HealthMental Health

Depression How Cause of Excess Weight

When the long winter ends and long-awaited sunny days come, many of us are displeased with discovering that they added weight and clothes that were just right last year, was suddenly close. And then
Begins a period of weight loss, which lasts until the onset of summer holidays. This pattern repeats from year to year - winter brings with it not only cold, but also extra pounds. What is the reason for this?

Excess stress is overweight

Experts believe that the main cause of excess weight is the winter depression. This seasonal disease is caused, mainly, by the lack of sunlight. The lack of ultraviolet rays provokes an increase
The level of certain neurohormones of the brain, which in turn affect the increased fatigue, drowsiness, irritability. All this merges into a common depressive background. Lack of positive emotions, many, especially
Women, compensate with the help of food - fatty and sweet. This, in turn, causes a worsening of the intestine. Despite the fact that the intestine is territorially removed from the brain, it has the most direct connection with it,
So in 90% of cases, such a situation jams deterioration of the psychoemotional state and aggravation of depression. The circle closes: "depression - overeating - depression." Hence the "winter" extra pounds. Some in this period of the year manage to recover more than 0.5 kg per month.

Rules of behavior in winter

In the dark, psychologists recommend compensating for the lack of light in all possible ways. First, you need to regularly visit the street during the day: it's enough to put your face and hands on the sun for fifteen minutes,
To dial the daily norm of ultraviolet.
It is not necessary at this time to save on electric light: the apartment in the dark should be well lit.
You can go through special sessions of photo and light therapy, there is even the opportunity to purchase physiotherapy devices for home use.
Do not forget about sports and nutrition. In your diet should include such antidepressant products as bananas and black chocolate.
If you regularly comply with all these rules, then no depression with you can not cope!

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