Food and drinkRecipes

Recipe for Sour Sweet Sauce

To start such an important business as preparing an acidic sweet sauce, we need the following ingredients.

This number of products includes soy sauce about two tablespoons, one or two bulbs of onions, ginger, namely one root, garlic two slices, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons sugar and a necessarily brown color, Because the sauce needs to add charm.

In addition to these products, the recipe for sweet sour sauce requires the presence of ketchup on your table, it will be enough to put three tablespoons, it will give the sauce a rich eastern flavor of spices and give an amazing taste to any dish.

In addition to this bouquet it is necessary to prepare starch with one tablespoon, two tablespoons of usual boiled or purified water, and fruit juice of two hundred milliliters in combination with excellent dry sherry.

In the presence of all these necessary products, you can begin preparing the sauce itself, which you have enough for exactly three portions. Accordingly, if you want to increase the number of portions and make the whole presented recipe sour sweet sauce with the necessary ingredients in a double size and invite to sample this sauce of all the neighbors.

Now let's talk about how to cook sour sweet sauce for your loved ones and faithful friends, describe in what order to add products for sauce and what you need to do to make the sauce you have better than others.

To start taking the onion, ginger and garlic they must be finely chopped, then pour the sunflower non-smelling oil into a frying pan and put the sliced vegetables into a frying pan and fry for three minutes or four at a slow heat, while stirring constantly so that the onions are not overcooked.

After that, we turn to the second action, for this we take soy sauce, ketchup, sherry, brown sugar, fruit juice, as well as orange and pineapple juice, which also gives a special acidity to the sauce, and mix everything in a small dish until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Then, what is mixed, put on a small fire and bring to a boil. In parallel with this, you must mix the starch with water and pour it all into a dish with sauce, add the mixture, prepared from onions, ginger, and garlic and stirring to cook, for another fifteen minutes until the sauce comes to the desired consistency.

Such a recipe for sweetly sour sauce can be prepared for a festive dinner, for dinner, for a new year and for Christmas, for Valentine's Day and thus please your beloved young man or your beloved girl. It is also relevant, it will look like a gift for February 23rd or March 8th.

In principle, the recipe for sweetly sour sauce can be cooked any day not even festive just to take and make a pleasant and good mood to all the people around you.

The sauce comes to any dish of meat, fish and poultry, it will add to your diet a mysterious note of Asia and China.

If you are going to a barbecue, then the preparation of this sauce will be very welcome, since it is with this sauce that it is better absorbed into the stomachs, without creating a sensation of the severity of the food.

To ensure that your sauce was not similar to others it can be slightly varied, for example, add not ordinary vinegar, but wine.

Wine vinegar has a particularly good effect on digestion and has huge useful properties, it contains antioxidant vitamins, which contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the body.

So try, experiment and good luck with learning any culinary recipes, and we in turn will try to help you in this!

Sweet and sour sauce is an asset of the eastern countries, where it received worldwide recognition. But, this is understandable! The taste of sweetly sour sauce is incomparable.

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