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The novel 'What should I do?': The first Utopian work in Russian literature

The novel "What to do?" Belongs to the pen of one of the most famous writers and literary critics. Being included in the school curriculum, this great work is read by many. And in the Soviet era, when Chernyshevsky was given the status of a great revolutionary democrat, the novel What Is to Be Done? Was one of the most famous literary works. Of course, today Chernyshevsky's name has lost its former grandeur and glory, but interest in the novel has not weakened. The history of the novel "What to do?" Is noteworthy.

Nikolai Gavrilovich wrote his masterpiece, being imprisoned in solitary confinement of Alekseevsky Ravelin, who is in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The novel was written almost a year, and then, after going through the investigative commission, which dealt with Chernyshevsky's case, in parts were transferred to the writers. Of course, the censors and the commission considered in the novel only a love story, so they allowed him to print it in the journal Sovremennik. Later, when the novel "What should I do?" Was published, the error was, of course, discovered, and everyone who had anything to do with the publication of the novel was seized from office. All the numbers of Sovremennik, in which the novel was printed, were banned. The history of the novel "What to do?", As you can see, is not at all simple. And if you consider also that the novel was lost on the way from the Peter and Paul Fortress to the editorial board of Sovremennik and picked up by some peasant in the street, it becomes clear how miraculously it has come down to our days.

At first glance it seems that "What to do?" Is a love story. However, the novel reflects philosophical, aesthetic, economic, social hints on the future. In fact, this is the first utopian novel in Russian literature. And the history of the creation of the novel "What to do?" Was dictated by the needs of the time. But, at the same time, Chernyshevsky was able to anticipate a revolution to which the tsar's reforms were quietly quiet, as well as some details, for example, aluminum in the novel is called metal, which will be used in the future. In addition, some characters in the novel What Is To Be Done? Are autobiographical. So, Lady in mourning from the last chapter is the writer's wife, Olga Chernyshevskaya, who personifies virtue and love.

The main heroine of the novel is Vera Rozalskaya, who does not resemble her surroundings and family. She suffers greatly from this until her brother's teacher, Dmitry Lopukhov, comes up with a plan for her salvation. It consists in the girl making a fictitious marriage with him, which will allow her to get rid of parental oppression and become an independent person. She begins to learn, she opens her sewing, which became a new word in the economy of that time, because the profit was divided equally among all the women workers. At the end of the novel, Vera becomes the first female physician.

The novel "What to do?" Has an unusual for that time love story. After several years of marriage, Dmitry and Vera begin to love each other for real. And after a while, the love of two turns into a triangle. The third becomes Alexander Kirsanov, who loves Faith. Then the plot develops in an unpredictable manner, but how exactly, you can find out by reading the novel.

Chernyshevsky contributes a novel to a novel by the name of Rakhmetov. In the work he does not play a big role, however his biography and deeds allow him to be singled out as a special type of person. Which one? You will find out if you read the novel. In addition to Rakhmetov, the other main characters also make up the type of new people (but not special ones) who live and think outside the box and act in a new way, going against the established traditions.

What is the end of the novel? This is what the readers of the genius work of the classic of Russian literature Nikolai Chernyshevsky will learn. It's not for nothing that his works have grown many generations of interesting and great people.

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