Food and drinkCooking tips

How to cook lentils to make and tasty and healthy

The faithful companion of mankind from time immemorial, useful and tasty lentils (a family of legumes), is, along with cereals, a food product, to which the human body is adapted at the genetic level. Dishes from lentils were consumed by the inhabitants of ancient Egypt, Greece and Babylon, and in representatives of different classes of lentils had unequal value. For the poor, it served as the basis for their daily diet, and for the wealthy classes was a delicacy beloved for their medicinal properties. The inhabitants of ancient Russia, also, highly appreciated the use and nutritional value of lentils, at one time it was even used in bakery.

The first unique feature of lentils is that it remains environmentally friendly, regardless of the degree of environmental pollution. The second - a constituent of lentils vegetable protein, in no way inferior to the animal, without having thus characteristic for meat protein fat components. Unlike other legumes, before cooking lentils, it does not need to be soaked, so at any time there is an opportunity not only to diversify your menu, but also to strengthen health. After all, lentils contain such useful substances as iron, potassium and folic acid, and it is especially recommended for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as with problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Useful lentils during pregnancy, as it helps the correct development of the fetus.

Lentils are red, brown and green (immature). It is very important to know exactly how much to cook lentils of different kinds, so that it does not turn into an unappetizing porridge. Brown lentils are cooked, with pre-soaking for 2-3 hours, 30-40 minutes. If lentils cook right away, then it will take about an hour - one and a half. A little longer brewed green lentils, but the preparation of the red variety will have to spend no more than half an hour.

From lentils prepare a variety of dishes - soups, cereals, patties, pates, salads. Here are a few simple recipes showing how to cook lentils simply and delicious.

Recipe number 1 - soup of lentils.

For the recipe you will need: a glass of brown lentils; Bulb: small carrots; Half a small root of celery; two tomatoes; Bell pepper; vegetable oil; Dry basil; marjoram; Garlic 2-3 slices; salt; Fresh parsley.

Lentils are well washed and cooked. Carrot and celery grate on a large grater, chop the sweet peppers and fry them all together in vegetable oil. Add a small onion cubed and fry for a few more minutes. When the lentils are almost soft, put the fried vegetables in it, add salt, dilute, if necessary, with boiling water to the consistency of the soup and cook until ready. At the very end of the cooking, add peeled and diced tomatoes, chopped garlic, spices and cook for another 5 minutes. This soup is good to sprinkle with parsley and serve with croutons from rye bread.

Recipe number 2 - lentils with rice.

For the recipe you will need: a glass of lentils; ½ cup of rice; 3-4 tablespoons of butter; Ground hot red pepper; salt; Fresh parsley. To all the ingredients of this dish were ready at the same time, you should take red lentils for it, or, before cooking lentils of brown and green variety, soak it for 2-3 hours.

Pre-prepared lentils, boil in two glasses of water. Separately boil the friable rice and cool it to room temperature. Pour the rice into the hot lentil, gently mix, add the red pepper and salt. Pour melted butter and sprinkle with chopped parsley. To this dish is recommended to serve a salad of fresh vegetables.

And, in conclusion, some more useful recommendations:

1. Before cooking, lentils should be rinsed well to remove any debris from it.

2. Salt lentils better at the very end of cooking, then it is faster to prepare and will be softer.

3. It is better to put lentils in boiling water, so it will boil less.

4. Be sure, from time to time, check the lentils for readiness, since the exact time of cooking for it is difficult to establish.

Now, knowing how to cook lentils, you have the opportunity to boldly fantasize, inventing all the new dishes for your menu.

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