HomelinessPest Control

Flying ants: flying on the wings of love

Several years in a row, many residents of megacities are harassed by a new misfortune: once a year the invasion begins in the apartments - they are attacked by flying ants. How to get rid of malignant insects, the townspeople usually do not know, because earlier such ants met exclusively in the countryside. Many of us do not even know what it is: a new species? Mutants? Insects fleeing from other countries? Neither the one, nor the other, nor the third. In the world, scientists number 13 thousand species of these hard-working insects, but flying ants do not belong to any of them. These are the most common ants, which began the breeding season. In search of a partner, usually wingless insects grow their wings, rise to the heights and from there rush into the wedding flight. Mating can occur in the air, and on the ground, and on the branches of trees: where it was possible to find a partner. Immediately after mating, flying ants part: males die, and females begin to look for a place for a future anthill. Finding a secluded corner (it may even be a city apartment, and not just a rural site) the female hides the eggs glued together in one and waits for a week: this time the first workers appear-the ants that begin to feed the starving female and build a new anthill. During this time, flying ants, more precisely flying females, completely expend the fat accumulated before the marriage flight, their muscles atrophy, and the wings fall off forever. Flying ants (ants) become "machines" for the production of larvae. So it repeats every year. Scientists observe the behavior of these workers with curiosity, but residents, whose homes were attacked by flying ants, tend to get rid of them as quickly as possible. What are the most effective methods?

Method one: espionage and assault

If there were flying ants in the house, then you have work to do. We'll have to remove all the food (even crumbs) from the kitchen, pull up the taps so they do not drip, get rid of debris and "stale" things. Absolutely clean house to the fertilized females is not interesting: they need a warm place near the source of drinking and eating. But before you do the spring cleaning, you should find the nests, where the flying ants could already settle, and destroy them. To cover all cracks, cracks, to drain damp places. Insects can also simply be collected: either by hand or by a vacuum cleaner.

Fighting with the help of improvised means

All dangerous places in the house can be treated with a special chalk, adhesive tape, gel or aerosol. The same drugs that are used to combat common insects help: "Mashenka", "Dichlophos," "Raptor", "Regent", etc. You can treat the places chosen by ants with substances with a corrosive (from their point of view) smell: garlic, gray, clove or eucalyptus oil. Only they must be mixed with the borax: it will destroy the chitinous shell and those insects that "personally" will try the poison, and those that will be in contact with them. Such treatment is best done repeatedly: surviving ants can roam around the apartment from one place to another.

Call Professionals

The best way to combat any unexpected home insects - gordezstanstsiya. Invited experts for a very reasonable fee so process the housing that not only flying ants, but other insects will disappear from it for many, many years. And this was our original goal, was not it?

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