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What should I do after labor to reduce the uterus?

Postpartum period for a woman is one of the most difficult in life. Not only has care taken to care for the baby, so even the body condition leaves much to be desired. Especially the mothers are concerned about two problems related to sexual activity: dryness and stretching of the uterus. The first is solved by using various creams and ointments, and eventually goes away by itself. In the second case, you can reduce the size of the vagina after labor for an uterine contraction.

Physiology of the postpartum period

The postpartum period is the stage of emotional and physical restructuring of the body. It lasts about three months. It is at this time that the state of all the organs of the body returns to the original state. Gynecologists at this time measure the temperature of the body of a woman, her pulse, the frequency of breathing. Pay attention to the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder. Particular attention is paid to the nature of lolids and their number, as well as the reduction of the uterus.

The vagina returns to the previous parameters during the involution. This occurs within three months after delivery. Help restore after labor, exercises for contraction of the uterus, massage and breastfeeding.

The uterus quickly returns to the previous parameters, but the labia remains wider than it was, and change its color to a darker one.

Also, in childbirth after childbirth, body temperature may rise, chills arise, and blood pressure may decrease. A lady can feel a rise or fall of strength, emptiness, depression, fatigue, rapid mood swings. During this period, women are particularly in need of support and assistance.

Many women for the faster recovery of the body resort to the help of traditional medicine, drink vitamins, medications (if appointed by a doctor), as well as perform exercises to reduce the uterus after childbirth.

Vaginal recovery after childbirth

All women want to bring their body after childbirth to its original state, but not all organs can be completely restored. Thus, the size of the vagina is unlikely to be restored to its previous dimensions.

This situation sometimes becomes a real problem for a woman, and she is looking for all sorts of ways to solve it, including performing exercises for rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth.

Stretching the muscles of the pelvis after pregnancy can lead to a decrease in the quality of sex, urinary incontinence and vaginal discharge. Also the lady is able to lose self-confidence. Help prevent this picture after giving birth exercises to reduce the uterus. Below are listed the most effective methods:

  • Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina;
  • Special gymnastics;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Plastic surgery.

The latter option allows to achieve rapid contraction of the uterus and remove scars, which often occur in tears, incisions or when carelessly applying seams. With all the effectiveness of the procedure, it is not cheap and not everyone can afford.

Rules for performing exercises in the postpartum period

Undoubted benefit will be given after birth for exercises to reduce the uterus. When they are performed, the body regenerates faster. In addition, they cheer up and give a boost of energy. However, when implementing them, you should follow certain recommendations:

  • Adhere to the recommended pace and gradually increase the load;
  • Try to diversify gymnastics, since monotonous movements are capable of giving a negative effect;
  • Regularity of classes;
  • All movements should be slow, without sharpness and delay in breathing;
  • Room for gymnastics must be ventilated;
  • Clothes should be free and not restrain movement;
  • Before performing the exercises, empty the bladder, intestine;
  • Gymnastics are done an hour or a half before meals and after feeding;
  • Lifts from the horizontal position must be made by turning through the side;
  • So that exercise does not affect the decrease in the amount of milk, it should be during physical education and after drinking more liquid.

All exercises for reducing the uterus are relevant for 10-12 weeks after the birth of the baby. If possible, they can be started on the first day of birth. All the actions are best performed on the abdomen, since this position contributes to a faster recovery of the uterus. The sooner a woman starts to get up and walk after delivery, the better the result will be.

Reduction of the uterus after childbirth: how to accelerate the exercises Kegel

Performing exercises developed by the gynecologist Arnold Kegel, you can restore the tone of the uterus and strengthen the muscles of the vagina. They stimulate the blood supply of the genital organs. Warn and eliminate incontinence. They help to narrow the cervix of the uterus, as a result of the sensation during the intimacy become more vivid. Women involved in the Kegel system are less prone to inflammatory processes in the pelvis. The complex quickly restores the uterus after childbirth and prevents the organ from descending. It makes the vagina more elastic, which will protect against ruptures in subsequent births. These exercises are also shown for contraction of the uterus after childbirth.

Lesson on this system is as follows:

  • For 10 seconds you need to reduce the vaginal muscles, and during the next 10 minutes to relax. Exercise for 5 minutes several times a day.
  • After you can feel the muscles of the small pelvis, you should mentally build them into a two-story ladder. Abbreviations are represented in the form of an elevator moving along the muscles in depth. On each floor, the muscles of the vagina are cut from the bottom upwards for five seconds. Then back in the same order, only the cut goes from top to bottom.
  • Emptying the bladder should be gradual, alternating the compression of the vaginal bottom with the release of small doses of urine. Over time, this muscle will hold urine effortlessly and become stronger.

There are many variations in the performance of these exercises, and each woman for herself will always be able to choose the appropriate option.

Exercises for contraction of the uterus after childbirth

Photos of beautiful, slender, smart, smiling and happy with life and themselves young mothers - a direct confirmation that if you want to regain your old forms is quite possible. Doing gymnastics right after the birth of a child is possible, it will allow you to recover faster. The main thing is to observe the measure and not to make sudden movements that are contraindicated during this period. Below are proposed four complexes that will help a woman to put herself in order.

The first complex . Prevents the development of thrombosis. You can follow the exercises right after delivery.

Take a horizontal position on the back. Legs bend at the knees. Further, the limbs should be straightened so that the knees of both legs touch the inner side with each other and do not move away from each other. Ten times, forcefully and slowly squeeze your toes, then relax them. Then one leg should be straightened and ten times slowly pull the socks on itself and in the opposite direction. The same is done with the second leg. Then follow the previous exercise with two elongated legs. Limbs do not tear off the floor, you need to lie straight, on your back.

The second complex . These exercises for contraction of the uterus after childbirth (photo attached) perform, breathing belly. They start on the next day after delivery. For their implementation, they lie on their backs and their legs are bent at the knees. Hands lie on the lower part of the abdomen. A slow inhalation of the nose and the same exhalation with the exclamation "ha-ah-ah-ah." Inhale - the stomach rises, during exhalation, hands must be carried from the pubis to the navel and along the lower abdomen. Moves forward, without bending the trunk.

The next exercise is performed on the side. Place the head, chest and pelvis on one line. Under the neck put a small pillow. The upper arm is placed on the lower abdomen. Breathing and manipulation of the hand are the same as in the previous exercise. For a greater pulling force, you can exclaim "pfff" or "puuh" when exhaling, imagining that the stomach is contracting. Then roll over on the stomach and put under the bottom of the belly pillow. The main thing - that there was no pressure on the chest. Breathe in the lower abdomen. At exhalation they say "ha-a" ("pf-f" or "fluff") and the pelvis is directed upwards.

The third complex . Here, efforts are directed to the perineal region and the pelvic floor. Care should be taken when performing post-partum exercises to reduce the uterus. Gymnastics is not intended for women after an episiotomy. The load is very significant, and the seam can disperse.

Lie on the bed or sit comfortably in a chair. Alternately, strain the muscles of the anus and vagina. Once this can be done without difficulty, follow the muscle tissue to wave from the pubis and up to the anus. The movement not only strengthens the vaginal bottom, but also helps to get rid of hemorrhoids and prevent its development. During the exercise, the person, namely the tongue, lips and palate, needs to relax as much as possible, this helps to soften the breath and relieve the vagina from stress.

The next movement is done sitting or half-sitting. Slowly, by straining the pelvic muscles and the perineum, a wave from the bottom upwards, starting from the pubis and ending with the navel, is carried. In doing so, you need to make a slight movement of the pelvis forward. You should do the exercise in the opposite direction. Breathing is even, without delay. Exercise is performed playfully, the load increases gradually.

The fourth complex . It involves not only breathing, but also the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen. Movements are made on exhalation and with mild tension of the muscle tissue.

Lie on your side and place the pelvis, chest and head on one line. Legs bend at the knees. One hand needs to be bent and put under the head. The second brush rests on the bed and is flush with the navel. The palm is clenched into a fist. On exhale, raise the pelvis and lean on a fist, then return to its original position. Do the movement several times, repeat the same on the other side.

Lie on your back, legs bend in the knees. Pull the socks up. Exhale - socks stretch alternately to the right, then to the left hand. Chest and socks fit tightly to the floor.

Standing on all fours, place on one line the head, trunk and thighs. Knees remove from each other a short distance. Exhale - draw the stomach. To enhance the effect, raise the left knee and right arm. The same must be done with the right knee and left arm.

Standing on all fours, on exhalation the legs are maximally straightened, the back is held straight. The weight of the body goes to the palm and the inside of the foot.

Lie on your side. Legs bend at the knees. The upper arm is lowered along the body, and the lower arm leans against the floor. When you exhale, the stomach is drawn in, and the body is lifted. The same exercise is performed on the other side. On the one hand, the stomach hangs more than the other. This position is related to the prenatal finding of the child. Where the abdomen is larger, the movements are performed more often.

The following exercise tones and restores the abdominal and back muscles. Become face to the wall, and feet to be placed on the width of the shoulders. Slightly bend at the knee joints. With palms to rest against the wall. Motions to perform mentally. In reality, there is no manipulation. Exhale - the elbows are mentally directed to the navel area. Then by force of imagination the right elbow is sent to meet the left knee. The same is done with another pair of limbs.

Movement for contraction of the uterine muscles

After the baby is born, the doctor recommends not to live a sexual life for at least three months, otherwise the vagina will not recover to normal size and will be stretched. If there is no possibility to refrain from intimate life for a hundred days, then the following exercises should be performed.

Squat down. Deeply inhale and slowly reduce the anus. Movement will be given to the crotch. Stop breathing for a few seconds, slowly inhale and relax the anal muscles. Here the alternating relaxation and contraction, accompanied by exhalation and inhalation, is of a harsh nature. Gradually bring the number of exercises to 10-15. Each takes 5 seconds

Take a comfortable pose. Squeeze the buttocks and try to tighten them together. Strain muscles so that there is a feeling that the buttocks have decreased in size.

As evidenced by the reviews, very effective impact on the body after birth exercises to reduce the uterus. At home, each woman can fulfill these complexes, there would be a desire. They not only make a better sex life, but will also strengthen the walls of the vaginal bottom, will warn hemorrhoids, and produce an intestinal massage.

Exercise after episiotomy

If a woman had a perineal incision, then you can not perform post-partum exercises for contraction of the uterus. Restoration of the genital organ in this case proceeds more slowly, and the wounds heal 7-10 days.

In order to reduce pain, it is recommended, before sitting down, to strain the buttocks. It is useful after an episiotomy to sit on a large inflatable ball. You can not stand or sit too long in this period.

Special benefit will bring Kegel exercises, they not only do not provoke a divergence of the muscles of the walls of the vagina, but contribute to the early healing of wounds, tone up the walls of the uterus.

Caesarean section and movement

The organism restores its activity after conducting cesarean section not as fast as after natural delivery. This procedure can be equated to a strip operation. In this situation, immediately after the appearance of the child, you can not do gymnastics, but it is also not recommended to lie constantly.

After your mother is allowed to get up, you should try to walk as much as possible. These movements will strengthen the muscles, stimulate blood circulation, improve breathing, activate the activity of the stomach and intestines.

Rise from the bed with caesarean section should be gradually. First you need to draw in the muscles of the peritoneum and help your hands to turn on your side, help yourself to sit down. The head assumes the vertical position of the latter. All tension when lifting the body goes to the hands, and not to the abdominal muscles.

It is recommended to cough several times a day with caesarean section that will get rid of unnecessary discomfort in the chest.

While the seam does not heal, immediately after birth, exercises for contraction of the uterus (at home, etc.) should be excluded.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

It is possible not only to perform after-birth exercises for the abdomen (for contraction of the uterus), but also to resort to physiotherapy. This method allows you to work on the muscles of the perineum, which in combination with gymnastics gives a more tangible result.

Physiotherapy is prescribed by a gynecologist. The effectiveness of the procedure is checked by a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina, after which the woman compresses the muscles of the uterus.

Move as much as possible

Many doctors recommend that their patients perform simple post-partum exercises to reduce the uterus. During this period, the physical load is simply necessary for a woman. Each lady, taking into account the individual characteristics, must choose for himself the complex of exercises and their intensity. Devoting daily some time to the implementation of the complex described above, the young mother will quickly return to the old forms, gain self-confidence, will be happy to look at herself in the mirror. Bed rest after delivery is only shown in special cases.

Often, all the exercises that are offered to perform the parturient women are soft enough and not capable of harming the body. They stimulate blood circulation in the uterus, promote complete libido, and also activate vaginal contraction, remove stasis and prevent constipation.

Do not be afraid of movements, you need not only to do gymnastics, but also as much as possible to walk. Hiking with a sidecar in the open air will be useful and will benefit both mother and baby.

What are the post-partum exercises for contraction of the uterus, you already know (they are described above), now it remains from the theory to move on to practice. You can be sure: with a little effort, you will very soon notice changes for the better: the results will not be long in coming, and the uterus will quickly return to its previous dimensions.

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