HealthHealthy Eating

Energy value of products: where "live" extra calories

The sage of ancient times once said the now-winged phrase: "We eat to live." It is quite possible to consider it a commandment of a healthy diet. To maintain the normal state of the body, a person receives energy from food. When food is not enough, it becomes lethargic, weak, is in decline. When food is consumed too much, then gradually its excess turns into excess weight. To be able to regulate these processes, a person became interested in such a question as the energy value of products.

It is also worth considering such a time as caloric content. The energy value of products also has this name. This is the amount of energy that is released from foods after the process of digestion, passing in the human body. The energy value of food is measured in kilocalories, but usually the prefix "kilo" is omitted. This unit of measurement is equal to one thousandth of heat, which is necessary in order to heat one liter of water by one degree. When the body absorbs food, energy is also released in the form of heat.

Any consumed treats has its own food and energy value of products. For example, one gram of carbohydrates or proteins contains four calories, and the same weight Fat has in itself already ten calories. For a long time, traditional medicine believed that the energy value of products that are of vegetable origin is very low. This statement was based on the fact that raw fruits or vegetables almost no carbohydrates and fats, and the amount of proteins is negligible.

Bircher Benner, a well-known Swiss nutritionist, has developed an original concept of improving human health based on energy. He regarded each product in terms of its complex energy value, which takes into account not only the number of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, but also the presence in its composition of trace elements, vitamins, fiber, enzymes and other useful substances, in addition, the degree of ease of assimilation of such food. All products of the famous nutritionist regarded as batteries of life energy.

The most useful were vegetables and fruits, which contain natural fruit sugar. The scientist considered that the need of the human body for such a sugar is much more significant than in proteins or fats. Of animal products Origin, he put in the first place mother's milk, then cow or goat, and chicken eggs. True, he paid attention to the peculiarities of their use. For example, he did not advise milk to heat above seventy degrees, and eggs are separately - boiled protein and raw yolk.

The energy value of foods consumed in food is extremely important. On it depends the person's health, appearance, weight. The higher the calorie content and the less energy expended, the higher the chance of gaining excess weight. Dietitians are convinced that by reducing the calorie content of food by 100 per day, a person is able to prevent the appearance of an extra kilogram per year. To lose weight, you have to reduce your daily intake by five hundred calories.

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