Food and drinkCooking tips

How to cook chicken liver: recipes for all tastes

Chicken liver is a delicacy, much more tender and healthy than pork or beef. Carefully and skillfully cooked, the chicken liver can become not only an everyday dish, but also decorate a festive table.

How to cook chicken liver? Yes it's quite simple. It is enough to know the basic recipes and vary them, changing the ingredients, composition and spices.

1. First, we'll look at how to cook a chicken liver in sour cream.

Probably, this is the simplest recipe: for a hot frying pan, where you first need to pour a little vegetable oil, lay out the cleaned and washed up liver. If the pieces are large, cut them. That the oil does not splash, the liver can be dried before cooking. Fry quickly, stirring from time to time, until light rustic crust. Add onion cut into half rings and fry the liver along with the onion, reducing the fire to medium. Pepper and salt to taste, sprinkle with spices, put a couple of laurel leaves and pour a mixture of a glass of sour cream mixed with half a glass of water (this is 1 kg of liver). Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer for about 5 minutes. A wonderful dish can be eaten with a side dish of pasta, cereals, vegetables. In principle, any garnish will do.

2. If you replace sour cream in the previous recipe for wine (preferably red dry), mixed with water, then the liver becomes a festive dish.

3. An excellent answer to the question "How to cook chicken liver?" Is a recipe for pancakes from the liver.

Pechenka, onion, garlic (for lovers) let's go through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. Salt, pepper - to taste. Add a couple of eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour, mix well and fry in a hot frying pan, like ordinary pancakes, scooping up the mixture with a spoon. Fry from both sides, turning over as it is ready. These fritters are good and hot, and cold. This mixture is used to make a "cake" for the liver cake, only a larger amount of liver-onion dough is poured out on the pan (it's good to do this with a ladle), it is leveled and turned over with a spatula as soon as it is ready.

You can sandwich and pancake, holding them together for 2-3 pieces, and cakes. As a filler fried onions in large quantities, mixed with mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic, greens are perfect.

To the question "How to cook a chicken liver?" We, in principle, answered: fry, stew, chop and again fry. These are basic skills.

Now consider where you can use the liver.


Liver in salads is a classic of the genre. It is so tender and fragrant that it perfectly blends with a wide variety of ingredients.

Salad "China"

In the basis - the leaves of Peking cabbage, which need to lay out a dish of medium depth. Then spread out layers: green apple (finely chopped or grated). Lemon juice pour apple layer. Next - a layer of roasted chicken liver (gram 300-400), on top - cut into thin rings or semirings bulb (preferably red), a handful of pine nuts, in the absence - can be replaced by a handful of crushed walnuts. Pour all the salad dressing: 2 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably apple), mixed with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive - best), salt, pepper - to taste. Preparation of such a salad does not take long, but the taste is wonderful!

Chicken liver in microwave oven

Now many mistresses use microwave for speed and simplicity of cooking. Let's look at how to cook a chicken liver in this device, which has already become a common thing in the kitchens around the world.

Chicken liver pour the milk so that it was barely covered. Fry the onions with carrots, but more. This can also be done with a microwave oven: put chopped onions and carrots in a bowl, add vegetable oil and send to the oven for 1.5 to 3 minutes, depending on the capacity. Pull, stir and once again set the timer for 2.5 - 3 minutes. The frying is ready. Before lunch or dinner, send the roast in the liver with milk, add the spices (saffron, turmeric, curry), set the full power and bring to a boil (about 3 minutes). Reduce power to medium and cook for 15-20 minutes. The sauce turns out fine, gentle, slightly sweet. Garnish - any.


Chicken liver in pates is gorgeous. The simplest recipe is fried onions with fried carrots and fried liver over a large fire to pass through a meat grinder or blender. Spices - to taste. Blend the mixture slightly.


Pre-marinated chicken liver is prepared in a fraction of a second on very high heat. As marinades dry wine - white and red, vinegar different in a mix with spices will approach.

Knowing the basics of "hepatic cooking", cook delicious chicken liver will not be difficult for any mistress. The main thing is desire, then everything will turn out!

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