
For what and how to use the drug "Nyz" (ointment)

The drug "Naise" (ointment) is applied

- to relieve inflammation of the musculoskeletal system,

- with articular syndrome, accompanied by rheumatism,

- with arthritis of various etiologies,

- during an exacerbation of gout,

- with osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome,

- with ankylosing spondylitis.

Also this drug helps with radiculitis, osteoarthritis, inflammation of ligaments and tendons, bursitis and inflammation of soft tissues after injuries.

During muscle pain of various origins, it is also often recommended to use the medicine "Naise" (ointment). Instructions for use suggest local application of the drug. In this case, it causes a decrease in the intensity of pain or their disappearance, significantly reduces the morning swelling and stiffness of the joints. As a result, the amplitude and number of available motions increase.

"Naise" is an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids. In addition to its main purpose, it also antipyretic, decongestant, cooling and analgesic actions. Due to the influence on enzymes that participate in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which in turn are intermediaries in the formation of edema, inflammation and, as a result, pain, "Nyz" (ointment) medication can neutralize these phenomena.

In addition, the drug inhibits the occurrence of toxic products of oxygen decay, that is, it has antioxidant properties. When applied locally, the effect becomes noticeable after about a month of use.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to wash and dry the skin before applying ointment on it. It should be applied to the area of maximum pain with a uniform thin layer no more than four times a day.

The total duration of treatment is determined by specialists depending on the size of the painful area, as well as on the individual reaction of the patient to the drug.

With prolonged use, systematic monitoring of kidney function is necessary. Treated ointment skin areas do not need to be covered with occlusive dressings.

"Nyz" ointment: instruction on contraindications and possible side reactions

Adverse reactions with the use of "Nyz" ointment can be different. With topical application, peeling, itching, hives, discoloration of the skin are possible. However, the latter is not an excuse for discontinuing the drug. In case of ointment application, there are likely to be such adverse reactions as diarrhea, heartburn, gastralgia, nausea or vomiting, gastrointestinal ulceration, headaches and dizziness, hematuria, fluid retention, anemia, as well as allergic reactions such as skin rashes or anaphylactic shock.

Also, with the use of this drug may increase the duration of bleeding, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis. In case of adverse reactions, you should immediately stop using Naise (ointment) and consult with a specialist.

Elderly patients are prescribed this medication with caution because of the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, GI disorders, renal dysfunction, or bleeding tendencies at this age, especially when treated with antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. Diabetics should also take the drug strictly dosed, since it contains sucrose.

Categorically it is contraindicated to use "Nize" (ointment) during pregnancy and lactation. However, if the drug should be used, then it is better to stop breastfeeding. Also, do not use it for dermatoses and skin lesions. It is necessary to watch, that "Najz" (ointment) did not get on mucous membranes and especially - in eyes. Also, this remedy should not be used to treat children under the age of two.

Contraindicated use of the drug with increased sensitivity to nimesulide, the remaining components of the drug, as well as to other anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids, and acetylsalicylic acid.

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