Food and drink, Cooking tips
How to make cottage cheese from sour milk: useful recommendations
Our method of preparation does not contain a large number of ingredients. For this you need only sour milk. It should be noted that if you make cottage cheese for the first time, then you do not need to take more liters. Without getting a hand, you can remain dissatisfied with the result and only regret about the product spent in large quantities. Therefore, to begin with, you can prepare about 700 ml of milk "for testing", and if you like the result, then in the future, you already have to think about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in large quantities.
Now we tell the process of creating this masterpiece of cooking
For cooking, you need only use well-sour milk. To do this, you can leave it for a few days without cleaning it in the refrigerator. Approximately on the second day you will get a thick mass like kefir. Most housewives call it "sour". It is with him that we will work, and talk about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.
As soon as the "sour" is a little cold, we put a piece of gauze, folded several times, into the colander, and pour out the contents of the pan. After that, it is necessary to tie gauze, leaving in it the resulting curd in order to glass all the liquid. The process lasts for a couple of hours.
Now you know the recipe for how to make a curd from sour milk. It turns out very satisfying, and most importantly - useful.
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