HealthHealthy Eating

Vegetable protein and other types of proteins

So-called proteins or simply proteins serve as building material, the very foundation of all living, the most important and indispensable component of the menu of any person. After all, they participate in the most important processes of life, make up 17 percent of the total body weight of any of the people and are an important part of the cell. Therefore, the role of proteins is very great.

It is from them that new muscle fibers are created, traumatized or dead body tissues are restored. Due to proteins, muscles are contracted and worked and many vital processes and functions are carried out. This, above all, the excretion of waste and energy. If a person has to eat only food that contains too little fat and carbohydrates, or even starve, then the proteins come to the rescue, acting as spare sources of energy and nutritional elements.

Any proteins consist of a set of specific amino acids. Some of them are synthesized in the body and called interchangeable, but some amino acids can be obtained only with food - and they are called irreplaceable. It is the proteins that supply the body with such irreplaceable elements. All of them are divided into two groups - animals and plants.

Animal protein is, first of all, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. Of the meat products most of all contain protein beef, rabbit, pork and poultry. All these are full-fledged products that supply the body with everything you need. True, some scientists and vegetarianism argue today, trying to prove the harm of meat products or the need for their restriction in the diet.

Different types of meat differ in the level of protein and ease of digestion. Compared to all other animal proteins, the protein contained in the eggs is the most complete, easily and completely absorbed by our body and contains the most optimal ratio of all the essential amino acids that a person needs. True, in its use it is worth keeping to the measure, since the eggs are quite caloric. Less caloric is fish, and its protein is also easily digested.

Milk protein is extremely useful and is found not only in milk, but also in varying degrees in all dairy products. And this is wonderful, because the actual milk is not digested by adults.

Vegetable protein is most difficult to digest and then difficult to digest. In addition, it lacks some of the essential amino acids. That is why your diet should be thought through and make up so that it included not only those products that contain vegetable protein. If a person prefers vegetable food, he should take certain nutritional supplements to avoid a lack of nutrients. Vegetable protein is found in legumes, coconut, mushrooms, nuts, fruit seeds, grains.

In a day a person needs up to 60 grams of protein, and each organizes their meals so that they are optimal and balanced in composition. In the menu should not prevail, say, only vegetable protein or meat products prevail. It is difficult for digestion and functioning of the body. Here, as in any other occupation, it is worth keeping to the measure and adhere to a reasonable approach, only then it will be possible to maintain health and excellent condition.

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