HomelinessPest Control

Bedbugs, the destruction of Bugs, cockroaches, fleas Insect Pest Control

Bug bed (home, furniture) is not a large (3-5mm) wingless insect,
Brown that feeds on human blood and the blood of animals. Bedbugs have an oval shape of the body and hunt generally at night. Fasting bugs can be very long time - up to six months. One female bug can lay off from 5 to 10 larvae a day. Destruction of bed bugs is a very laborious process. If at least a small mistake is made while processing the infected room, the bugs will quickly recover and continue to multiply. Bedbugs easily get used to pest control, which in turn complicates the process of their destruction. Approach to this problem must be very serious and well organized. Of course, it's better to entrust this work to qualified professionals, such as the company Bugbusters http://bugstop.ucoz.ru specializing in breeding bugs, they know this is the point, but you can make the processing yourself. In this case, you will have to purchase the necessary equipment, facilities Protection and the very means for disinsection. It will all be much more expensive than the cost of disinsection work for specialists. There are a lot of different means for fighting insects, and each year their number increases, and the quality is improved. Such agents as carbofos, dichlorvos and others are unlikely to help today, bedbugs to such drugs have long been accustomed to. Before disinsection work, you need to clean or pack dishes, tableware, food, etc. Then you need to find the habitat of bedbugs their so-called nests where they lay the larvae. Most often they are located in upholstered furniture (in a bed, a couch, armchairs), behind flaking wallpaper, under skirting boards, on the back of cabinets, behind pictures, in various crevices and cracks and other places. Bedclothes are skillfully hidden, they are rather difficult to find, therefore Many find them very late, when the room is already heavily infested. The lifespan of the bug is 2 years on average over this time, it will bite you more than once and lay a lot of larvae (eggs). Bug bites can be unnoticeable and painless, but most often a blister is formed accompanied by itching. According to the theoretical data bed bugs can tolerate serious diseases (plague, smallpox, tuberculosis, etc.). By themselves, bedbugs in the apartment are not planted. They can run away from neighbors, you can buy them with new furniture, bring them from public transport on clothes, etc. Bugs are not afraid of the cold, but they are afraid of the heat. Temperatures over 50 degrees will be enough to kill them. You can treat the whole apartment with hot steam or put a heat gun in the room for a couple of hours, but this is a very laborious process. It is easier to use chemicals. The newest means do not leave stains and divorces, happen with a smell and without a smell. They are not so difficult to acquire.
In any case, if bed bugs are found in your apartment, at the cottage or in the office, then you have to fight it immediately. The longer you postpone the carrying out of disinsection works, the more larvae the female bugs will put in your house. And their population will increase exponentially. We advise you to apply to deszluzhba destruction of bedbugs and other insects, disinsection http://bugstop.ucoz.ru Thank you for your attention.

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