HealthWomen Health

Female "amphorae"

Speaking about the beauty of the female figure as an aesthetic category, indicating perfection, the harmony of proportions, one can compare it with the ancient Greek amphora. Therefore, the ancients called the woman "the amphora of life," referring to the vessel for the bearing of a new being. It's amazing, but

The ancient Greeks intuitively caught in the outline of amphora the criterion of the woman's reproductive health, which was scientifically confirmed only in the twentieth century. In the opinion of anthropologists, men's preference for women with a narrow waist and a lush bust has evolved as a way to choose a partner with the maximum reproductive potential, since the probability of getting pregnant during the menstrual cycle in such women can be about 30% higher than in women who do not have these Merits. The content of progesterone, a hormone that preserves pregnancy, was significantly higher in all women with a narrow waist, regardless of the size of the bust. These data provide convincing evidence that the concepts of beauty have developed to a certain extent as a result of evolution and are based on the ability to reproduce. Presenting to men a set of pictures depicting female figures, in which the ratio of the waist to the hip ratio and the degree of body fullness were varied,

Or Barbie dolls, D. Singh showed that men are not inclined to choose thin women. Most men prefer a female figure of medium fullness, but with a narrow waist. According to Singh, the narrow waist and fat deposition on the hips are signs of youth, for with the onset of menopause the figure of a woman begins to change: fat deposits form mainly on the masculine type - on the stomach, and the amount of adipose tissue on the hips and buttocks even decreases. The emphasizing of a narrow waist by society ladies with the help of corsets was very popular in the XVIII-XIX centuries. However, some people have a natural thin waist. Here is how Saint-Goury writes about this: "Thinner

Waist than the Armenian, and can not be imagined. They did not recognize corsets or belts. It seemed that nature itself rewarded this people with such refined creatures. That's why men looked at beauties not in front, but behind, so as not to confuse them before time with persistent glances, full of unquenchable rapture. " In the work published last year

Scientists figured out how and what causes "unquenchable delight" in men, using the method of NMR - tomography of the male brain. As it turned out, changes in the body mass index were activated only by neurons of the visual cortical areas, but with the optimal ratio of the waist and hips (female-

"Amphorae") revealed the activation of neurons in the frontal part of the girdle, connected with the centers of reward (pleasure) and the decision-making procedure. The reward system is included in the moments of the reception of delicious food, it also makes unforgettable impressions of sex, resulting in orgasm. In general, such a pleasant reaction is inherent in nature itself as a reinforcement of those forms of activity that are necessary for the survival and continuation of the genus. Keeping in its memory the former pleasures, the reward system urges us to resort again and again to the actions that caused them earlier. The optimal ratio of the waist to the hip size is indicative not only of the woman's reproductive health, but also is related to the intelligence of her descendants. Scientists from the University of California and Pittsburgh, testing 16 thousand

Women and girls, came to the conclusion that women with a greater difference between the waist and hips give birth to children with a higher level of intelligence. They found that female females contain omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the development of the fetal brain during pregnancy.

Ment. Subsequently, the children of such women demonstrate significantly better results

Tats during the testing of intelligence than children born to adolescent mothers,

Since there was not enough omega-3 accumulated in the hips of the latter

Fatty acids. The formation of a narrow waist and broad hips, signs that dramatically differentiate

Women from other primates, is due, apparently, ... running for long distances. As Daniel Lieberman explains, "a woman's arms are shortened, and legs, on the contrary, are lengthened. The pelvis and gluteal muscles have increased. They had to develop in order to maintain balance when running, when the body leans forward. After all, running is a process of "controlled falling".

But the buttocks, in fact, and began to control it, noticeably adorned with the very same

Woman. She had a waist, which visually became thinner with the development of the pelvis and the muscles inherent in it. " Who did our progenitors run from? One can only assume ...

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