HomelinessPest Control

How to get rid of bedbugs forever?

One of the heroes of Ilf and Petrov left the hermit's cell and began to work as a cabman, because he could not cope with the bedbugs that wound up in the coffin that served him as a bed.

Bedbugs proved to be stronger than faith, stronger than kerosene and other poisonous substances.

Can this be in reality? How to get rid of bugs that suddenly appeared in the apartment? Where do they come from?

Biologists have established that bedbugs are a small family with semi-rigid wings. Some experts jokingly call them vampires: these insects only feed on human blood. Others call them cosmopolitans: they are found on all continents and perfectly take root in any climate. So the question of how to etch bedbugs is relevant all over the world.

Despite the fact that only 1% of the hundred known species of these insects contact the person, they bring huge harm. Their saliva is poisonous. It can cause a rash, swelling, and sometimes even allergic reactions or choking. Not to mention the total violation of sleep. Therefore, any person, just in case, should know how to get rid of bedbugs.

Method one, chemical.

There are many powders, liquids and aerosols for the destruction of these animals. Get and Carbophos, Regent, Raptor, Dust, Dichlophos, Cucaracha, etc., etc. Unfortunately, they do not always help. Why? Scientists can not answer. It is known only that by 100% having coped with insects in one apartment, in another the same means do not help at all.

Method two, professional.

How to get rid of bedbugs forever? Call the pest control. These specialists have good experience and specific drugs, so their help is effective.

But what to do if for some reason you can not use chemicals, and the question of how to get bugs out of the apartment remains relevant? Try the ancient method.

Method three, traditional.

It is necessary to find a place for settling parasites (usually a bed, soft furniture, animal bedding, etc.). Collect manually all insects and, if possible, traces of their life. Treat all habitats first with steep boiling water, then with soap, turpentine or kerosene, bleach. Thoroughly vacuum the entire apartment, and throw the bag away from the vacuum cleaner. Wash the floors and wipe the walls and all surfaces with bleach, then - tincture of bitter wormwood. Repeat until the insects die. This method will take a very long time. Maybe even have to get rid of the infected object. Therefore, it is better to use the help of professionals.

Usually the question of how to get rid of bedbugs is accompanied by another: where did they come from? These insects can move from neighbors or get into the apartment on the folds of clothing. There are cases when bugs in the house appeared after repairs, which were made by visitors from near abroad. Often bugs can infect things in a train or plane. Some buyers of furniture stores complained that they bought new furniture, infected with these "vampires". The method of prevention is only one: carefully examine things, keep the house perfectly clean. Then, perhaps, uninvited guests will not penetrate your home.

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