HomelinessPest Control

Cockroaches are small: how to look, ways to deal with them. Red cockroach

Cockroaches - small unpleasant apartment residents - always cause a feeling of disgust, rejection and hostility, as by their appearance they provide the owner of the living space with a lot of problems. For a long time, the mustachioed insect manages to remain unnoticed (as it leads the night mode of existence), lives quietly in comfortable conditions and quietly reproduces. If the moustached creature had the imprudence of catching sight of the owner of the apartment - that means, the insects have divorced a lot, so they need to be urgently disposed of. Why is it not advisable for a person to quietly co-exist with cockroaches, so to speak?

How Little Cockroaches Look Like

A well-known proverb says: "The enemy must be known in person." What do small cockroaches look like? Such insects are characterized by a wide belly, short wings and a flat form of the trunk. The most important organ of the body are the tactile tendrils that provide the insect with orientation in space. Three pairs of paws are equipped with suction cups and claws, which help to move on any surfaces. The high speed and agility inherent in small cockroaches cause their penetration into the narrowest cracks, movement not only in the apartment space, but also in cellars, sewerage, attic spaces, garbage chutes.

Cockroaches carry disease

From walks on their chitinous coverings cockroaches bring a lot of various pathogenic bacteria, eggs of helminths and spores of fungi caught in the way of their tangled route. Literally in a few hours the entire set may be on the kitchen table, products and utensils. In addition, cockroaches - small pests - are omnivorous and equipped with a mouthpiece capable of grinding any food. A large spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms is also present in the digestive system of cockroaches and can cause diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, salmonellosis, mycobacteriosis.

The danger is represented by the remaining chitinous coverlets after molting, the remains of dead individuals, dry excrement. Mixed with domestic dust, these substances get on the human skin, the digestive tract, the respiratory tract and can cause a number of serious diseases, including allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, dermatitis.

The presence of mustachioed insects can be determined by the unpleasant odor in the apartment, which most often comes from black cockroaches. This is especially noticeable with a significant accumulation. How to get rid of house cockroaches in an apartment?

About small black cockroaches

Black cockroach is a bright representative of their compatriots, the apartments are mostly from sewage, cellars and garbage cans. There is an observation that this individual does not rise above 5 floors, so it causes the greatest trouble to residents of lower levels. Small black cockroaches in the apartment, whose presence indicates a poor sanitary situation in the room, do not disdain any food; In its absence, they feed on scraps from the trash can. By the speed of reproduction, they surpass the red brethren, who also prefer to live next door to a human being.

Red cockroach (in the common people "prusak"), characterized by an elongated body and a light reddish color, so strongly chose the living quarters, that getting rid of him and his brothers is a rather tiresome and long-lasting affair. By the way, the number of their numerous colonies such insects regulate independently.

If there were little cockroaches: what to do?

Effective drugs in the fight against cockroaches is the aerosol "Dichlophos", which ensures the rapid death of insects, provided that those at the time of processing are outside their holes. Surviving individuals after weathering a chemical will quietly return to their former mode of life. A disadvantage in the application of this method is the risk of poisoning by pairs of pesticides pets, for which such treatment is sometimes fraught with even a fatal outcome.

Small cockroaches in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the apartment as a whole can be destroyed with gels (Dohloks, Liquidator, Killer, Raptor), sold in large syringes and ready for immediate use. The product should be applied along the plinth along the perimeter of the room with small drops at a distance of about 10 cm. Literally a week later the cockroaches do not stop to stay in the apartment they have lived and leave it for good.

Traps against cockroaches

More secure and effective in fighting cockroaches are traps (for example, Raid or "Raptor"), representing small round boxes with poison inside and several entrances. Such devices are equipped with special Velcro, so they can be attached almost anywhere. A long period of exposure, safety, absence of fumes and harmful odor are advantages of using such a means. Trapped in a trap red cockroach infects himself and infects other relatives.

Against cockroaches - boric acid

You can "treat" cockroaches the most terrible for them poison, causing a lethal outcome - boric acid. Such a powder is recommended to sprinkle a place where there is a trash can, skirting boards, sinks, ventilation holes, a bathroom, a toilet. For a person such a drug, inexpensive in cost, is completely harmless, so they can safely sprinkle suspicious surfaces. It should be borne in mind that insects are very sensitive to the powder harmful to them and for the most part feel it for a mile. In this case, you can play on the specific features of cockroaches: curiosity.

Moustached insects are very curious. If, for example, put a bright candy wrapper on a window sill and watch it for a while, then a cockroach or even a few will appear in the field of view , which will approach an unfamiliar subject for the purpose of research.

Therefore, boric acid can be disguised as an attractive ball. To prepare the poison, 30-50 grams of the powder of the preparation should be mixed with raw egg yolk (either bread crumbs or grated potatoes) to a gruel-like condition. Then it is required to stick small balls (about 1 cm in diameter) and decompose them in places where there is supposedly a massive accumulation of cockroaches. It is desirable to perform this operation at night. Disguised boric acid cockroaches small do not feel, but will necessarily begin to explore the ball itself, and touching it with antennae, doom yourself to death. Since insects do not convey a signal of danger to their relatives, new specimens will approach the cunning bait, catch and crawl over to the deadly sick. Completely get rid of cockroaches with this method can be for 3-4 weeks, depending on their number. There is a possibility of repeated appearance of cockroaches; It can be hatched offspring left in eggs by a female insect. Therefore, the method with boric acid is recommended to repeat, and cockroaches - small and large - will disappear forever.

Murderous composition: flour + alabaster

Effective remedy for cockroaches - red, quite unpleasant insects - the combination of alabaster and flour in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be sprinkled with the largest concentrations of insects. Alabaster upon ingestion freezes, turns into plaster, which causes death of mustached individuals.

Cockroaches - small, brown and black insects, do not tolerate the smell of ammonia, so the washed up floor with the addition of this substance will scare them off for a while.

Beer against cockroaches

You can insidiously use the love of cockroaches to beer, which in a small amount to pour on the bottom of the jar, the inner edges of the glass container to oil with petroleum jelly and leave in the place of the alleged habitat of insects. The next morning the bank will be filled with cockroaches. With this method, only those specimens that will crawl out of their holes will die. Females engaged in laying eggs and packing them in the ootheka - a special chamber at the end of the abdomen, will remain inside and guarantee the appearance of a new offspring instead of being destroyed.

Method of Curing and Repelling

Cockroaches do not like low temperatures: at -5 o C fall into anabiosis, at -50 o C live only 30 minutes, at -70 o C - perish in a minute. Therefore, in the old days in the villages they were driven out by the cold, so to speak, they chattered: in the winter two or three days they did not stoke the hut, they spent the night with their neighbors.

In order to prevent cockroaches on its own territory, it is recommended to use deterrent substances. These are fresh cucumber cleanings or green laurel leaves.

Curious facts

Fans of killing cockroaches in a sudden way are aware of the extreme stability of such insects to physical injuries. Therefore, to slam it - a little, you still need to grind it well, or sprinkle it with boric acid and let it go to your relatives.

Curious information: thanks to a specific gene, called "knockdown" scientists, cockroaches can mimic their own death. Having smelled the smell of poison, the insect loses consciousness, falls with its paws upwards and ceases to breathe. Having spent a certain period, he regains consciousness and quietly continues his wrecking activity.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure against the spread of cockroaches on the territory of a dwelling, the following recommendations are recommended:

  • Observe in the kitchen and in the apartment as a whole the perfect cleanliness. On the tables and the floor there should be no crumbs, on the walls - fatty raids. The trash can should be carried out in a timely manner, without delay for tomorrow.
  • Seasonings should be stored in glass, hermetically sealed containers.
  • In time, wash the dishes and the sink.
  • Do not leave open containers with finished food and packages with food.
  • Close the air outlets with a grid or a fine mesh.
  • Cockroaches can live several weeks without a head, which is confirmed by repeated experiments.
  • Many species can fly (Sinanthropic American or Lapland cockroach).
  • Baleen insects may not breathe for 40 minutes. This property contributes to the retention of water in the body when it is impossible to replenish it.

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