HealthWomen Health

Monthly after hysteroscopy

Usually, monthly after hysteroscopy is restored within a month, that is, as in the usual cycle. However, every woman's organism reacts differently to such interference, and therefore the usual schedule may be disturbed.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what hysteroscopy is. This is a procedure that allows you to fully examine the woman's uterus. To do this, a special diagnostic device is introduced through the vagina, giving an increase of 150 times. This helps to detect minute damage to the mucosa inside the uterus. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and does not last too long. To improve the review, a special gas is introduced into the uterus area, expanding its walls.

In order to understand the cause of the menstrual cycle after hysteroscopy, it is necessary to know exactly the purpose of this procedure. For example, if it is performed to check the genitals after surgery, the so-called uterine cleansing, then in this case the causes of scraping are important. Surgery for medical indicators, which does not knock down the hormonal balance in the body, assumes a normal cycle after it, which means that the monthly after hysteroscopy will be restored in due time. If there was an abortion, the female body should be reconstructed, and such work on restoring the usual menstrual schedule will take quite a long time.

In addition, as during any surgery, after hysteroscopy, there is a high probability of infection, that is, infecting the woman's genital area, which can then spread throughout the body through the circulatory system. To avoid such terrible consequences, the patient needs to ensure close control over her health during this period, and personal hygiene should be strictly observed .

Many women note that the monthly after hysteroscopy lasts unnecessarily long. This is also possible, because this is an operation. So, there is a possibility of damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus itself or the fallopian tubes, which results in small discharge of brown color.

When the first months after the hysteroscopy begin, it is necessary to pay special attention to their character. For large amounts of blood loss, you should immediately consult a doctor. Of course, it is impossible to assess the extent of the problem that has arisen without having a medical education. However, you can focus on the frequency of changing hygiene. For example, if you have to change the gasket more than once every three hours, you should consult your doctor. It should be noted that during normal menstruation, the change of hygiene means during the night will not be required, since there is no physical activity, and, consequently, natural bleeding weakens. And only the doctor will be able to prescribe drugs that can stop blood loss, besides, he will control how effectively they affect specifically your body.

The color and structure of the selections are also of great importance. When the monthly after hysteroscopy has a sharp odor of an unpleasant nature and a dark color slightly brownish tinge, then there is a possibility of the development of any disease. For example, this symptomatology is considered a sign of endometriosis, and a sharp smell does indicate the development of the infectious process. To launch such diseases it is impossible, as the consequences will not be very pleasant for any woman. In this situation, the main thing is timely access for help to a gynecologist. He will conduct an appropriate examination, make the necessary tests and put a specific diagnosis. Only after these actions the appointed treatment will be effective.

So, no matter what happens, cleaning the uterus, hysteroscopy or curettage of the uterus, if the monthly after any of these surgeries become more abundant, their cycle is lost, and the color and structure have changed - this is the reason for immediate treatment to a specialist.

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