
Composition, description, reviews and instructions "Cyclo 3 Fort". The drug "Cyclo 3 Fort": instructions for use and analogues

Modern medics actively prescribe a variety of medicines. All of them are divided into prescription and over-the-counter. Drugs can be taken orally, administered vaginally or rectally, applied topically or delivered via injections. Everything depends on the patient's condition and indications.

This article will bring to your attention the review of the drug "Cyclo 3 Fort". Instructions for use, reviews about it and some analogues will be described below. It is also worth mentioning about the composition of the drug and its purpose. Please note that the information provided should not prompt you to self-use tablets or their analogues. Appointment of the drug is done by a doctor who specializes in the problems described below.

general description

What does the user give the instruction? "Cyclo 3 Fort" is a venotonic preparation for oral use. It consists of several active substances. It is an extract of dry needle barb (150 mg), hesperidin (150 mg) and ascorbic acid (100 mg). This is the number of components included in one tablet. As additional components, mention may be made of talc, silica colloidal dioxide, polyethylene glycol. The capsule shell is composed of gelatin and titanium dioxide.

The cost of the drug in Russia is not easy to call. The medicine is sold mainly on the territory of Ukraine. There, at "Cyclo 3 Fort", the price is about three hundred hryvnia for thirty capsules (this is about 1,100 Russian rubles).

Purpose of the medicine

You already know that the drug "Cyclo 3 Fort" instruction, reviews of consumers and doctors are referred to as venotonic. The annotation details the indications for which the medication is prescribed. These are the following situations:

  • Chronic venous insufficiency, which is accompanied by pain, swelling, heaviness in the lower limbs;
  • Cramps in the legs (mainly at night);
  • Hemorrhoids of different origin and localization (internal and external);
  • In gynecology with pronounced premenstrual syndrome, metrorrhagia, use of contraceptives;
  • Lymphatic insufficiency and some blood diseases.

The instruction, which is applied to the preparation "Cyclo 3 Fort", tells not only about the indications. The annotation also describes cases in which the use of a medicine is unacceptable. They always need to be considered. Even if the medicine was prescribed by a specialist, be sure to read the contraindications.

Limitations are temporary and complete

What important information does the instruction contain? "Cyclo 3 Fort" is not assigned to patients who are highly sensitive to any of its components. In this case, it is not only the main active substances, but also additional ones.

Contraindicated is a vein-toning agent for women during lactation. At pregnancy the medicine is admitted to destination. However, the expected and expected benefit for the mother should be higher than the risk for her child. Do not prescribe medication to children under the age of 18 and patients with a tendency to bleeding.

Instruction: "Cyclo 3 Fort"

The drug is recommended to use immediately after meals. Capsules do not require pre-grinding. They need to be washed down with clean water in the proper amount. Depending on the indications and complaints of the patient, individual dosage of the drug may be selected.

With venous insufficiency, as well as in gynecology, the drug is prescribed two to three times a day. If the patient suffers from acute hemorrhoids, then the drug "Cyclo 3 Fort" The instruction advises to use up to five times a day. The duration of therapy is always determined individually, but the instruction advises taking the medicine for at least one month. If necessary, the course can be repeated periodically.

Side effects of the drug and the likelihood of their occurrence

You already know how the "Cyclo 3 Fort" instruction describes the instruction. The price of the medication is also presented above. However, this information is not enough to start treatment. Before using the tablets, it is necessary to study side effects. If you are confronted with one of the unpleasant symptoms, you should always consult a doctor. Some cases require immediate withdrawal of the drug and correction of treatment.

Medication in some patients can cause a feeling of nausea and bloating. To get rid of such an undesirable reaction, the annotation advises taking medicine while eating. If you have an upset stomach after the first reception, then you need to urgently stop the therapy and see a doctor. When the doses and schemes of application are observed, adverse reactions are extremely rare. The most frequent are allergic reactions in the form of hives, rashes and itching.

Can I replace tablets?

Before selecting an analogue of the drug, instruction should be studied. "Cyclo 3 Fort" is a unique medication that has no analogues on the active substance. However, you can find drugs with different components, but they work in the same way.

Venotonizing agents for oral administration include the following: Detralex, Venarus, Troxevasin, Flebodia, Antistax, and so on. Some of them contain in their composition heparin, which is included in the tablets "Cyclo 3 Fort". Others are of vegetable origin and other active ingredients.

Remember that the analogue of the drug can not be chosen independently. Be sure to consult a doctor and take a preliminary examination. Replacement of the medication is usually performed in the presence of contraindications, side effects or if it is ineffective. This is exactly what the instruction says to the Cyclo 3 Fort drug.

The opinions that have developed about venotonics

Consumers say that the drug is quite convenient to take. The gelatinous shell allows you to swallow a tablet with a small amount of water without much difficulty. Also, patients note the rapid and effective action of the drug. Elimination of pain and heaviness in the legs is noted a few days after the first application. Also, those users who treated them with hemorrhoids speak positively about tablets. The agent almost never causes adverse reactions and does not have a negative effect.

Doctors remind, that correction of hemorrhoids should be short-term. If within one week the medication has not helped you, then it's worth to turn to a specialist as soon as possible and pick up an analogue. Long-term inactivity can lead to the fact that the pathology will move into a more serious form.

Many women take the medicine during pregnancy. The plus of the drug is its natural composition. But gynecologists pay attention that tablets are inadmissible to use independently. Also, it is not allowed to begin therapy before the twentieth week of pregnancy. Most of the fairer sex have problems with the vessels on the last terms of bearing a child. During this period, the tablets can not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Let's make a conclusion

You could get acquainted with the information on the preparation "Cyclo 3 Fort". Instructions for use, price, analogues of the medication are presented to your attention. Pay attention to the fact that the body of each person is individual. Therefore, do not rely on the opinions of others and other consumers. To start using this medication, consult a doctor. Often the "Cyclo 3 Fort" remedy is combined with suppositories from hemorrhoids, ointments and anti-inflammatory medications.

Shelf life of the medicine is 2 years from the date of manufacture. Storage conditions - at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. All the best to you, do not be ill!

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