
A tropical eschinanthus. Home care

As a room decorative plant is extremely interesting eshinanthus. The photo does not convey all the shades of its beauty, even if it's quality. Aeschinanthus (sometimes called "eshinanthus") is an evergreen perennial plant. It is rather difficult to arrange a tropical environment in a room, either in his native land in India or in the southeast of Asia. Epiphyte by nature, that is, from those that settle on the trunks or branches of other plants, very effectively it looks in a pot or on a high shelf: it has amazing pointed green leaves, leathery and plentiful, and exceptionally beautiful forms of red or orange flowers . Rarely, unfortunately, in indoor culture occurs eschinanthus. Care at home is complicated, the plant is whimsical. But if from it to achieve even a purely decorative form, even without flowering, it is still magnificent.

Eshinanthus: home care


Eshinanthus loves the warmth, but not the heat. The optimum temperature is from twenty to twenty-five degrees. In winter he lives well under the same conditions. But there is a little secret. If in the first half of winter the temperature of its content is reduced to fifteen degrees, the buds will be tied earlier and in larger quantities. Perhaps, in March Eschinanthus will blossom. Care is very important. This plant does not tolerate the slightest drafts, temperature changes, and especially raw and cold air. Do not live with open windows, even close to a cold window pane to set it is not recommended.

Illumination and watering

You need a lot of light, but without direct sunlight. In a bright sun, especially in summer, the plant needs to be shaded. Water as the earth dries up, that is, moderately. Do not overdry, but do not make a drowned person out of it. If the land does not have time to dry up from watering to watering, then the eschinanthus loses the leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. But he loves sprays! Warm water, better filtered or stationary, and every day. It is possible and twice.

How to make transplantation and rejuvenation

Eschinanthus should be transplanted once a year. It is better to do this before or after flowering, that is, either very early in the spring or late autumn, certainly with a clod of earth and a slightly larger pot. The soil can be any, but a thick layer of drainage must be provided without fail. After flowering you can trim, young shoots are best to pinch. Like most plants, this makes the eschinanthus more magnificent and even more beautiful.

Home care includes also the rejuvenation of the flower. Approximately in the fifth year, the eschinanthus begins to lose its attractiveness - shoots are bare. Therefore, in advance you need to take care of a decent change of generations and try to grow from a handle of the same plant a new pet, the same beautiful. Tops (cuttings) eshinanthus reproduces quite simply. Cuttings cut with five or six knees (this is about ten centimeters). Lower leaves should be cut off. The stem itself should be stuck in moist soil and covered with a jar or a packet. Rooting takes place in two to three weeks. After this, a new eschinanthus will grow.

Care at home is not limited to watering and transplantation. Need additional fertilizer from April to September. In winter the plant rests. Fertilizer is a common universal complex. You can use top dressing for flowering plants.

Diseases and pests

Here are the diseases and pests Eshinanthus stands. It is not so capricious as it is with temperature and humidity. Sometimes damaged by decay and thrips. Dampness and drafts bring the plant gray rot and mushroom sores.

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