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How to make a compote of cherry plums with bones for the winter?

Not every year the fruit garden pleases its owner with a plentiful harvest. But this does not apply to cherry plum. In any weather, this culture is abundantly fruitful. Many do not know where to put fruit, what to do with them. In this article you will find information on how to make compote from cherry plum and its beneficial properties.

Helpful information

Alycha is a kind of ordinary plum. Scientists call it stretched, Europeans - mirabell, and the inhabitants of the North Caucasus - wild. This stone fruit plant is known to man long ago. Gardeners love it for unpretentiousness. Depending on the variety, the fruits of cherry plum differ in shape, size, color and taste. Especially prized yellow and black fruit fruit. It is interesting that the taste of compote depends on the color and maturity of the fruit. From the ripe cherry plum dark color compote will be sweet, and from the yellow not ripe fruit - sourish.

The benefits of plumbers

Alycha is very tasty and useful. Its fruits purify the human body of heavy metals, facilitate the state of hypertensive patients, increase the permeability of blood vessels. Alych is recommended for use in rheumatism, pneumonia, tuberculosis, stomach and intestinal diseases, to improve appetite. It has an anti-inflammatory, laxative and diuretic effect, purifies the blood.

From this fruit prepare a pastille, jam, jam, juice. Especially good compote of yellow cherry plum. Fruits are frozen and marinated. The plum trees, freed from pits and mashed fruits, are dried in the sun, giving the resulting mass the appearance of the plates. So they are stored for a long time, their taste does not change, and useful properties are preserved. These plates can be used as a separate dish or used as one of the ingredients for cooking seasonings and sauces.

Yellow cherry plum. Compote for the winter without sterilization

In most cases, banks with compote for long-term storage are sterilized. But there is a recipe that you can prepare compote from plum without sterilization. To do this, you need a three-liter can, two and a half gallons of water, four hundred grams of fruit and a glass of sugar. If desired, berries are added to the compote. If a jar of raspberries or black currants is put in the jar, the color of the liquid changes.

The process of preparing compote begins with a thorough washing of the can. Synthetic dishwashing detergents are not suitable. It is better to use baking soda. The jar should be rinsed well with hot water, preferably flowing. Then pour to the brim with steep boiling water, cover with a pre-steamed lid and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. A pot of filtered water should be placed on the fire.

The next stage of the preparatory work is as follows: the water should be drained from the can, and the container should be turned upside down on the table, pre-laying the towel. The lid is also put here. When the water drains, the jar needs to be turned over and filled with plum, making punctures in each fruit. So the plum does not crack from the boiling water, and since the skin is stiff, a sweet liquid will fill the fruit through the hole. The pot is poured with boiling water, covered and left for ten minutes.

Then the liquid merges into a pan and boils again, but with the addition of sugar. It turns out syrup, which is filled with a can of cherry plum so that the fruit is completely covered. Now you need to roll up the jar in the usual way and put the lid down. Wrap up with a warm blanket until it cools completely. That's how you can make a compote of cherry plums with bones for the winter. It remains to turn the jar downside down and put it in a cool place.

Compote from cherry plum. Recipe

Billets for winter always take a lot of time. But there are simple and quick recipes. Prepare the compote of cherry plums with bones for the winter can be sterilized. This will require a bank, sugar, plum and water. The syrup is prepared from the calculation of one kilogram of sugar per liter of liquid. Alycha needs to be washed, sorted and removed the stems. Then the fruits are blanched in hot water for several minutes and immediately cooled in a cold water.

A well-washed jar of a third of its volume is filled with plum and filled with boiling syrup, which is prepared from the water in which the blanched fruit. Then the bank rolls up, turns upside down and is well wrapped up with something warm. When cool, put in the usual position for her. Compote from cherry plums, the recipe of which is offered to try, is ready.

Delicious compote

In the autumn season, when all the vegetables and fruits ripen, a lot of things can be cooked from them. For example, compote from cherry plums with bones for the winter. For this, the fruits move. This is necessary in order to remove the stems and to select unripe and rotten fruits. After that, they wash well with baking soda. Then put on a towel to dry. Each fruit is pricked with a needle. The three-liter can is sterilized. It is laid out a half kilogram dried and punctured a plum. A saucepan with 1.5 liters of water and 400 grams of sugar is put on the fire for boiling. It turns out syrup.

When it cools down a bit, they are flooded with cherry plum. Then the bottom of a larger pan is covered with a towel, poured water and heated. Put a jar of fruit compote and cook for 30 minutes. To prevent bubbles, sterilization is carried out over low heat. Bank to roll up and put on storage. Compote from cherry plums with bones for the winter Ready!

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