HealthHealthy Eating

How to cleanse the body for several days

Probably, with everyone there is such situation when it is necessary to lose excess weight, to give a body a sports kind. Now many have become interested in the question of how to clean the body. Nowadays, most of the population thinks about the problem of excess weight, because it begins to understand that a beautiful, tightened body looks more effective than a saggy and fat one. Slender girls and guys feel much more confident than those who are overweight. So how to clean the body, you ask. It is enough to give up fried foods and sit on a light diet for a short time. Now let's see what can be done with your body in just a few days!

To not have to clean every month, you need to lead an active lifestyle, forget about bad habits and start playing sports. Sport forces your muscles to work and burn calories, and along with them, fats that are deposited in many places. Before explaining the features of this diet, I will tell you that after this you should switch to a healthy diet so that the result of the diet remains in your body, rather than disappearing in a few days. And now we will continue!

Now there are a lot of different long diets that help people get rid of excess weight and get a tight sports body. But if you need to lose extra pounds in a few days, then read on! This diet is designed for two days, but you can increase the period depending on the weight that you need to get rid of. I call this diet tropical-mineral, because in these two days you will have to eat vegetables, fruits and drink all the mineral water.

On the first day in the morning, eat one grapefruit or two oranges, biting several apple slices and grapes. And those who usually drink tea and coffee in the morning should replace these drinks with mineral water. In your place in the morning, I would eat only grapefruit, since only the body can clean the body quickly and effectively. Between breakfast and lunch you can eat a salad of grapes and kiwi. A drink should be mineral water. Lunch will consist of a tropical salad, including grapefruit, apple and mandarin. And for dinner you can eat a banana, but only one. As you can see, the diet of the first day is full of fruits, as they have a low calorie content.

The second day will be full of vegetables, because they speed up the burning process. Without vegetables, the diet would not "work". Cleansing the body occurs all day, but to increase the effect, you can do a few light physical exercises, such as squats, push-ups, press. Just do not overdo it, you can lose consciousness from sudden overstrain. And now we will pass to your food ration on the second day of a diet. In the morning you need to make a few grilled tomatoes. For flavor you can add seasoning. Also, drink carrot juice, it will give you cheerfulness for the whole day. During a snack, you can figure out for yourself a salad of cucumbers, celery, bell pepper. You can use lemon juice for taste. For dinner it is necessary to cook a couple of vegetables, or rather cauliflower, tomatoes, eggplants, celery, and fill with salt and black pepper. And as a drink, use your "faithful friend" - mineral water. For dinner make a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes - this will be a perfect ending to your diet.

During these two days, the organism is rapidly cleansed. Diet is aimed at ensuring that in the shortest possible time you can remove the maximum amount of excess weight, but in addition they are stocked with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. I hope that now you know how to cleanse the body and get a beautiful figure. The case is yours!

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