Self improvementPsychology

Features of development. How are thinking, speech and human activities related?

We do not always think about what processes occur before we commit any action. But between work of the first thought and the final result. First, we have an idea, it is thought out, it takes on a clearer expression. After the thought has fully formed, the person embodies the conceived. For each individual, this process is purely individual. Meanwhile, as a person thinks, expresses and acts, interaction manifests itself. How are thinking, speech and human activities related, discussed in the article.

What is thinking?

The brain of a person works, even when it seems to us that we do not think. It happens that it is natural for a person to think after his interaction with the outside world. He becomes acquainted with reality with the help of sensory cognition. After that, the received information is processed. Such manifestations of brain activity are called visual-effective, as well as visual-figurative thinking. And they represent evidence of how thinking, speech and human activity are related.

Also, a person develops theoretical thinking. It consists in the knowledge of phenomena that are inaccessible to sensations. For example, when studying the physics of elementary particles, difficulties arose with their actual detection. Even using modern microscopes, this can not be done. Therefore, the existence of particles was proved by logical deductions. They are not invisible at all, but possess certain properties even at very small sizes.

Thinking is the formation of knowledge

We learn something as a result of appropriate mental activity. The essence of what is happening, as well as the internal connections between phenomena, becomes possible to understand as a result of the work of the brain. The ability to think is the highest stage of knowledge.

Often the question arises as to how thinking, speech and human activity are related. The answer is that there is a knowledge of the surrounding world, the formation of certain conclusions. For this, the following logical operations are performed by the person:

  • Analysis.
  • Synthesis.
  • Comparison.
  • Generalization.

About logical operations more

In how thought, speech and human activity are related, each of the above logical operations helps to understand . In particular, the analysis is conducted with a view to understanding something more deeply. It consists in the decomposition of the object into its constituent parts. Thanks to the analysis it turns out to understand the structure of the subject under consideration. At the same time, its properties seem more specific, and knowledge becomes accessible to man and completely real.

But one decomposition of an object into its components is simply not enough to understand its essence. Therefore, the next step is to establish a connection between the detected parts. This is the work of synthesis. That is, after the objects were separated by analysis, they are connected.

Comparison is the identification of common characteristics and insignia. Thus, for a long time man managed to discover new laws. That is, there was a revealing of stable links between objects and events. Thanks to the established laws, man was able to influence the social life and nature.

The basic forms of thinking are also presented by judgments and inferences. Judgment consists in the consent or denial of a phenomenon. Judgments come about on the basis of judgments. They are a thought process aimed at bringing a new proposition out of the existing.

The connection between thinking and speaking

We rarely think about how speech, thinking and activity are related. But we think in a certain language. When studying a foreign language, this becomes especially noticeable. After all, for an internal monologue, we usually prefer our own.

The better the idea is expressed in words, the more clearly and comprehensibly it is perceived. And vice versa: the better the thought is thought out, the better verbal expression it gets as a result. In any case, thinking is a conscious process.

What is the manifestation of activity

For a person, it is peculiar to carry out transformative activity. In this case, the person behaves, adapting. In particular, at the beginning of its development, people were able to adapt to geographical and climatic conditions. After changing the riverbed and flooding the fields, significant changes occurred in the life of the people living nearby. In the first place, this affected economic activity.

Gradually, man was built dams, canals, irrigation systems. Man has subdued to himself the natural elements. That is, people are transformed nature, not just adaptation to it. This is the essential difference between man and the representatives of the animal world.

How does a person transmit information to children

In addition, people do not have an innate program aimed at changing the nature of the activity. Man is not able to transmit a number of certain actions to his descendants genetically. Survived only by people who have been able to develop non-biological images of the organization of their lives. To survive, it was necessary to change the forms of behavior, features of activity, as well as mental attitudes. It can also be said that such a model is inherent to a person, since speech, thought, and activity are connected.

That is, by trial and error, the individual had to determine the variant of the behavior that is correct. As a result, he passed the accumulated experience to his descendants orally. His children gradually developed their own knowledge and in the same way passed them on. That is, gradually formed the formation of links that separate man and nature. In addition, people's activities have contributed to the transformation of biological life into a social one.

Thinking of children of preschool age

Features of thinking are directly related to age. Preschoolers are developing rapidly. They are characterized by a rapid expansion of the range of thought problems. This is made possible by an effective form of thinking. It is this kind of it for children that is basic.

A child aged 3-6 years is engaged in different activities. It is aimed at enriching the existing knowledge about the subjects and their features. A preschooler learns independence in choosing and solving problems that arise before him. Appropriate studies have been carried out on this issue. They showed that children of preschool age tend to change from practical actions to mental ones.

Children of younger preschool age (3-4 years) begin to solve the problem immediately. The child does not engage in preliminary analysis of the question posed. He starts to solve it and is usually surprised by the result. That is, it comprehends it only after the task is completed. But children 5-6 years old are often engaged in scoring what they are doing. In 6-7 years the child is able to perform the task mentally. After that he says what he plans to do. It happens, because speech and thinking are connected. And then he quickly accomplishes the task.

How schoolboys think

For children of school age is characterized by a gradual development of the ability of thinking, which amounts to a generalization of the information received. Unless children tend to worry at the answer at a board. Also the child can experience during the performance of the test work, before the open lesson, the exam. By and large this is happening, since speech is related, and thinking, and activity. In this respect, children have their own specificity.

Such emotions cause inhibition. They are the reason for the slowing down of thinking. After all, in a calm environment, the student successfully copes with the tasks. At home, he perfectly studied the topic of the lesson and can retell the paragraph. But when answering the lesson, he worries and forgets what he read.

But there are students who perceive a test or an exam as an incentive. For them it is peculiar to accelerate work in emergency situations. Teachers in assessing knowledge in such cases should take into account the individual characteristics of students. Experienced teachers are always guided by the way the speech is related, and thinking, and activity in schoolchildren.

Features of thinking of adults

Adults think differently. Although the question of how speech is related, and thinking, and activities in adults, is of no small importance. They have different ways of correlating the complementary forms, as well as the types of mental activity. It is about visual-effective, visually-figurative and abstract thinking. Individual characteristics are also characterized by independence in solving problems, flexibility of mind, and speed. In more detail, these characteristics look like this:

  1. Independence consists in the ability to see and raise a new question. After that, you need to deal with it without help. It is in such independence that the creative character of thinking is expressed.
  2. Flexibility is the ability of thinking to change the plan outlined at the beginning. Any system proposed in advance must be subject to change if it does not meet the new conditions. During the development of the situation, there are moments that were not known and taken into account when drawing up the plan.
  3. But you need to think quickly if an emergency situation occurs. This is required for military operations, accidents.

All these actions become possible, since speech is connected, and thinking, and activity.

In people, thinking plays an important role. Thanks to the mental abilities it becomes possible to make the right decisions, correctly assess the emerging situations.

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