
Korean language from scratch: where to start?

In South and North Korea, as well as in the territory of the Yanbani District of China, which has autonomy, the official language is Korean. Also this language is alive and within various other countries: from Kyrgyzstan to Canada and Japan. After all, their territories are inhabited by a huge Korean diaspora, which preserved its traditions.

In order to travel to a foreign country, you must familiarize yourself with all the details that will be needed during your stay. Learning Korean from scratch will be useful for those who plan to move to a permanent place of residence in the corresponding country (or just visit it as a tourist), get acquainted with the culture and way of life, and it will be useful for polyglots who are eager to learn a new foreign language . To speak on this amazing dialect, it is necessary to observe simple rules and learn by steps.

First step

To begin with, as in the study of other languages, it is necessary to learn the alphabet. It is necessary for elementary to read and write. Learning Korean from scratch on its own can cause some difficulties in the first stage, but it is only necessary to overcome them, as the language itself will attract the student.

It is worth a little talk about the alphabet. For people who use Cyrillic and Latin in their speech , it will seem slightly strange. However, among the three Asian languages - Japanese, Chinese and described - it is the easiest. The Korean was invented in 1443. And since then it has 24 letters, 10 of them are vowels. In the early stages of this knowledge will be enough to master the basic language.

Korean has diphthongs, double consonants and hanchu. The first two are 16 pieces. Accordingly, the full alphabet consists of 40 different letters. What is hancha? Several centuries ago, when the formation of the Korean language was going on, many Chinese words began to come to it, which have not found their analogs on the described structure to this day. Therefore, the average Korean knows about 3 thousand Chinese characters. And if in Japanese language the words of foreign pronunciation have passed into everyday conversations, then Korean keeps the distance - they are used only in official letters, texts on religious topics, dictionaries and classical works. It is worth noting that hunch is not used on the territory of North Korea.

What is so easy for the alphabet? Knowing basic information, of course, will help with such a time-consuming process as learning the Korean language from scratch yourself. Unlike Japanese and Chinese, in which hieroglyphs are used, words are composed of letters in it. And the individual symbols that make up the alphabet mean only one (sometimes two, if it's a pair of voiced-deaf) letters.

Step Two

Having mastered the alphabet, you should begin to study numerals. Here the main thing is to immediately understand the difference when using the Korean system of calculus, and when the Chinese system. The first, as a rule, is necessary for counting from 1 to 99 and when specifying the age of any matter. For example, one - "khan", two - "tulle", three - "set". The second is used by the population at the account after 100, in the names of streets, houses, dates, money and telephone numbers. For example, one - "il", two - "and", three - "myself". At the same time, they are written using letters, not hieroglyphics. This may also seem complicated, but further is even more difficult, and without mastering this, it will be very difficult to develop further. After all, such a task as how to learn Korean from scratch can not be compared with attempts to master some native Russian Slavic system.

Step Three

Step Three involves learning small phrases and a few dozen basic words. It should only start and immediately be noticeable, as the Korean combinations themselves begin to climb into the head.

It is necessary to have a small notebook with you, where you can write down how to pronounce certain words. An excellent way to learn Korean from scratch is to attach stickers with phrases to prominent places. So the brain will better learn new information.

The most important process in the third step is to learn not only the Korean-Russian translation, but also the Russian-Korean translation. So you can learn to speak the language, and not just understand it.

Step Four

Studying the Korean language from scratch on your own, do not forget about the basic words, such as "hello" or "bye." They are necessary even for the most uneducated polyglots and always help out when talking with the carrier. Among the standard words, we can distinguish the following: yes ("ne"), no ("ani"), thank you ("kamsamnida"), hi (annen).

Step five

In Korean culture there is a clear division into the official and unofficial form of language. What to use in communication with a certain person, it is necessary to find out from the following factors: the age of the interlocutor, his profession and achievements, social status. Formality in the dialogue has three stages:

  • Official. Used to talk with seniors, boss and unfamiliar people.
  • Informal. It is more suitable if the opponent is a close friend, relative or younger by age.
  • Respectful. In everyday speech is not used, but can often be heard on television in scientific and news programs, as well as in the army.

For those who learn Korean from scratch, this division is important to understand. Those who do not adhere to formalities are considered impolite, and thus the person himself spoils relations with others.

Step Six

Now you need to master the grammar. It presents complexity in only one - in a huge number of different forms of the same verb. And they all need to know.

Among the most common rules on grammar can be noted the following:

  1. The verb in the sentence is placed at the very last place.
  2. The subject is used only if it can not be understood from the context or from the previous sentence about what or who it is about.

Step seven

An important stage is practice. The more a person speaks and writes, the better his skills become.

Do not be afraid to start learning Korean from scratch. This is morally difficult, although technically not difficult. The main thing is desire and perseverance. Good luck!

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