement, most likely, will return to cigarettes - no restrictions, life is supposedly in your own pleasure. There is need for everything, but to know when. For example, if you want to eat a cake - eat, but not before going to bed, and in the morning or at lunch. And leave a fruit salad or stewed vegetables for dinner.
By the way, since it occurred to you to refuse cigarettes, it is quite possible that you will go further - change your lifestyle, start avoiding harmful products, sign up for the gym - then there will not be any extra kilograms. How to quit smoking and not get better - you yourself will tell anyone.
Occupy yourself with anything - read, watch a movie, surf, learn to ride a bicycle, go to an exhibition or to a theater. The main thing is that in your new schedule there is not enough room for a smoke break. But if you understand that all the thoughts you have exclusively about food and cigarettes, and in a dream you see a chicken leg, then it is worth buying dietary supplements for weight control. Only not Chinese tablets on the Internet.
How to quit smoking and not get fat - the question of those who do not want to quit smoking, therefore, is covered by this mythical reason. After all, in fact, even if you gain these few kilos, you can easily get rid of them.
By the way, the surest way to part with a cigarette forever is to understand why you are doing this. Neither Alain Carr, nor a neighbor, nor a well-known TV presenter, but you. Everybody knows the common damage, but hardly anyone refuses to smoke, because the doctors said that it causes cancer. Otherwise, no one would smoke, because doctors talk about this for a long time.
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