Homeliness, Gardening
Kiev early peach: variety description and care
Peach Kiev early is one of the most productive varieties of all that are grown in Ukraine and in Russia. One of the advantages of this variety is its high winter hardiness. Breeded Kiev early was the breeders of the Institute of Horticulture UAAS in 1939 by crossing varieties Kashchenko 208 and Gross Mignon. Care for this variety, like for any other, of course, has some of its features.
Peach Kiev early: description of the variety
Adult tree of this variety differs spherical, slightly spreading crown. Among the advantages of the Kiev early, among other things, include rapid growth. Since the tree is usually not too tall (no more than 4-5 meters), it is quite convenient to collect fruits from it.
The popularity of this old variety is also determined by the fact that it belongs to the industrial class. Peach is grown not only by summer residents, but also by large and medium-sized farmers, as well as by various kinds of agricultural enterprises. That is, it will be quite easy to get the seedlings of the Kiev early.
The first harvest from a tree of this sort can be collected already for the third year after planting. The fruits of the peach are not too large, but it can not be said that they are small (up to 90 g). They have a rounded-elongated shape with a pronounced beak. On young trees, slightly flat peaches often grow .
The flesh of the fruits of the Kiev early is very juicy and tender. The color is white, even slightly transparent. The difference of this variety is the high density of pulp and the absence of redness in the bone region. Some peaches in the section can see pink strips (throughout the area).
The taste of the fruits of the Kiev early, judging by the reviews of gardeners, just excellent. He is always full, sweet, with a little sourness. Pleasant and pronounced aroma of peaches of this variety. The bone of the fruit is small, elongated and strongly pointed. From the pulp it does not separate.
The thin peel of peaches of Kiev early differs in light yellow color. Often on the tree there are fruits with a pronounced or slightly blurred blush. Eat peaches of this variety are usually fresh. However, for the production of compotes and jam, they can also be used. For a year from one tree with good care, you can collect up to 50-60 kg of fruit.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Grow early Kiev peach is not too difficult. He tolerates winter cold very well. In Ukraine, the Kiev early is considered even a standard of winter hardiness. That is, on this basis, all other varieties of peaches are compared with it. Also, the pluses of this variety include good resistance to clasterosporium and powdery mildew.
There are no shortcomings in the early Kiev one. The only thing, many summer residents note the fact that the variety with quite a high resistance to the curl of leaves this disease still sometimes suffers.
Where to Plant
Like most other varieties, the peach variety Kiev early does not like swampy, damp, lowland areas. Plant a tree on a small hill, brightly lit by the sun and at the same time well protected from the wind. Next to the peach, there should be no other trees and shrubs (up to 3 meters away). It is not necessary to plant this variety on the place where earlier plants such as clover, melons, nightshade or strawberries grew. Otherwise the tree can later become ill.
Landing rules
It is advisable to prepare a pit for peach Kiev early from the autumn. Soil mixture for seedlings is made of the following components:
- Humus or compost - 15 kg;
- Nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers - 200-300 g (each);
- Fertile topsoil.
Planted peach Kiev early (photo growing in the garden of trees of this class can be seen in the article) in the spring - in mid-April, after the snow and the drying up of the earth. A peg is stuck in the pit, which later will serve as a support for the young tree, and pile the prepared soil mixture. Next, install the seedling and tie it. After that carefully spread the roots of the plant according to the soil mixture. Then the pit is covered with fertile soil to the top. Around the peach, you must make a small ditch and an earthen roller. At the final stage, the tree is watered abundantly, and the trunk circle is mulched with sawdust, leaves or peat with a layer of 5-10 cm.
How to fertilize
The fertility of the soil under the peach, since it absorbs the nutrients actively, should be maintained periodically. If the tree is planted on good soil, top dressing is done once in 2-3 years. On poor soils, the peach is fertilized at least once a year. Feed this variety in early spring or late autumn. In this case, you can use both organic and mineral fertilizer. As a first, dilute slurry is usually used. As for mineral fertilizing, the Kiev early responds very well to ammonium nitrate, wood ash and superphosphate.
How to water
The Kiev early peach is not only winter-hardy, but also drought-resistant. Too often you do not need to water a tree. But the plant does not need to experience a lack of water, of course, in any case.
Water the Kiev early in special grooves-grooves, done in the trunk circle at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. For the first time the soil under the plant needs to be moistened before the flowering begins (10 days). Further, the peach is watered as necessary, depending on the amount of precipitation, 3-4 more times per season.
How to protect from cold
Despite the fact that the peach is early in Kiev, the description of which can be judged by the summer residents as one of the most unpretentious ones, the tree is winter-hardy, the frost can still exert a negative influence on it. After all, in any case, a peach is a plant that is thermophilic. Some owners of summer cottages, for example, pay attention to the fact that sometimes after the winter the Kievskoe early cracks the trunk. In this case, the plant must necessarily be treated. Experienced gardeners at specialized forums advised to gently clean the wound to healthy wood and lay a crack cut and kneaded horse sorrel. Kashitsu need to be changed from time to time to dry the damage.
Spring frosts on this variety may also have a negative effect. If the frost hits during flowering, the Kiev early peach can discard all the buds. Accordingly, in the summer the owners of the summer residence will not wait for the tree and fruiting. To prevent this from happening, gardeners are traditionally advised to fumigate the trees with smoke from the fires during a frost. In this case, you can save at least some of the colors.
To Kiev early well suffered winter, in autumn it must be carefully shed. In addition, all dry and diseased branches should be cut off. The trunks should be covered with a thick layer of sawdust. Do this in dry weather. Otherwise, the root neck of the plant may begin to rot.
Fight against diseases: what you need to know
To the majority of infections of garden crops the Kiev early peach, as already mentioned, is stable. But sometimes these trees, of course, can also get sick. In this case, various types of medications can be used. Use them should be as neat as possible. The fact is that peach trees are very sensitive to various chemicals. If the dosage is disturbed, the plant can simply discard leaves and fruits or slow down its development.
How to deal with curly leaves
Peach Kiev early, planting and caring for it - procedures that require strict compliance with technology, most often infected with a voice-tagged fungus, affecting the leaves. The spores of this parasite are able to penetrate into the cracks of the cortex and under the scales of the leaves. The latter as a result are twisted, from where the name of the disease came from. As a prophylactic for leaf curl for peach, 1% solution of copper sulfate is usually used. Spraying is carried out in early March. After a few days, the treatment is repeated. Copper sulfate can be replaced by 3% Bordeaux liquid.
If the plant is already sick, it should be sprayed with a solution of some tank drug. This can be, for example, Pentafag, Trichodermin, or Planrys. You can also use copper oxychloride.
Peach Kiev early: reviews of gardeners
According to summer residents of Ukraine and southern regions of Russia, this variety is really one of the best. In particular, he deserved good reviews for the early maturation of fruits (in mid-July) and their excellent taste. As for the care of summer residents for this variety, there are also no special complaints. The only, experienced gardeners advise to be more careful when buying seedlings. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers instead of Kiev early sellers offer other, less-yielding and popular varieties.
As you can see, the peach Kiev early is a good sort and relatively unpretentious. In case of correct and regular care this plant will certainly please its owners with good development and abundant fruit bearing.
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