HealthWomen Health

What kind of Chinese tampons? Reviews will help them to get acquainted

A woman needs to be very careful about her health. The slightest failure in the work of the pelvic organs can negatively affect the state of the whole organism, and also lead to serious complications, lead to infertility. It is very important to identify the diseases of the reproductive system in a timely manner, as well as to properly treat.

Modern medicine offers a lot of drugs that help to quickly and effectively cure female diseases. Among those are popular Chinese tampons. Reviews about this tool are very good. Let's learn more about them.

The Secret of Chinese Medicine

The basis of Chinese medicine doctors at all times were herbs. The composition of medicines, as evidenced by ancient medical Chinese books, included natural natural components. Many products, prepared according to ancient recipes, are widely used in the modern world. One of them is Chinese tampons. Comments of women who have been treated with these tampons are positive. These tampons are treated with diseases of the female genitourinary system. These are inflammation, erosion, omission of the pelvic organs of various nature, thrush. Also, Chinese therapeutic tampons for those who have menses, a painful cycle or too heavy menopause will help. There are often cases when tampons helped to cure hemorrhoids, cysts and swelling without surgery.

At the heart of its therapeutic Chinese tampons have natural components. Each of them performs a strictly assigned function. For example, the cousin (one of the main components) removes heat and fights bacteria, does not allow the development of tumors and poor-quality formations, and sue dze contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, has an analgesic effect.

The uniqueness of tampons is that they work as a filter, absorbing viruses, bacteria, and also the products of their vital functions in the organs of the small pelvis.

Subtlety of the use of tampons

To get rid of diseases, you need to undergo a full course of treatment. In a month, no more than 2 tampons are used. Women over 30 years of age are advised to undergo more than two courses (depending on the degree of disease and the nature of the cure).

Using tampons, you can determine if a woman has gynecological problems. The appearance of itching, burning, any pain in the abdomen and pelvis are obvious signs that suggest that it is necessary to fully examine and identify female diseases. Also it is necessary to pay attention, if on a tampon there will be a large amount of excreta and mucus.

If after applying the tampon nothing happens, you do not observe any changes, do not think that this drug has not brought you any benefit. The tampon cleared the internal organs, renewed the microflora and epithelium.

A tampon is administered on the sixth day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and it is withdrawn - one week before the start of the next menstrual period. Women who have a vaginal dry environment are injected with a swab dipped in water.

Whom are tampons contraindicated?

Despite the fact that Chinese tampons reviews are so delicious, not all women can use them. There are some contraindications. So, Chinese tampons are contraindicated in pregnancy. Not allowed to use them during menstruation, as well as virgins.

If any allergic reaction occurs, tampon should be discontinued immediately. It should also be noted that during the treatment with Chinese tampons you can not have sex. Sexual intercourse is possible only after a 3-hour break after removing the tampon.

So, let's sum up. If you have gynecological problems or you feel that these may be hidden in your body, it is worth trying Chinese tampons. Reviews of these women leave very pleasant. Perhaps you will become one of those whom they helped to improve.

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