
Cordilina: home care

Using indoor plants, you can not only decorate any room, but also improve mi A croclimate in it. You can also create a winter garden and use it as a place for relaxation. It is important to choose the right plants for him: they should perfectly co-exist with each other. So, it is worth paying attention to the plant cordillin apex. Sometimes it is mistakenly called dracaena. This plant was imported from India, Australia, Polynesia, Malaysia. In the wild, cordillin is a low tree.

The plant species are numerous. The apical culture is best known in cordillin culture. She has beautiful leaves that are gathered in a rosette. In indoor conditions, it often grows to 1.8 m. In summer, white flowers are produced. The leaves are most often decorated with pink veins. Another species, Cordilinus straight, reaches a height of 2.4 m. This is a low tree with dark green leaves. Flowers of purple color appear in summer, then dark berries ripen.

If you have a cordillin, care at home has its own subtleties. Only strict adherence to all the recommendations will help you to keep the flower. Cordilin requires special conditions. First you need to decide on the lighting. If you have a species with mottled leaves, then it needs a lot of light, but you should avoid direct sunlight. In the shade there may be green varieties.

If you have purchased a plant such as cordillin, home care includes you Temperature regime. In hot weather, the plant needs to be sprayed. The maximum permissible temperature is 24 degrees, but the optimum level is 18 degrees.

In what watering cordillin is needed?

Care at home is to keep the soil moist. As a rule, in summer two or three waterings per week are enough. In winter, it takes only once a week. It will not be superfluous to spray the plant regularly, especially if I work in a room T central heating batteries, which strongly dry the air.

For kordiliny better choose peat soil or other loose, airy soil mixture with a weakly acidic reaction. In the growing season, it will be superfluous to fertilize the plant. To do this, select a special tool in the horticultural stores. Only carefully read the instructions for use. The solution is very concentrated, and therefore it must be diluted additionally with a large amount of water in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

What else does Cordillin need? Care at home requires a special approach. So, you can use special means for polishing the leaves. It can be purchased at a horticultural store. So you make your plant beautiful and attractive. It is also useful to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. It is necessary to transplant a flower twice a year. The pot must have good drainage. The plant likes moist soil, but does not tolerate excess moisture. Under adverse conditions cordillin may lose its lower leaves. You can trim the tip of the tree, after which new leaves will appear from the shortened stem.

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