
How the banana grows, or the idea for business

Do you know where bananas grow? The photos below will probably surprise you ...

"Bananas grow on palm trees!" It's strange, but in the age of high technologies and the widest possibilities of the Internet , more than half of the population think so. And how does a banana actually grow ? Perhaps, the information below will be for someone a business idea and will be further developed.

To begin with, this is a berry, not a tropical fruit. Banana is a giant grass. Its leaves can reach 15 meters. But the trunk, like a tree, no. Even the stalk is almost invisible and more like a tuber.

The largest and oldest leaves look like puffers (they are also called vaginal). New grow over them, forming a kind of multi-layered tube, called a false stem.

As the banana grows quite fast (up to eight meters in one year), then the fruits, unlike those we collect from trees, appear much earlier. If before the first crop is removed from tree seedlings, such as an apple or pear tree, it will take several years, then this grass is able to harvest for the second year.

After cessation of growth and the formation of new leaves within false stems, powerful peduncles begin to develop. After a few weeks on the tops appear very large inflorescences. They are wrapped in a multitude of colorful, leafy leaves, like a huge and bright kidney, which one by one turns one by one. This amazing spectacle is reminiscent of the discovery of a giant bud.

Soon, lateral inflorescences are opened from the sun-yellow flowers arranged in rows. Pollination occurs due to bats, nectarine birds, tupayus (animals that look like squirrels) and, of course, insects. Then the covering leaves leave (fall off), and in place of the flowers begin to tie berries (bananas). Maturation is gradual. On one peduncle there are so many lateral inflorescences that at the time of opening the last covering leaves at the base the fruits are already ripening.

It is believed that the cultivation of this giant plant in our regions is impossible, since a banana grows only in the tropics. However, this opinion is erroneous. Even in tsarist Russia, there were banana greenhouses with heating. Today, there are much more opportunities for these purposes. It is simply important to have a fairly spacious greenhouse.

Of the forty types of banana for growing at home, only two varieties are suitable: "Super-Carlic" and "Dwarf". For them, greenhouses with a height of two meters are quite suitable.

Seedlings can be obtained from seeds sold in specialized stores, but the finished plant is, of course, easier to buy. A ten centimeter seedling can yield in a couple of years.

But since a banana grows only in special conditions, one has to think about creating a suitable climate for the plant. Temperature fluctuations should not exceed the limits of +15 о С at night and +25 о С in the afternoon. The earth must be very fertile, the humidity moderate. Frequent spraying of leaves is required, but the land is watered if necessary (to avoid rotting of the roots).

The lateral processes that appear as the banana grows need to be separated. By the way, they can be used for reproduction.

Fruits will be tied only on the spot of female flowers (in the inflorescence there are also male flowers). The number of bananas can reach 300 pieces in a brush. The plant is removed after fruiting.

New bananas are already beginning with the obtained outgrowths.

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