HomelinessPest Control

How to get rid of mice in a private house? Poison for rats and mice

Mice and rats are the most numerous class of warm-blooded parasites on planet Earth. These creatures live side by side with man and are among the most dangerous and unpleasant pests. Destruction of mice in a private house is a laborious and responsible process. However, with the right and competent approach, the existence of these parasites on the territory of your possessions can be reduced to zero. Remember, to destroy mice and rats once and for all, you need to use not one or two methods, but to resort to a whole complex of measures, acting decisively and without delay!

When can mice appear in the house?

Mice in a private house are a rather common phenomenon. It is known that they, like, however, rats, appear in the homes of people during the autumn off-season. When it gets cold in the street and the last crop is harvested in the fields, these creatures look at our homes. Crowds of mice and rats storm cities and villages, bringing people some discomfort.

It is important to know that these representatives of the animal world multiply quickly and adapt particularly quickly to almost any environment: the female is able to bring up to 30 young about 3 times a year. It is worth noting that these are very cowardly creatures. They are afraid of all who are much larger than them. In food, rats and mice are unpretentious and are omnivorous.

What are dangerous rodents?

These rodents not only cause irreparable damage to humans and agriculture, but also spread out dangerous dangerous infectious diseases, for example, salmonellosis, typhus, plague, rabies. Moreover, they can bring fleas or ticks into the house . That's why it's so important to know how to get rid of mice in a private house! The fact is that if at least one female penetrates into your dwelling and brings there an offspring, the process of destroying these pests will turn into a long and dull struggle.

There are quite a few ways to combat rodents. Here much will depend on the living conditions. It is also necessary to understand that the struggle must take place in all directions, that is, have a comprehensive character. Do not despair if the first time you have something will not work. This is quite normal, because mice and rats are not only artful, but also intellectually developed animals. Despite the numerous ways to combat these parasites, they have extremely resistant immunity, surviving sometimes even in deadly conditions. So, we declare war on the parasites! The very first step in the comprehensive fight against mice is the use of a mousetrap.

How to make a mousetrap yourself?

Of course, you can purchase a mousetrap in a specialized store, but practice shows that every third device works correctly. In other words, many such baits are produced in the so-called "Chinese market", which, of course, greatly affects their quality. Nevertheless, you can buy a mousetrap, but it's better, probably, to make it yourself.

The main material for its manufacture are several plastic bottles (PET) with a volume of 1.5 liters. It is also necessary to get overfried butter, which is both a bait and an integral part of our trap. Good fat, left in a frying pan after frying fish. Ready oil should be bottled. The number of containers depends on the number of rodents that appeared in the house. It is necessary to monitor the oil level: it should cover the bottom of the bottle by 5 cm. It is also necessary to lubricate the neck of the trap and its edges, shaking the container several times.

How to install the resulting mousetrap?

In a private home, such mousetraps are installed in all places where at least once were seen malicious rodents. The device is attached to a wooden beam, under a slight slope to the floor. The bottom of the bottle must be fixed with a heavy object (pancake from the bar, dumbbell, rubble), capable of maintaining the balance of the trap.

How does such a mousetrap work?

So, now we know how to make a mousetrap at home. Let's talk about her action. The mouse must certainly smell the alluring smell of overcooked oil coming from the trap. The rodent will get to the edge of the bottle, after which it will inevitably slip into it. Oh, and it will not be easy for a poor mouse! Oiled feet will not allow the parasite to get out.

The most important thing here is to calculate the fixation of the mousetrap in advance, which will allow it not to turn over. By the way, you can use a plastic bottle, not a plastic bottle, but a 3-liter glass jar. You can buy sticky bait-mousetrap. Rodents are glued to them, like flies on sticky tape. How to get rid of mice in a private house, if there is no possibility or desire to use the method just described? You can resort to using ultrasonic devices and poisoned baits.

Ultrasonic scarers of mice and rats

Fortunately, we all live in the era of high technology. Science does not stand still and in the field of combating all kinds of parasites. Not an exception and the mouse. In specialized stores you can purchase electronic ultrasound mousetraps (so-called repellents). These devices are completely harmless to humans and large domestic animals (cats, dogs, rabbits). The principle of their action is to emit a certain portion of ultrasonic waves that are not perceived by our hearing.

In mice and rats, the strongest stimulus acts, forcing them to flee in horror from the inhabited territory. Incidentally, such devices are one of the humane methods of fighting rodents, not only in a private house, but also in the garden plot. However, they also have their disadvantages, for example, high costs and harmful effects on such small pets as decorative mice, guinea pigs, hamsters. The most popular ultrasonic mousetraps are devices of the trade mark "Typhoon LS-600" and "Tornado-800".

Poisoned baits. Quickly and painlessly

Above we wrote that the fight against rodents who settled in a private house should have a complex character. In addition to using special mousetraps and ultrasonic repellents, mice and rats are advisable to etch! Special poisons have been created for this purpose. In specialized stores, typical chemicals are sold, designed to handle certain baits. For example, the widespread use of poison from rats and mice called "Rat death." The preparation is already ready poisoned bait, containing as active ingredient 0.005% brodifacume. The processed grains should be decomposed in all places of appearance of rodents. Mice die without much suffering.

Poisoned baits. Slowly and in pain

Deadly poison for mice and rats can be prepared by yourself. It is necessary to mix flour, sugar and gypsum by diluting the resulting mixture with water. Believe me, the effect will surpass all your expectations! Ungentle mice and rats will take care of this poison and get mortal constipation: the gruel eaten by them will simply solidify in the stomachs, completely binding the rodent from the inside. This method (and all of them similar) is considered one of the inhuman methods of fighting rodents in the house. In addition, there is a risk of death of the animal in completely unsuitable places for this, for example, under the floor or in the crevice behind the wall. Therefore, before you can get rid of mice in a private home through such "exotic" methods, you need to think several times.

Maybe call a cat?

So, we declared a real war to the rodents! Along with all of the above, you can resort to the help of a domestic cat. This method of fighting mice and rats in the house is a real classic, time-tested. From time immemorial cats are wonderful catchers of mice. As practice shows, in a private house where there is a household in the form of geese, pigs, chickens and cattle, without a cat can not do at all!

Incidentally, zoologists now claim that cats, not cats, show the greatest effect in catching rodents. They can catch up to 10 mice of different sizes in one day. Moreover, it turns out that rodents do not really tolerate the smell of cats. Therefore, in a house where fluffy murki are lodgers, mice and rats, in principle, do not stay long.

Folk methods of fighting mice

  • You can resort to the next trick. It is necessary to smear the floors in the house with red hot pepper. This will effectively scare off negligent guests. It is also recommended to prepare a special mixture based on cement, finely beaten glass and plasticine, which will need to cover all the alleged mouse moves. Believe me, in their private home there can be as many as they please.
  • Many private houses have stoves. It is necessary to pour ash on the floor: mice do not tolerate its smell. Moreover, it sticks to their paws, significantly slowing down the movement process.
  • You can use strongly odorous liquids, for example, ammonia, kerosene, gasoline, turpentine, naphthalene. They need to soak rags that should be disposed near mouse holes, crevices, etc. The minus of this method is that experienced rodents will still be able to overcome such obstacles, because, you will agree, even the most caustic and unpleasant smell is not a poison from Rats and mice.

What should I do if nothing happens?

If the situation with rodents who have settled in your home, has an extremely neglected degree, then you need to turn to specialists. Professional parasite fighters know firsthand how to get rid of mice in a private home. They qualitatively and conscientiously will save you from negligent rodents, ensuring complete safety for all family members. The main thing is to apply to a company that has the appropriate license for work. Do not resort to the help of private traders, because in some cases it can get you sideways!

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